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Spiritual Parenting

By Dr Joshua David Stone

It is quite common among lightworkers to hear people discussing why they have chosen the parents that they did. They wonder how this could

be possible, with so much conflict between parents and their offspring. However, from the viewpoint of the soul, oversoul and monad, the parents one has chosen are indeed the perfect parents. This does not seem to be the case when one finds oneself incarnated into a disharmonious situation, and, to be sure, there are quite extreme examples of this in every walk of life. However, if one would look at this through the lens of the higher self, one would see that all is as it should be for the needed lessons to be learned by both parents and offspring .

To become detached in this matter is often very difficult, particularly if you find yourself in an extreme situation, such as an abusive alcoholic or drug-related one. To help you understand this process, let us look at this from as high a vantage point as possible.

There are many factors at play in the process of a soul being born into this world, and many cosmic factors that must be taken into consideration. From the vaster cosmic lens, the timing of the birth is of utmost importance. For one will incarnate following specific cycles of the Zodiac in order to complete the assimilation and relative perfection which being born under the influence of the specific zodiacal sign brings into play. The rays must be mastered and incorporated into our being, and the various archetypes played out throughout our evolutionary process. So, too, will each of us cycle through the various signs of the Zodiac, experiencing the major influence of each of the sun signs as we make that zodiacal cycle.

Therefore, the coordination between parent, conception and birth is kept close watch over, involving the participation of the Lords of Karma themselves. This becomes quite a technical matter, particularly with the availability of induced births. This must be watched over and guided most specifically, as it is always the free choice of parents to avail themselves of this option. In almost all instances this is not advisable, as the timing of the birth should be under the direction of the soul and the oversoul. Therefore, when this option is used, it is carefully watched over and guided by beings of a very high nature. They want to insure that the soul has the specific Zodiacal influences that will provide it with the opportunities it needs to fulfill its karma and destiny.

We are all here to grow and evolve through every available means. And If we learn to keep that in the fore of our consciousness, we will not waste precious moments grumbling, but will try to use all events as opportunities for growth. We are most likely to be born to those with whom we have had previous blood ties. This particular grouping of individuals provides the opportunity in which the type of karma that is intrinsic to a family unit” will be allowed to work itself out. So it is often the case that the parent of one life will have been the child of a previous one. Patterns of behavior will arise again and again until they are ultimately brought to light and worked through. This, of course, applies to soul groupings involving other types of relationships, many of which already have been discussed in this book. However, there is something unique at work when this takes shape in the genetic family unit.

We can see that we do not randomly pick our parents. Rather it is a mutual agreement that is made between three souls: two "parents," the “child," the oversoul of each, the monad of each and the Lords of Karma. We are each drawn to such an agreement, although, it is one that is definitely made consciously from the soul-level, and agreed upon by all concerned. There are always other possible choices that can be made; however, the areas that need to be addressed will always come into play so that they can be resolved.

One further factor must be taken into consideration in choosing of our parents. We will each have a specific mission upon the Earth, involving such things as particular talents and abilities, physical bodies and mental and emotional factors. Therefore we will choose the parents who can best provide us with these qualities. So you can see that this is quite an involved process, and that much is taken into consideration by all concerned. The main point to focus on is that once having made this choice, it is best for us to accept it and get on with the process of learning the lessons at hand and advancing our ascension process.

Table Of Contents The Power Of Parental Programming

The power of parental programming is great indeed. Until very recently, humanity has acted out of the processes of the negative ego--and to a large extent still does. This has been considered the norm, albeit an extremely dangerous and harmful norm indeed! This type of thinking is then imparted to the child without any conscious awareness on the part of the parents.

The only way that the dangers of negative ego parental programming can be brought to light and overcome, is through proper education. This education is for child and parent alike. Without proper understanding of how the negative ego functions and how it can be cleared, cleansed and purified, parents will continue to unconsciously program their children with faulty belief systems. Likewise, without proper education as to how this negative programming is affecting us--as the children of such parenting--we will be stuck in the cesspool of negative ego faulty thinking and continue to be contaminated by it. Luckily the power of the subconscious mind is being brought to light. Through various tools such as affirmations, positive thinking, self esteem workshops and the like, people are at last beginning to re-parent themselves.

The destructive power of negative ego thinking is of such an enormous nature, that I cannot stress the point enough. In my books, Soul Psychology and How to Clear the Negative Ego, this issue is discussed at length. No matter how much we build our light and love quotients, we must ultimately take the responsibility to heal, cleanse and purify ourselves of negative ego based thinking. It becomes our responsibility to re-parent ourselves in this regard, as almost all of us have been programmed and parented with faulty belief systems.

It is not only our parents who have done this, nor are they to blame. In fact I ask you to please release any and all blame you might be holding onto in relation to your parents. They are human beings who, in most cases, simply did the best they knew how. The majority of parents do not set about willfully to program us with faulty thinking and negative ego beliefs. This is simply the way that they functioned and the only way they knew how to function. This, in fact, is still the way that society as a whole functions, which can be seen at every level.

Our teachers then continued this process by working through a school system built upon a foundation of competitiveness and comparisons. Our friends picked up on this and threw it back in our faces. We, in turn, most likely did the same to them. Then most of us found ourselves functioning in a work arena that continued to perpetuate these same patterns of negative ego programming: competition, separation, “ego-strokes” and “ego-strikes.” No wonder we find the subconscious in the state that we do and are having such a hard time learning how to think positively and bring through the levels of divine love and light! The negative ego keeps getting in the way and doing its thing unless we work extensively in this area.

Table Of Contents The Importance Of Self-Parenting

So we are called upon to take a look fearlessly at our own subconscious selves, and to see where the blotches and boils are. Then we can set about the task of self parenting and re-programming our subconscious thinking structure and the inner parent/inner child relationship. We must do this with full and total awareness that we are dealing with our inner child, which has its own specific set of needs and which has grown attached to certain modalities of believing and behaving. Therefore, we must be loving, yet firm parents to our inner child and assure this part of ourselves that we do not mean to destroy it, but simply to re-educated it in order that we may function at a healthier and higher level for the benefit of the whole.

Once we are awakened to the power that the negative ego and negative subconscious thinking have upon us, the task of reeducation then falls upon us. This is not a bad thing, in fact, it is one of the best insights we could possibly have into the subtler ways in which we function. What has hitherto controlled us and over-powered us by virtue of our unawareness, now becomes an aspect of ourselves suddenly revealed, and one which we can take charge of and master.

We can use positive affirmations, positive decrees, victory logs, dream logs, listening to affirmation tapes and so forth. Since I have given many tools and discussed their specific usage at length in my previous books, I will not repeat them here. But I will repeat how essential it is that we let go of these false belief systems by re-programming and re-parenting our subconscious minds in the most positive ways possible. This should be done in every aspect of our life. Negative ego thinking impacts all areas of our lives, as our conscious and subconscious minds set the tone regarding how we feel about ourselves.

Therefore, if we have low self-esteem, we generally have it in all areas. But if we change these feelings by re-parenting ourselves to have confident and positive feelings about ourselves, then these also will permeate every area of our lives. The words and images that we hold in the silent recesses of our subconscious minds are reflected in the world of our daily lives, creating loud echoes. Let us then reach into these seemingly silent corners of ourselves and change any and every negative ego-based programming into one of self love and joy. Let us never forget we create every aspect of our reality by how we think consciously and subconsciously.