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Competition And The Path Of Ascension

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The urge to move forward and better ourselves, our conditions and our relationships is intrinsic to our nature as human and divine beings. It is stated by Djwhal Khul in the Alice Bailey books that "all moves onwards and upwards." This pertains to humanity, to the Ascended Masters and to the Cosmos as a whole. This, then, is a basic impulse within all of us, and is the very force that moves evolution forward. Therefore, doing one’s personal best, at all levels of one’s being, is natural and very important. However, doing this in a non-competitive way with one’s partner often proves quite another matter. But it is important never to compete spiritually, financially, in the career arena or in any other area.

Your intent should be to keep growing, keep evolving, keep propelling yourself forward upon the pathway of ascension. This is between you and God, period! It is a matter of doing your personal soul/monadic best to move into a deeper unity with Self and God and this remains a private thing between you and God at a very deep level. Hopefully, this can also be shared and supported between you and your mate.

It is in the silent recess of our divine communion that God is seen and touched and known. It is in the quietude of meditation that we embrace the otherwise unembracable, hear the voice of the silence, know the unknowable and dance within the stillness. All this is meant to be shared, for it is in these very places that the One is known as the many. Yet the journey is a very private one in the ultimate sense; and what we need concern ourselves with is making that journey in as pure and clear a manner as possible. The path to God is not a race or a competition. It is a journey that we must each make in solitude. Paradoxically it is also a journey that we make with the entire human race wherein we are all advanced by the advancing of each of us, for indeed we are all inextricably bound together.

Table Of Contents Spiritual Support Versus Spiritual Competition

All too often the element of spiritual competition enters into a relationship between lightworkers. This does not serve to accelerate the ascension process or the quality of the relationship, and it is best to eliminate even the potential for this to occur. The easiest way to do this is to make sure to focus on the fact that by virtue of being in a committed romantic relationship you have formed a unique group body, and that, therefore, your mutual ascension process is deeply and uniquely connected. When one makes progress, the group body makes progress. When one taps into a greater light or love quotient, that then becomes available to the whole. On a larger scale, this applies to the acceleration of humankind as a whole. Yet it applies most directly in the group body of the couple.

If one of you has had a particularly rewarding day at the work place, there is a feeling of deep fulfillment that comes from doing your work successfully and reaching new levels. This might leave one with a feeling of overflowing joy and accomplishment, so much so that it cannot be contained. You then find yourself buying your partner flowers or showering them with extra affection or perhaps taking them out to dinner to celebrate. The point is that joy and fulfillment want to be shared and will almost always spill over into the relationship. That which has uplifted one will ultimately bring upliftment to the two of you together.

This is also the case with your individual spiritual achievements. When one of you finds that you have entered into a higher, more love-filled place of spiritual beingness, that joy and love will express by outpouring to both of you. Your relationship partner can be looked at in terms of the Ascension Buddy System which I spoke about in the Beyond Ascension book. Why then should there ever be any competition in this area, this sacred area in which all are indeed united? It is only due to faulty thinking, to hanging on to a belief system that has no basis in reality.

Table Of Contents Fame And Recognition In The Spiritual Arena

If one of you is more outwardly recognized in a public sense as a spiritual teacher because of the manner in which you are called to express your wisdom and love, then I caution you both to pay attention striving to keep any sense of competition from creeping into your relationship. One of you simply has a more public mission than the other, and so might be recognized as a well-known channeler, writer, speaker, painter, singer, etc. This is not better than the work that the other one is doing, it is simply a different kind of work. It is vitally important that both of you keep remembering this, so that you can remain mutually supportive and not competitive.

Competition has no place whatsoever on the spiritual path and is in fact diametrically opposed to it. How can one part of the whole compete with any other part of the whole? It cannot! How can God compete with God? However, the negative ego can and often does compete with another person’s negative ego. If you are a couple on the ascension path, please connect daily with each other’s monads, as well as your own, to make sure you are functioning from that wondrous level of unity that is God.

Also realize that one of the reasons you are functioning as a couple is more than likely so that the more public one of you has the support and grounding of the other in order to do their work. From the monadic point of view, competition simply does not come into the picture. Therefore, it becomes even more imperative in such a situation to commune daily with each other’s monads, as well as with your own, so that you stay steady in the light and love and purpose of your Divine I Am Presence.

From this point of view it will then become apparent that it is as important for the more publicly known lightworker to support his or her behind-the-scenes partner as is the reverse. You are both a vital and integral part of the Divine Plan that is manifesting from within your relationship, and perhaps even because of your relationship. Therefore, keep honoring one another in the unique roles that you are playing, for indeed it is the group body of two that has brought forth the functioning of the whole.

Bear in mind that in saying this I am not implying that each of you individually would not have brought to fruition the particular part that destiny would have you play. I am simply bringing to your attention that you have done this as a group unit and that you would do well to acknowledge that fact--and to give each other the proper honoring and loving respect for the parts that each of you plays.

There might have been a hundred different pathways you could have followed in becoming a famous lecturer, for example. But the fact is that you have done it with the help and support of your mate, and he or she should be honored for this. Conversely, it may have been your divine destiny, through silent meditation, to bring forth enough love and light to facilitate the outer manifestations of these qualities upon the Earth. But by virtue of being in relationship with your mate, he or she has drunk of the divine nectar you have brought through in silence, and your partner is out there sharing with the world what you have brought into the relationship. So your partner needs to be honored and supported for that role.

Fame and public recognition belong to the personality and not to the soul/monad. These higher aspects of you care only that the work gets done and that the Divine Plan is enacted to its fullest potential. Therefore, to those lightworkers who find themselves with one half of the group body gaining more recognition than the other half, remember that it is only the soul/monad fulfilling its highest calling and actualizing its mission. Keep ever centered in your I Am Presence and you will both see that what one of you is doing both of you have succeeded in bringing about. For it is the will of your highest selves that this be so. Stay centered in the divine within, and it will follow that you will act in accordance with the energies of unconditional light and love, wholeness and support.

Table Of Contents Success In The Marketplace

In the third-dimensional world, money and power often are seen as two parts of the same whole. It is said that they are in control who hold the purse strings, and unfortunately, more often than not this is the case. “Money is power” is another common phrase, and this has unfortunately been the case in our world for quite some time.

In the system which we hopefully are moving out of, the major breadwinner was generally the person in control. We now live in a time where the Cosmic energies are calling for a change, and we are seeing more and more women holding prominent roles in the work place. However, what is not meant to happen is that the same patterns continue with only the roles reversing. What is hoped for is a society of equality, wherein each person fulfills their part of the plan and is honored for that.

We, as lightworkers, are being called to bring forth the new energies of transformation into manifestation. But what happens when one of the partners of a relationship suddenly receives vast sums of money for fulfilling their mission? For example, say your spouse has been a loving, supportive homemaker while taking acting classes and getting an occasional bit part now and then, when suddenly she is cast in a TV series or a big budget movie. Suddenly she is bringing in large sums of money, which now seem to dwarf the amount of money you have been bringing in over a period of many years. What most likely will happen is that patterns that were in effect before the shift will continue to be in effect. Therefore, if you presently are equating money with the wielding of power and don’t want that attitude to rend you asunder, give up that attitude NOW!