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The Masters And The Path

Table Of Contents Working With The Masters

Golden Key Number 290--Being Overlighted By Your Spiritual Teachers

This golden key is to find out what your exact ascension lineage is. As I have told you, mine is Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya and Melchizedek. Your ascension usually relates to the ray type of your monad, though there may be some exceptions to this. Request to be overlighted by your main spiritual teachers. As you develop you can request overlighting from the planetary, solar, galactic and universal levels.

Golden Key Number 291--Merging With The Lightbodies Of The Masters

When I first had the idea to ask for this golden key, Melchizedek told me that it is one of the most profound keys in this entire book. This key has two parts. It begins with asking to merge with the lightbody of Metatron, Melchizedek, Lord Michael, Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya and other masters with whom you have an affinity. Request this on a permanent basis.

After working with this for awhile and feeling the profound effects, I then came up with the idea of asking to merge with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of over 2500 masters. Ask for this after you pass your seventh initiation. Timing is everything as you know. By the grace of God we were given this divine dispensation, and in one most glorious meditation the Core Group and I merged with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy. Later the Cosmic Hierarchy merged their lightbodies with us. Talk about a resurrecting experience! From that day forward I felt like a full member of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Golden Key Number 292--Understanding The Ascended Masters

This golden key was gaining a more realistic view of the masters through conversations with them. I began to realize that they are like us but a little more advanced. Earlier in my life I perceived them to be these unreachable perfected beings who were not at all like us Earthlings. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They definitely are more advanced in wisdom, love and light, but they are not that different from you and me. They like to laugh and joke around and tease. They are very personable. They like to be accepted. They make mistakes at times as we do, contrary to popular opinion. I consider the ascended masters to be not only my spiritual teachers, but also my friends.

They are striving as hard as we are for spiritual growth because they have not yet fully realized God. Far from it. The ascended masters we revere such as Jesus, Saint Germain, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, El Morya, Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha are only one and half inches up a ten inch ruler in terms of their cosmic ascension. They are striving at their level for spiritual growth as we are at our level. They still have remnants of negative ego which they are clearing also, and each master has his or her own unique personality. Lord Maitreya recently called Saint Germain in a loving way a “rogue” because of his personal style of getting involved with the ladies.

Each master has very distinct personality characteristics, and the rays we receive from the chohans are greatly influenced by each of their personality styles. Over time I have grown to feel very much like them and hence equal with them. I am not afraid to talk with them, ask them questions, joke with and tease them, and even at times, to set my own personal boundaries--always respectfully and with great love of course.

Golden Key Number 293--Interacting With The Masters

This golden key has been relating to the ascended masters from my own empowerment. The masters want to dialogue with an equal, not a child who does exactly what they say. It is perfectly okay to disagree with the masters and state your views and opinions as long as this is done in a respectful and loving way. They are not beyond learning themselves. They learn and grow through their interaction with us.

They may ask you to do something that you don’t want to do, and that is perfectly okay. They may ask you to move somewhere and you may not want to do that. They may give you specific assignments that you want to make adjustments in. It is within your right to say no or to negotiate with them and not feel guilty. There is much room for dialogue with the masters. They work with us as brothers and sisters, not as dictators.

The other key here is not waiting for them to tell you what to do. Be creative in your own right. One of the main reasons that I was able to overcome so many obstacles, and achieve the goals that I had set, was that I owned my own power and creative energies. I took charge without having the masters nursemaid me along. Most of what I do in my life comes from my own creative flow, and I use the ascended masters to adjust and refine this process. In more recent years, they have given me specific assignments which I love. 99% of what they suggest to me is right in tune with my own intuition and feelings. Often what they suggest to me I am so excited about I can hardly restrain myself. However, I do retain the right to say, ”No,” disagree or make adjustments.

So do not wait for the ascended masters to tell you how to serve. God helps those who help themselves. Serve where intuitively you feel called to serve, and the masters will support and refine the process along the way.

Golden Key Number 294-Loneliness Vs. Being Alone:Feeling The Presence Of God And The Masters

The next golden key has been learning the difference between loneliness and being alone. When one learns to be right with oneself and right with God and the masters one is never alone. When I am physically alone I never feel lonely because I enjoy my own company. I also feel the presence of God and the masters with me at all times. As I already have stated, I am always communing with them through ascension seats and light quotient building and healing modalities.

It is true that as you fully embrace the spiritual path that you must stand on your own and often let go of people. There is a period early in our spiritual journey when we may experience what can be called existential aloneness. This usually is a temporary phase that lightworkers go through until greater realization is achieved. Now most of my close friends are the people I am involved with in my service work. This makes the service work more enjoyable.

Golden Key Number 295--Make Yourself Known To The Masters

The next golden key has been a willingness to make myself known to the ascended masters, cosmic forces, angels and powers that be. Some lightworkers don’t feel worthy enough to ask the masters for help. This is faulty thinking. The masters and angels want to help, but they need your request to be allowed to do this. I have never been afraid to ask for help or to ask questions from any of the masters. One of the things I like about the Wesak is not only do we have a highly diverse earthly group, but I make it a point to call in a diverse group of masters. They like to be included also.

My mom had a dream a couple of years ago in which she was given a message to make herself known to the Great White Spirit. Make yourself known to the ascended masters, angels and positive extraterrestrials, for they welcome your contact. Remember that they evolve by serving you. The ascended masters can’t move on until we take their place. Pray to them for help. Make the ascended masters your best friends. Tell them you want to complete your initiations and complete your ascension so that you may serve better. They will take you at your word and will accelerate your program. And they will expect you to keep your promise.

The veil that you thought separated you from them doesn’t really exist. Call on a wide and diverse range of masters. The timing of your initiations and ascension relates, in part, to your light quotient level and certain other requirements. But it also is up to the ascended masters. If the masters want to accelerate your program for their purposes, they can and will. Keep praying and talking to them until they can’t help but take notice and give you the blessings you desire. Then return the favor by sharing the blessings you have received with selfless service to humanity. That is a fair exchange I would say.

Golden Key Number 296--Sessions With The Masters

The next golden key has been having certain types of sessions with the masters. One is a ray reading showing the configuration of all of my rays in regard to my monad, soul, personality, mind, emotions and body. The next type of session is for the removal of astral toxins--implants, negative elementals and parasites. All lightworkers should do this as they evolve to higher levels of initiation. The third type of session is an astrology reading from a qualified astrologer who has a connection with the masters. An astrology reading and a ray reading together lay out a type of personal blueprint for this lifetime. I would recommend that all parents have ray and astrology readings for their children, preferably shortly after they are born.

Golden Key Number 297--Requesting Interviews From The Masters

The next golden key is requesting interviews with the ascended masters. I request this only when I have something very important to speak with them about. An interview is different from asking questions. I have had many of these interviews with Sai Baba, Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya and Melchizedek.

Golden Key Number 298--Triple Artery Phone System To The Masters

The next key has been what I call the establishment of our spiritual triple-artery telephone system. This activation is appropriate to call for after you take your seventh initiation. It is an official telephone line system between your planetary, galactic and universal ascension lineage spiritual teachers. After setting up this telephone system, whenever the Core Group and I would have a conference with the masters, Melchizedek, Lord Maitreya and Djwhal Khul would be present simultaneously. Previously we worked with only one spiritual teacher at a time.