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Manifestation Prayers And Activations

 Manifestation Prayers And Activations

Golden Key Number 177--The Huna Method Of Prayer

This golden key, the Huna method of prayer, is an invaluable tool for manifestation. The Huna teachings come from Hawaii. The channelings of the spiritual teacher, Paul Solomon, refer to Huna as the purest form of psychology and religion on the planet. The kahunas taught a method of prayer that I have been using for almost fifteen years. It is the most powerful method of prayer that I have found. I usually use it only for bigger things.

The kahunas taught that the key to effective prayer is to write out your prayer request in very specific and visual terms; and then to address it to God, your Mighty I Am Presence and the ascended masters to whom you are sending it.

Say this prayer three times out loud, and then command your subconscious mind to take this prayer with all the mana and vital force needed to manifest the prayer to the Source of your being. I have had the most miraculous results with this prayer method. I have used it many times for very important matters and spiritual concerns in my life, and it has never failed me. I have a full chapter on the Huna prayer method in my book, Beyond Ascension. It gives examples of a number of very powerful Huna prayers.

The combination of this Huna prayer method and calling on Sai Baba for help in meditation with the benefit of his omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence, has been an awesome combination. These, in combination with my prayers to Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya and Melchizedek who form my ascension lineage, have been the three types of prayer which have supported my success in manifesting.

With my study of the Huna teachings, I came to understand more fully that manifestation must be addressed on all three levels simultaneously for the most success. I have summed this up with the following statement: “God, my personal power and the power of my subconscious mind are an unbeatable manifestation team.” My life has been a dance of moving from personal power and positive action, to prayer, to positive attitude and affirmations.

The kahunas also taught that before doing any prayer work one should build up the vital force and mana that is sent with the prayer through the power of the subconscious mind. This vital force can be naturally built up by always praying from a consciousness of personal power and enthusiasm. It also can be built up by deep breathing or physical exercise, especially a centering exercise such as Tai Chi. You also can ask for an increase from God and the masters, or you can command your subconscious mind to create an increase. The vital force is used in some mysterious way to assist in the manifestation of your prayer request. The ascended masters have confirmed this truth.

Golden Key Number 178--Prayers To Ganesha

The next golden key is working with Ganesha, the elephant God of Eastern lore who is known for removing obstacles. Ganesha is quite real and has tremendous powers in this area. The combination of Sai Baba, Huna prayers, the trinity of Melchizedek, Lord Maitreya and Djwhal Khul, plus Ganesha is guaranteed to remove all obstacles in your life no matter what they may be.

You can call on Ganesha directly, or there is a ceremony that I wrote up in my book, Cosmic Ascension. In this ceremony you call in Ganesha, crack open a coconut and chant a specific mantra. Then leave the coconut out as an offering. This works! I ask for Ganesha’s help in all areas of my life.

 Working With The Subconscious Mind

Golden Key Number 179-- The Subconscious Mind Letter

The next golden key is called “The subconscious mind letter.” You can do this whenever you feel the need or have this as a separate section of your journal. I would write a letter to my subconscious mind and talk to it as I would a child or younger brother and explain to it how I want it to cooperate and work with me. I often would do this in conjunction with letters to my higher self or God. Over time, this helped to integrate my three minds.

Golden Key Number 180-- Autosuggestions: Working With Subconscious Mind In Meditation And Before Sleep

The next golden key has been the science of autosuggestion. For a great many years every night while I was falling asleep and in the morning when I would wake up I would stay in that hypnogogic state between sleep and wakefulness and give myself hypnotic suggestions. I would program in perfect health, wealth, success, a full client load--whatever I needed or wanted. Suggestions given at these times go right into the subconscious mind. I also often would do this at the end of my meditations while still in an altered state. While in meditation you are in closer contact with Spirit and the masters, so you really have their ear so to speak. You also are in an altered state of consciousness, so the subconscious mind is in a hyper-suggestible state.

Golden Key Number 181-- Book: The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

I recommend that you read a book called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Early in my spiritual journey this book helped me to understand how the subconscious mind works. It isn’t especially good for understanding personal power or prayer, but it is excellent for learning to utilize the power of your subconscious mind. The incredible power of your subconscious mind is available at your beck and call. Now you can learn to utilize it consciously as a powerful tool of manifestation. This is where the miracles and the magic happen!

 Guidelines For Prayer, Affirmation And Visualization

Golden Key Number 182--State Affirmations And Prayers In Positive Language

The next golden key has been to word all of my affirmations and prayers in positive language. Otherwise, the subconscious mind, having no reasoning power, can manifest the opposite of what you want. For example, state “I choose to eat only healthy food, rather than “I will not eat junk food,” for the subconscious mind does not compute “nots.” If you want to heal a broken leg, state that your leg is now powerful, healed and whole. In other words, you state what you want not what you don’t want. This sounds like a very simple point but it is extremely important in learning how to manifest effectively.

Golden Key Number 183--Use The Five Inner Senses To Enhance Visualization

The next golden key has been the use of my five inner senses in visualization work. By this I mean that I would experience the positive results through inner seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling. I also would experience an inner knowing. My visualization would become so real that it would be hard to differentiate it from my present-day reality. When the positive visualization has become that real, it usually is a very short time until it actually manifests.

Golden Key Number 184--Allow Manifestation To Unfold

The next key relates to allowing things to unfold in the manifestation process. This metaphorically can be likened to planting seeds in a garden. When you plant seeds you don’t dig them up every day to see if they are growing. Everything grows in its proper season and divine timing. If you are constantly digging it up and seeing why it is not growing, it never will be able to grow. This brings up the issues again of faith, patience, and trust in God and God’s laws. Once the manifestation work has been done, let go of it.

This brings up the issue, in all forms of manifestation work, that one can under pray or over pray. There is no hard and fast rule on this. Many people do not pray enough, and this prevents spirit, the ascended masters and angels from entering their lives. Higher beings must be invited in before they can intervene. It also is possible to over pray out of fear and lack of faith. However, it is better to pray than worry, for worry is fear. Just know that God and the masters answer all prayers. There is nothing wrong with repeating your prayers, affirmations, visualizations and each person and situation will be different in this regard.

For some, one prayer will be all that is needed. For others more prayer will be necessary. Sometimes you might use the repetition of a certain prayer as you would an affirmation, and that is fine. However one can do too many affirmations and not allow the process to come to fruition. Other times repeated prayers and affirmations are important in order to reprogram your subconscious mind. In some cases you may need to say the same prayer twice a day for an entire year and in other cases just one prayer is all you need. The guideline here is that if you worry it is time to pray again, and/or do more positive affirmations and visualizations.

Golden Key Number 185--Don’t Put Limits On How Things Manifest

The next golden key was learning not to limit God in terms of how He could help me. When I would pray to God, Sai Baba and the Masters, I would not restrict myself to thinking that my prayers could only manifest in one particular manner. God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes we limit God by thinking things have to be a certain way.

There is the classic story in which there is a great flood, and a man prays to God for help while he is standing on the roof of his flooded home. First neighbors come by to help, but he refused their help because he was waiting for God to rescue him. Then a boat came by and he refused help again. Finally a helicopter came to save him from the flood, and again he refused this help.