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Finding Your Mate

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The wonderful and often used words of Jesus/Sananda, “Seek and ye shall find,” are both appropriate and not appropriate when discussing romantic relationships. All too often, when one is seeking that special relationship--that perfect match made in heaven--one finds oneself utterly bereft and alone. This leads to depression and endless worrying and wondering as to why one is alone. Is it something you have done or not done? Are you not attractive enough, not spiritual enough? This type of depressive thinking has the unfortunate result of collapsing or introverting the aura inward upon itself, taking away much of the needed radiance that ultimately works wonders in attracting a romantic relationship.

On the other hand, if you become detached and not at all focused on finding such a romance, remaining truly disinterested in finding a partner or a mate, then that, too, will keep a vital part of your auric field turned inward and the necessary “vibes,” so to speak, will not be there to attract anyone to you.

The best application of the axiom, “Seek and ye shall find,” is to set the intent on a spiritual or a causative level, and then to let go and let God. Therefore, you will be planting all of the necessary seeds for a romantic relationship, but you will not be constantly digging them up and over-turning them, and thus preventing them from actually blooming.

But before proceeding, I want to clarify two things. The first is that what is being addressed here is the issue of romantic relationships, per se. If the words "him" and "her" are used when referring to a couple, it is simply because that is the most familiar and common form of relationship. It is the balance and complement of the masculine and feminine, yin and yang energies. However, this by no means excludes the romantic relationship between members of the same sex. Man has put a judgment on this, not God.

From the hierarchical point of view, there is no judgment. To each his or her own, and for each there is a particular, though often hidden, purpose to why a relationship takes the form between members of the same sex. For all readers then, let it be clearly stated that my romantic relationship issue is for everyone equally and not only for those between a man and a woman. It is important to understand that despite outward appearances, the masculine/feminine, yin/yang elements are equally at play in same sex relationships, although obviously a bit more subtly, nevertheless they are still a governing factor. Therefore, when him/her is used, it is simply that is more common and familiar a term in relationships in general, but it is in no way intended to exclude partnerships between members of the same sex.

The other point is that there will be some of you who, for portions of your life or indeed for your whole lifetime, choose to remain single. You, too, are included in this relationship book, although admittedly some matters will be much more applicable than others. However, as the masculine/feminine polarities, the yin and the yang, exist within each of us. All of us, ultimately, must bring these to a point of balance, so there is a great deal that you can gain as well from the reading of this book.

On the most profound level, this book deals with the integration of all aspects of ourselves, on an individual as well as a partnership level. Those of you who are single and celibate and involved in the divine romance with God actually can apply some of the techniques that are given specifically for couples. There is much in these pages that deals with intimacy, communication and respect. These are equally applicable in all relationships with friends and family, as well as the love relationship between oneself and God.

From a cosmic point of view, all is relationship: sun to sun, planet to star, hierarchy to humanity and humanity’s relationship to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. From a cosmic perspective, we have the divine polarities of Father/Mother God. So let us keep this in mind as we proceed.

How then shall you ask in order to receive and find your right mate? First ask God, for from the realms of Causation does all manifestation come forth. Talk to God and your own higher self. Use the prayers about which so much is written in the Beyond Ascension book. The joy and fun of Huna prayer is that you can create your own. This type of prayer is extremely powerful, particularly in the area of manifestation. These prayers can help you attract your mate. They can be used jointly to help you as a group to unite and bring into manifestation that which will advance your relationship in both practical matters and matters of the heart.

The next, and extremely important, thing to do is to make a list of what you want--the essence of the being with whom you want to be deeply and romantically involved. Be honest and be specific, for vagueness only leads to unsatisfying results. Therefore, take the necessary time to explore this matter deeply. What are you looking for? What do you seek in a partner? What is most important, least important, and what fills in all of the spaces in between? It is vital that your intent be clear and precise, because that is what you are setting into motion, and that is what you will magnetize to you.

For example, if you know that you are strong in the area of homemaking or creativity but weaker in business, you may want to seek someone who will complement you. You may seek someone who does well in the business area but who is searching for a relationship which will provide the love, support and home-base from which to do their work. Thus you will set the magnetic energies of your aura to frequencies which will magnetize the desired person to you. If a potential partner is proceeding to work in the manner you are, they will have been magnetizing their auric field to attract one such as yourself. Then, in this area at least, your intent is clear, fully stated and released to God and to the law of attraction. Thus, you are playing the appropriate role of both seeker and surrenderer. You are planting the seeds, and then allowing those seeds to take root and grow into a relationship.

This process should be repeated covering the whole gamut of your preferences. It might seem like a time-consuming project, but it is well worth it. I could not begin to list the damage done by those who, in their eagerness to find a romantic relationship, completely overlooked many of the essentials that they really wanted.

Thus we find the single parent involved with a partner who has absolutely no tolerance for children; or the gentle sensitive soul walking head on into an abusive situation; or two people of the arts finding that neither has a clue, or desire to learn about, the practical side of life.

That is why I tell you to be clear--that you state your desired intent on all levels. This process should be as refined as possible. An example of this might be that you are an artist seeking a romantic relationship with another artist. But you want that prospective artist partner to have more of a worldly and monetary involvement, so that you both, while creating beautiful music together, form a functional unit. You would read your poetry to him or her before bed, and your partner, in turn, would have the ability to bring home the bulk of the paycheck. Another example is that of the mystic and occultist union. You would both be on a spiritual path but would function as complements of each other.

Again, the main points are clarity and preciseness so that you do not find yourself adrift in a sea of disappointing romantic relationships. If your intent is specific and you hold to that vision, then you cannot help but magnetize to yourself that for which you have asked.

However, it is fine to spend time getting to know different people, and even getting a bit romantically involved before you commit yourself to a relationship. It may be that the first person you attract, while fitting your intentions and the requirements of your ideal mate, still is not the person. Some people may be a part of your path towards the most appropriate person for you. So don’t feel that the first person you connect with is the person. Take things slowly and see how a relationship begins to take actual shape before running to the altar or a reasonable facsimile. Give yourself all the time you need to be as sure as you can be before making a total commitment. You already have put the process in motion and can trust that process. So take time, relax and enjoy the process, and rest assured that the results will be well worth it!

Table Of Contents Grounding In the Physical

Sometimes, for those on the ascension path, being in the body can be an area of difficulty. For a great many of us on the path of initiation and ascension, because of the unique time in which we are living, the physical body may be the last body that we consider, yet we need to consider all of them.

Table Of Contents The Four Lower Bodies

In past ages, and until quite recently, initiation was a much slower process in which each of the bodies was mastered and brought into alignment. Now, with acceleration happening at ever-increasing speeds, we often find ourselves at a very high level of initiation with high light and love quotients propelling us ever forward, yet, with the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies lagging behind. When as lightworkers we enter into a romantic relationship, we must pay attention to these bodies; for much, though by no means all, of our relationships will be functioning through them. In spiritual relationships, the soul and monad also will play a great part.