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The Differing Elevator Syndrome

By Dr Joshua David Stone

All of humanity is on the path of ascension. As the forces of evolution carry us onward and upward, all are a part of this divine truth. However, there is a vast difference between those who are consciously on the path of ascension and those who are not. We who are consciously traversing the realms of Spirit actually are carrying different energies within our four lower bodies as well as bringing through the sublime energies of the soul/monadic realms. Therefore we are functioning at quite a different frequency than those who are not engaged in this process. So it follows that our needs and desires change. God-realization becomes our very reason for being.

We are living at a time when the energies of enlightenment and the opportunity for ascension are accelerated in a way that has never been experienced on Earth before. The thrust and force of change is so much upon us that the very forces of the heavens are seeking out any and all of us who feel the seeds of spirituality sprouting and taking root at this time. These seeds are growing and ripening at lightning speed. The ascended masters on the inner plane are drawing ever nearer to humanity; and all of us who find resonance with the song of Spirit find ourselves drawing closer to the masters, God and our own souls and monads.

Thus we find that a relationship that would have plodded along at a more comfortable pace at an earlier time is now stirred up by the fact that one of the partners is responding with the full force of their being to the spiritual stimulation that is now occurring in the world. The other partner may not be quite so ripe for change and may not understand what is going on. If you find yourself seeking a spiritual path alone within a relationship, you are most likely the one who has sought out this book. I want to assure you that you are not alone, for this is a situation that many lightworkers face at this time.

What the eventual outcome of such a relationship will be varies with the couple and the adjustments that each person is willing to make within the relationship. It is important to hold a great deal of compassion both for yourself and your partner as you explore the issues involved. If you have held an attitude of judgment towards your partner who seems less interested in matters of the spirit, then it is crucial that you release that judgment now. The path of ascension is not one of judgment but of discernment; and so it is with the discriminating eye that we shall proceed.

Being on the path of ascension when your partner is not is quite difficult, and at times it can be very frustrating and unfulfilling. It may leave you with a feeling of being alone in a crowd of two. If you suddenly have awakened to vast levels of being within yourself--and "In the blink of an eye" have fallen out of step with your given group of friends--then you may be feeling quite lonely and confused. This is obviously a difficult place to be. But it can be quite difficult for your partner as well. If you suddenly have acquired a whole new group of like-minded friends, then your partner may be feeling very lonely and confused.

Please know that although you are being called to follow a difficult path, it is one well worth any inconvenience that life throws your way. Every challenge is a lesson to be learned to help further your path of ascension into the light, and your relationship has become another means by which you are to grow. The question of whether you ultimately will stay in such a relationship is not the issue at this point. What is at issue is that you come into the full honoring of who you are, stand firm within the realms of love and light that have been made known to you, and proceed to explore your relationship, and life in general, through the lens of your soul and monad.

Table Of Contents Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

First of all, make sure that you are not in a place of judging your partner. If not held in check, this can lead to falling into a mode of constant criticism and putting down your partner’s belief systems. Such an attitude will do nothing to open their eyes to the truths that you have encountered. It will rather do much to engender their own disapproval and criticism of you. You also will have fallen into the dictates of your negative ego, rather than following the road to ascension which you seek. Judgment and criticism will create a situation of two personalities at war, rather than two divine beings communicating their various viewpoints.

It is imperative then that those of you who hold the more inclusive perspective of the nature of things do all in your power to remain faithful to that vision, and to communicate from that perspective. If there is any judging or criticizing going on, make sure that it is not coming from you. If it does indeed come at you, then I suggest calling to your Higher Self and the masters to help shield you from any and all forms of this negative attack. But by no means let attack come from you, and do not attempt to force-feed your truth to your partner.

There will be some cases where you will find that a partner is hungry for the higher perspective and hidden truths of life, and then all it will take on your part is a sharing of these in order to help awaken what was ripe to be awakened. If, however, your partner is not ready to open in this way, then no amount of cajoling, lecturing and so forth is going to do it. So why create bad energy between you? Simply do your best to communicate your awakening. Share about ascension, but do not by any means try and force your point of view onto your partner. Each of you must have the freedom to follow your own paths to your highest and fullest potential. This might be hard to hear, but God cannot be force-fed to anyone. If you hope to enlighten your partner, then do it by living the truth and being an example of love in action. How we walk our talk is ultimately our greatest teaching method. So let us all be as loving, caring and compassionate as we can be at all times.

As we make changes in our lives, it is important that we be tactful about how our partner chooses to live. For example, if we are in the process of purifying our diet and see our partner continually eating junk food, to point that out at every meal would only serve to hurt, anger and alienate them. Share your understanding of diet with them once, maybe twice, and then wait to see if they ask you any more about it. If they are overweight they probably feel bad enough about it. We do not need to keep at them about this.

If you have spent time with your partner enjoying horror movies and now find them repugnant, simply don’t watch them with your partner anymore. You don’t need to badger them about it, or keep telling them the damage that it is doing to their aura. I am not saying for you not to be who you are. What I am saying is to allow your partner to be who they are, even while working at some kind of resolution and harmony that you both can live with.

Table Of Contents When Your Elevators Are At Opposite Ends Of The Spectrum

You might ultimately find that the two of you have grown in such different directions that it seems your relationship cannot function as a unit any longer. I would definitely not advise either of you to reach a quick decision about this matter out of anger or in an abrupt fashion. If you find that you are in that position then I suggest you deal with it in as loving and supportive a manner as possible. It is often quite helpful to seek out a therapist while you are in the process of making a decision. This gives you the opportunity to check out whether either of you is coming from an emotionally reactive space, rather than deeply considering the situation together.

Sometimes it may be that your differing ends of the spectrum form a unique point of balance for both of you. The more grounded partner who is not consciously on a spiritual path may be happy in their role as primary provider. This would give you the time and money to take various spiritual courses, buy the books you wish to read and so forth. Perhaps your partner enjoys the time you spend in spiritual pursuits. Perhaps he enjoys the way you harmoniously decorate the home, or the way you prepare healthy meals. You just might have something quite workable, and I would caution against any form of hasty decision, even if you seemingly are functioning at opposite ends of the same spectrum. That may be the very backbone of why you both have been able to flourish as you have. Do give yourselves time to look at all of the various possibilities before rushing into any type of major decision.

On the other hand, a separation might be quite appropriate and quite necessary in order for you each to live your lives to the fullest possible potential. If this is the case, then I suggest that you part the same way you came together--and that is in love. I am not referring to the romantic type of love that drew you together, but to the principle of unconditional love. It is important to bring forgiveness for each other to the process of parting. There also should be an honoring of what each of you has gained by being together. Then from that place move forward.

Separation is a difficult matter even for the most enlightened, so the help of a qualified therapist or spiritual counselor is advised here. It then becomes the responsibility of you who are on the path of ascension to use the many available tools mentioned throughout my books to continue the process of cleansing and clearing your own negative ego and to keep building your light and love quotient to ever higher frequencies.