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Caring For The Temple Of God

Table Of Contents Nutrition

Golden Key Number 332--A Healthy Diet

This golden key, which was a major one in my healing, was staying on a strict diet. The key for me here was seeing a psychic nutritionist in Los Angeles named Eileen Poole. In my opinion she is the finest psychic nutritionist on the planet. All of her work is done through channeling and not by book knowledge. Following Eileen’s recommendations, using a pendulum to test all of my food, and using a purple Positive Energy Plate to energize my food all have had a highly energizing effect on my body.

Because of my past health history, I had to be more disciplined than most with my diet. Being very disciplined in my eating greatly increased my energy and strengthened my immune system. Even though I had some digestive weakness I was rarely sick. A healthy diet also served to lighten the atomic structure of my physical vehicle, which made me more sensitive to subtle energies. I am a big proponent of a healthy diet. I also drink lots of pure fresh water.

Golden Key Number 333--Food Combining

Another golden key that I have found to be extremely helpful was following the laws of food combining. I feel that this is a highly efficient way to eat and that it conserves energy.

The basic laws of food combining are to eat protein with vegetables and starch with vegetables, but not to eat protein and starches together. The other food combining law is to eat fruit alone. There are charts available in health food store that provide more detail, but these are the basic guidelines. I swear by this way of eating. My system seems to run more efficiently this way.

Golden Key Number 334--Fasting And Cleansing Diets

Another practice I have found to be of great value is fasting or going on cleansing diets. The fast that I have enjoyed the most has been green vegetable juice with a little carrot juice mixed in. That is what I used most in the past.

The one I currently use the most is something that I learned about from Eileen Poole called “Bieler Broth.” This was made famous by her mentor whose name was Henry Bieler. He wrote a wonderful book called Food Is Your Best Medicine. To make Bieler Broth steam zucchini, green beans, celery and parsley in a large pot. Then put the steamed vegetables in a blender with an equal amount of water. It forms a thick soup which I find to be delicious. It is the most wonderful substance to fast and cleanse on. It is specifically designed to be a liver rejuvenator, and it does work.

Over the years I have varied the recipe to use other types of vegetables and it works just as well. I have this every day. By fasting on this for one to three days, or even for a meal, I can see the results in my eyes, skin, hair and aura. I swear by this stuff. I have been eating it for fifteen years and never get tired of it. It has been one of the real golden keys for healing and maintaining my physical body.

Golden Key Number 335-Avoiding Artificial Stimulants;Using Spiritual Methods For Increasing Energy

The next golden key has been a vow to refrain from using artificial stimulants including coffee, caffeinated teas, drugs, and even herbal stimulants. I was a big coffee drinker in my younger years and it had a terrible effect on my adrenals, liver and pancreas. What I have come to realize in my maturing years is that the goal is to be even-minded in all things. This applies to one’s thoughts, emotions and physical body. It is not good to live on a roller coaster of extreme highs and lows.

Golden Key Number 336--Avoiding Drugs

The next golden key has been a strict rule to stay away from all drugs. As an adolescent I experimented like most people from my generation. The masters state emphatically that the use of drugs is not for high level initiates. There are very few points on which I am very firm, but this is one.

Those disciples and initiates who fool around with drugs have been seduced by the lower self and negative ego. They should forgive themselves and retain no guilt, but they should stop immediately. Altered states of consciousness should be obtained from meditation not from substances that poison the liver. The smoking of pot also puts holes in the aura.

Lightworkers also should stay away from prescription drugs and use herbs and homeopathics. These are more effective, and they contribute to the health and well-being of the physical body. There are emergency exceptions to this, of course, but as a general rule there should not even be a conflict about this. In the not too distant future, I believe that many of the current practices of Western medicine will be abolished. Doctors of the future will work with energy in a variety of ways. Disease will be seen as imbalance; so there will be a shift to treating the cause of imbalance, which often lies in the subtler bodies, mind and emotions.

Table Of Contents Technologies

Golden Key Number 337--Purple Positive Energy Plates

This golden key has been of inestimable value in terms of my physical well-being. This is the use of a purple Positive Energy Plate. I cannot recommend this more highly. The purple plate is a new age technology in which the atoms and electrons of the aluminum have been altered so that the plates are in resonance with the basic energy of the universe. The plates create a field of positive energy around themselves that will penetrate any substance. This energy is beneficial to all life--plant, animal or human. I know from personal experience that these plates work, and I have checked this out with the ascended masters and my pendulum, as have many of my friends.

I would venture to guess that 90% of the foods that we obtain, even health foods, will have a negative or neutral spin on them. You can check this out with a pendulum. This can be caused by pesticides, deterioration of the food in the refrigerator or shelf, the people who handled the food, or the scanners at the grocery store check-out counter. The possibilities of energetic contamination are endless.

For this reason I always pray over my food, and use my purple energy plate. There are different sizes of plates. I have the large ones which cost around forty dollars. Small ones costs about twelve dollars. I religiously place all my food on this plate. My purple plate is my place mat. Leave food on the purple plate for five to seven minutes before eating. The plates also can be used to energize homeopathic remedies, herbs and supplements.

If you check the food with a pendulum both before and after it has been on the plate, you will see the difference. The plate puts a positive spin on the food. This will guarantee that you are getting the proper energy even if you are not always able to obtain the best food. If you are going to have a dish of ice cream at least put it on the purple plate to deactivate the negative energy and create a positive energy spin. Whatever food you eat will be much healthier from the purple plate. I am not one who usually goes in for new age gadgets; but this is amazingly effective, cheap and lasts forever. I have tested it out and it is much more effective than even Hanna Kroeger’s Soma Board which was created for the same purpose. To order, see information at the end of this chapter.

Golden Key Number 338--Radionics

The next golden key for the healing of my physical body has been radionics. I have two radionics machines, one called an SE5, and another I refer to as a black box. Because of my digestive sensitivity and my dislike of taking a lot of pills, I began using these radionics machines to send myself the energy of substances that I needed rather than taking the actual pills. This is not necessarily for everyone, but with the combination of my radionics machines and the ascended master tools, I have been able to keep myself in very good health.

I don’t claim to understand fully how these machines work. But somehow, by simply putting my hair sample or picture on the machine, and a substance or numerical code on another plate, the radionics machine knocks out any virus, fungus or other problem I am dealing with. It also saves me a lot of money because I use the same homeopathics over and over again without taking them. I just keep them energized with my purple energy plates. I use radionics as a preventive health care tool. I run the radionics machine 24 hours a day to send myself supplements, homeopathic remedies, immune boosters and the like. I love the idea of working with pure energy and spirit for my healing. The ideal here would be to use both physical and energy methods according to your inner guidance. Radionics is most definitely a science of the future.

Golden Key Number 339--Protection Against Electro-Magnetic Pollution

The next golden key relates to counteracting electro-magnetic pollution. There are many products on the market for minimizing the effects of electro-magnetic energies. The one that I have found most helpful has been the Teslar watch, invented by Nikola Tesla. When you wear the watch, a force field is placed around your energy field which prevents electrical frequencies from entering your field. The watch has a pulse that is synchronized to the pulse of the Earth and the human body which is totally unique.

I always have disliked wearing watches, for I felt that they interfered with the natural flow of energy through my acupuncture meridians. Testing has been done on the Teslar watch, and it has been proven to be effective in helping to bolster the immune system on subtle levels. It also keeps good time. I am not sure where to obtain the Teslar watch at this time. But if you are motivated, contact people who are involved with radionics, or check the ads in new age magazines.