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Inner Plane Activations and Energies

Table Of Contents Light Packets

Golden Key Number 119--Calling In Light Packets

This golden key in my manifestation was calling forth from the masters, light packets of information. These are programmed into the subconscious mind and four-body system. I would recommend starting with the light packets from the Great White Lodge on Sirius and make this request to Lord Sirius. After this I would recommend calling forth to Melchizedek for the light packets of information from the Elohim scriptures. After you have absorbed these for a while, call in the light information from the Treasury of Light at the 352nd level of the Godhead. Then call forth the light packets from the tablets of creation.

Golden Key Number 120--Light Packets From Anywhere In The Universe On All Divine Teachings

This golden key is to request the light packets of information from all pertinent pieces of information in the entire archives of Shambala, the Great White Lodge on Sirius, Melchizedek’s ashram, Metatron’s ashram and the ashrams of the Treasury of Light at the 352nd level of the Godhead.

For example, if you are interested in the Essenes, you can request the anchoring of all light packets of information relating to them. You could request that all light packet information be anchored from the Alice Bailey books, the Theosophical Society and/or the Tibetan Foundation. You could request all light packets of information on healing from the Hierarchy and Shambala archives. The list is endless. Literally all knowledge in God’s infinite universe is available for the asking. So ask for the light packets of information that are most useful to your current and future missions on Earth and beyond.

You can ask for the light packets of the cosmic Ten Commandments, the Torah Or, the Melchizedek scriptures, the Metatron scriptures and the higher Kabbalah. The effect of receiving these light packets is unbelievable and helps to greatly increase your light quotient.

Call forth to Metatron and Melchizedek for the anchoring and activation of the light packets of information of the codes and scriptures of the luminaries to come. You also can request the anchoring of the light packets from the Nag Hamadi codes and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and also the light packets of information from the scrolls of weights and measures in the Treasury of Light.

Golden Key Number 121--Light Packets From The Golden Book Of Melchizedek

This golden key is the calling forth of the light packets of information from the Golden Book of Melchizedek on the inner plane. This is an actual book that exists in his inner plane ashram. I have begun the work of externalizing this book for humanity in an easy-to-understand manner. This is one of the projects that I am most excited about, and I hope to have it fully completed and published by 1998.

Golden Key Number 122--The Universal Information Disc For Translating The Light Packets

This golden key was a request to Melchizedek to anchor into my brain one of his universal information discs. This serves as a type of translation orb. This helps to translate the light packets of information coming from the various cosmic sources.

Table Of Contents The Tree of Life

Golden Key Number 123--Anchoring Of The Cosmic Tree Of Life

This golden key is one of my favorites, and it has had a profound effect in all areas of my life. Call forth to Melchizedek, Metatron and Archangel Michael for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Cosmic Tree of Life. Request that each of the ten Sephiroth, and the hidden Sephiroth of Daath, be systematically opened and activated. Then request for an opening of the seven cosmic seals. This will give you a major activation.

Golden Key Number 124--Being Anointed With Sephirothic Knowledge

With this golden key, call forth to Metatron and Melchizedek and request to be anointed with the highest triad of Sephirothic knowledge with a permanent light grid over your head.

Table Of Contents Language of Light, Sacred Geometry and Fire Codes

Golden Key Number 125--Keys Of Enoch Fire Letters, Sacred Geometries And Light Packets

Another golden key that has had an enormous effect on my ascension process was calling forth all of the fire letters, key codes, sacred geometries and light packets of information from The Keys of Enoch. In other words, you are asking to absorb the entire book through your right brain rather than your left brain. Ask for this in all five sacred languages!

Golden Key Number 126--Calling For The Fire Letters, Sacred Geometries And Key Codes For The Next Step In Your Evolution

This golden key was calling for the fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries to take me to the next step of my evolutionary process, and to help me realize the twelve dimensions of reality. Make this request to Melchizedek, Metatron and Lord Michael. The fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries will come pouring in and will transform and transfigure you beyond your wildest imagination. Sit and bath in this miraculous downpouring for as long as you can.

Golden Key Number 127--Communication System Of The Language Of Light

This golden key was calling forth to Metatron for the anchoring of the communication system of the language of light on a conscious basis so that spirit can communicate directly from all levels of creation.

Golden Key Number 128--Melchizedek’s Cosmic Computer System For Decodement

With this golden key I made a request to Melchizedek and Lord Arcturus for the anchoring and activation of Melchizedek’s cosmic computer system. This most profound cosmic computer will help to transfer into your lightbody and etheric body the fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries that have been invoked and programmed. Then it actually will transfer them into your physical body. It also will help to accelerate the process of moving from installation to activation--and then to the actualization that occurs with every anchoring process. This activation had a most profound effect on my ascension process.

Table Of Contents Advanced Evolution of Your Bodies

Golden Key Number 129-Melchizedek Crystals And Diamonds For Merging With The Twelve-Body System

The next golden key has been the anchoring of the Melchizedek crystals and diamonds. Melchizedek told me that this would help in the anchoring, activation and actualization process of merging with the twelve-body system. I found this particular activation to be extremely powerful.

Golden Key Number 130--Sacred Letter Grid Of The DNA And RNA

The next golden key is calling forth to Melchizedek and Metatron for the anchoring and activation of the sacred letter grid of DNA and RNA. There are 64 facets to this grid, and through continual invoking over time, this entire grid will be installed, activated and actualized.

Golden Key Number 131--The Biostratus, The Genetic Super Helix

This golden key is to call forth to Metatron for the permanent anchoring of the biostratus. The biostratus is the spiritual genetic super helix which was lost after the fall and which now can be fully reconstituted.

Golden Key Number 132--Permanent Anchoring Of The Cosmic Heart

This golden key had a very uplifting effect on me. For this I called to Lord Sirius for the permanent anchoring of the cosmic heart. I don’t have complete theoretical knowledge of many of these activations. However, intuitively and emotionally I felt an enormous shift and upliftment in my consciousness through this activation.

Golden Key Number 133--Anchoring Of The Tetragrammaton In Your Innermost Mind

This golden key was the anchoring and permanent activation of the tetragrammaton so that it may be inscribed on my inner most mind, creating the inspiration for every thought, word and deed to reflect God and qualities of God.

Golden Key Number 134-Opening Of The Gates Of Light At Your Highest Potential

This golden key was calling forth to Melchizedek, Metatron and Archangel Michael for the opening of the gates of light at my highest potential.

Golden Key Number 135--The Holy Scroll Of Burning Light In The Third Eye--A Direct Gift Of Revelation

The next golden key was to call to Metatron, Melchizedek and Archangel Michael for the holy scroll of burning light to be programmed into my third eye and crown chakra as a direct gift of revelation for humankind.

Golden Key Number 136--The Eye Of Horus

With this golden key, call forth from Thoth/Hermes and the Buddha for the anchoring and permanent activation of the eye of Horus. This has had a very activating effect on my third eye.

Golden Key Number 137--Opening Of The Atomic Doorway In The Third Eye

With this golden key, make a request to Djwhal Khul for the opening of the atomic doorway in your third eye area. Then request an opening of all aspects of the third eye.

Golden Key Number 138--Removal Of The Veils Of Light And Time

The next golden key was a request to Metatron, Melchizedek and Archangel Michael for the removal of all veils of light and time.