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Our Sexual Selves

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Sexuality is a fact of nature, a basic core of the human structure. However, it is not one which functions simply through the physical vehicle. While sex is a physical act, it also involves the emotional, the mental and, ultimately, the spiritual aspects of one’s being. When sexuality is fully expressed, a couple is sharing and communing deeply on several levels of intimacy at the same time. In its highest form, sexuality encompasses all four lower bodies, as well as accessing energies from the highest level of Self.

The physical level, being the most obvious, will be discussed first. However, I do ask the reader to bear in mind that in looking at the levels of sexuality, we are fragmenting that which in truth is not fragmented, but part of a greater whole. Nonetheless, let us look at sexuality from the purely physical aspect. For each of us it operates as a physical release. In the male this is highly physicalized in the ejaculation of semen. The woman likewise releases some of her own fluids, but not to the extent that a man does.

Because of this physical release, many men want to roll over and fall asleep after the act. Women in general, want to cuddle and hug. For the female of the species it is more difficult to experience sex on a purely physical level. Yet both men and women do this when they masturbate, it would seem, whereby a basic physical need is given its due without a partner. This most assuredly is a physical act, yet again, not entirely.

Almost all of the time some sort of fantasy accompanies the act of masturbation, and what we find is that, depending upon the needs of the individual and their particular level on the ladder of evolution or their particular need at the moment, the fantasy can be physical, emotional or mental in nature. Nonetheless, on one level or another some thought and/or feeling process will be involved.

Different people have different sexual needs, but again, to look at this purely through a physical lens is incomplete. For example, you may come across the man who needs to “have it” at least once a day. While it is true that his body is producing more semen at a quicker rate than most, we must wonder why. There is always a reason, always a cause behind every effect. Perhaps in his case, it is because this allows him to release emotions that he would otherwise keep buried but which he feels safe to release in a physical manner through sex. Perhaps it is so because this enables him to find a willing partner, a girl in every port, so to speak, and this feeds his otherwise low opinion of himself.

A woman, on the other hand, might feel herself overly sexually charged and find herself in the lower world of pornography or prostitution. This, however, can come out of various other needs. Perhaps she feels that the only way to get affection is if she provides sex. Perhaps it gives her a sense of power over men, which her personality seems to need because she previously has been put down, controlled and manipulated by the men. Perhaps it is simply a way to earn money, which would keep it in the realm of physical survival, but not necessarily in the realm of sex.

While sexuality is one of the most physical expressions between two people, it is limiting to look at it purely from a physical standpoint. Yet there is that phenomena of chemistry that is so often spoken of, where two people find themselves utterly attracted to and desirous of each other. There are indeed certain subtle physical energies at play in these cases. However there is a mystery to this chemistry because while certain people find an immediate physical attraction to each other, another person cannot fathom what the atraction is. And therein lies the rub!

It is not so much in the seeing, although physical attraction and preferences certainly have this appeal, but something that is felt between the two. That is why we often can see a gorgeous being and, even while mentally acknowledging their extreme good looks, we do not feel that special attraction. The saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is nowhere truer than in the sexual arena. However, it is not solely through the physical eye that beauty is beheld.

Sometimes it is a slow-burning fire which creates the greatest heat; and this is evident in those cases where friends find themselves acknowledging sexual desire for one another which might even end in marriage. It is not that the physical potential was not there from the outset, but simply that they came together first as friends. In actuality, true friendship is the best of all foundations upon which to build an enduring romantic relationship. Then you know that you are not acting out of some impulsive feeling that offers immediate gratification. You have experienced each other on the deeper levels of your being first, and having the trust and the grounding from which your sexuality is free to come to the fore.

For the reader’s edification, the Hierarchy’s view on masturbation is that it is perfectly fine and natural. It indeed takes preference over coupling with an inappropriate partner, either for a one night stand or longer periods of time. In such an instance, the sharing of fluids between the two of you would then build an etheric bridge to the other that you do not want. So we must all be very careful about having so called casual sex.

Even when you are in a harmonious relationship, masturbation is perfectly fine. This is an issue that has fallen prey to taboo and false beliefs, mostly out of the need of traditional religious orders, parents or others to exert control. Do not be afraid of your own body or of being intimate with it. There is nothing wrong with masturbation. The only thing I would guide against is doing this to excess. I would guide against excess in all areas of sexuality, specifically if you are on the path of ascension. You do not want to deplete your energies by constant sexual release. However, masturbation, as does sexual intimacy with your partner, has its place in the scheme of things.

Table Of Contents The Emotional Level

Emotions are very tied to the physical expression of sexuality. As we have seen in the above, it is almost impossible to look at the physical level of sex without taking the emotional level into consideration. Many people, mostly women (though this can be true with both sexes), often will choose to have sex in order to bond and receive the stroking and loving that they crave. Sometimes it is not sex that is desired at a particular time, but rather warm touching and affection. If you are in a committed relationship, it is hoped that you feel safe and secure enough to ask for cuddling or a hug and an affectionate attitude from your partner.

If, however, it is both sex and affection that you are in need of, be honest enough to say so. More often than not your partner will be more than willing to comply. He or she simply needs to know. If you are the partner, however, and find yourself focused in other areas, it is hoped that you will have the sensitivity to communicate this to your mate. Take the time to help your partner feel loved. Tell him or her that as soon as you shift from the space you are in you can plan a time when you both feel relaxed enough for a wonderful sexual encounter--and that they and their needs are by no means being ignored.

More often than not this will do the trick, as it was connecting with you that was their primary need and you have given them that. Sex should not be ignored in the above example, nor should it be forced. As long as they feel wanted by you and feel your loving, caring affections, your partner will be happy to wait until both of you can fully enjoy the experience.

Table Of Contents The Mental Level

The mental level also plays a key part in the expression of sexuality. Sex is a deep and intimate bonding between two people and, more often than not, you want to be at a similar mental level to your partner, particularly in a relationship of a committed nature. This is not to suggest that you see things exactly the same, but true bonding and a lasting relationship generally occur between people who are resonating on a similar mental level.

This may not be quite so applicable when talking about a fling or a one night stand. In these cases it is more the physical (attractive looks, body chemistry) and the emotional needs that come into play. But what I have seen, time and again, is that marriages and lasting relationships occur between people of similar mental development. When coupling is attempted between people who have a great chasm between their level of mental development, the relationship often will self-terminate due to lack of communication and bonding on this most important level of one’s being.

Another aspect of sexuality on the mental level is the use of sexual fantasy. Fantasy can at times be an extremely helpful tool to keep one’s sexual energies flowing. Lovers often fantasize about one another while masturbating, and this further connects them in the mental realm. It also keeps the focus remaining on the relationship. It is equally alright to allow other sexual images into your mental field during sex, for to do so often acts as an aid to one’s release.

However, there is some caution that must be used in this area. For example, if you are using a particular fantasy figure over and over again this can form an imprint upon your mental field that is inappropriate for that person as well as for yourself. By the same process, If you are a public figure whom others find extremely attractive, and you are used over and over again in their personal fantasies, a mental bridge will be built between you and them. Then you will find yourself constantly bombarded by sexual thoughts coming at you from all directions.