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Physical Immortality

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Sickness is a defense against the truth." Jesus Christ, As Channeled Through "A Course In Miracles"

Most people involved with spiritual pursuits and/or religion believe in the immortality of the soul. In other words, we, as soul extensions, or incarnated personalities, are eternal beings and our body dies, however we don’t. We just keep reincarnating over and over again until we achieve our liberation and ascension.

Many people don’t realize, however, that the physical body is immortal also. It is not immortal for most people because humanity has a collective belief in the reality and need for death. Death is a belief, just as eternal life is a belief. Collective humanity, for most of its life, has been materialistically identified, hence it has listened to the voice of the negative ego on this matter instead of the voice of the soul and spirit.

The negative ego tells us we have to age and die. Spirit tells us that it is eternal and immortal. Spirit says that the physical body is the temple of the soul, and ages because we program it to do so with our minds. One must remember that the subconscious mind runs the physical body. This can be clearly proven using hypnosis. The subconscious mind, given suggestions under hypnosis, can cause the physical body to do miraculous feats. We have all seen hypnosis stage shows where some of these feats have been demonstrated.

The subconscious mind, however, having no conscious reasoning, will be happy to create perfect health or illness and aging, depending on what you program it to do. This programming can come from yourself or what you allow other people to program into you.

What I am suggesting to you is that it is possible to program your body to "youth" instead of age. It is also possible to program your body to remain eternally the same. Many great Masters have done this. Babaji has remained the same for 1,800 years. Saint Germain lived for 350 years. Lord Maitreya resurrected Jesus’ body and lived for another 31 years. Other Masters can materialize or dematerialize their body at will.

Thoth (Buddha), in Egypt, was said to have lived for 2,000 years. Jesus, in His last lifetime when He ascended, lived for 300 years. Did not Jesus say, "Everything that I can do, you can do and more." The Course in Miracles, which Jesus wrote, says: "Sickness is a defense against the truth." The truth is that we each are the Christ, or Eternal S elf. God doesn’t get sick and neither do we, because we are God.

So what causes sickness? It is the negative ego. Sai Baba says the definition of God is that "God equals man minus ego." The ego doesn’t exist in God’s reality and ideally shouldn’t exist in ours. When we get rid of the negative ego we recognize our perfection, because we are "made in God’s image."

The key to spiritual psychology is to get all levels aligned properly. We know that spirit and soul are eternal. The next lesson is to get only eternal thoughts, eternal feelings, and an eternal physical body. Does not the Hermetic Law state, "As within, so without - as above, so below". If the spirit is eternal then, by definition, we can make the "without, or the body eternal. "Our true identity is the Christ, so be definition we should have only Christed thoughts, Christed emotions, and a Christed body. A Christed physical body is an immortal physical body.

The process begins on the thought level. It is our thoughts that create our reality and that includes our physical body. Any negative thought will manifest in our physical body. The same holds true for positive thoughts. Humanity is under a mass "negative hypnosis" in believing they have to age and die. Everyone believes it, so everyone does it.

Do you ever notice that people die where they have set their mental clock, so to speak? They think 75 years is old, and they say to themselves, "I want to make it to my granddaughter’s 16th birthday and my 75th. They set it up in their mind to die at a certain time and sure enough that is exactly what happens.

The key to physical immortality on the mental level is to get rid of this "death urge" and replace it with a "life urge". The fact is, our body is already immortal. We just think it isn’t, so it follows our command. The only thought we should allow in our minds concerning our physical body is that we are in perfect, radiant health. We are youthing every day, and we can live eternally, or as long as we choose to.

The soul is eternal, so the physical body should be seen as eternal to keep proper alignment of the four body system. This process begins with accepting this philosophy on the conscious mind level, and then programming it into the subconscious mind. This last point is important. Some people believe this consciously, but their subconscious doesn’t. It will work only if all three minds believe it. The superconscious or soul does already.

To achieve physical immortality one must have absolute control over the subconscious mind. One also must maintain absolute vigilance over the thoughts you allow into your conscious mind, from self and other people. It is very easy to get negatively hypnotized on this subject, because belief in death is so rampant.

It has been proven that there is a death hormone that the pituitary produces, as well as a life hormone. The pituitary is producing the death hormone in most people because we are unconsciously programming it to, because of all our death thoughts and emotions. By once and for all getting rid of all these death thoughts and emotions and replacing them with only life thoughts and emotions the pituitary will only produce the life hormone.

The use of positive affirmations constantly, in this regard, is essential. Constantly tell yourself that you are the eternal spirit and your thoughts, emotions, and physical body reflect this eternal and immortal nature. To achieve physical immortality one must have mastery over one’s subconscious mind, three lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental,), and mastery over one’s negative ego. The negative ego’s main belief is separation from God. If we believe we are one with God, and literally are sons and daughters of God, the next logical step, of course, is "we are immortal on all levels."

What we are demonstrating is that we have absolute self mastery over all levels of our being in service of God when we believe in physical immortality. Physical immortality is not for weak minded people, and neither is one’s spiritual path. Physical immortality begins with the need to purify your four bodies of all negative energies.

On the emotional level the need is to get rid of all negative emotions. Again, remember your thoughts create your reality, and that includes your feelings and emotions. When you think only with your Christ mind, instead of the negative ego mind, then you live in joy, happiness, unconditional love, even-mindedness, and inner peace at all times. The world is a projection screen and you are seeing your own movie. The movie is the perception, and interpretations you are making of life.

There is a way of thinking that will bring you this joy, peace and love all the time. This is the science of attitudinal healing. Negative emotions debilitate the physical body. Positive emotions energize the physical body. Living in unconditional love activate the thymus gland which is your immune system. Physical immortality is just another by-product of being on one’s spiritual path.

Purification on the physical level deals with eating a good physical diet, cutting down on the amount of meat you eat, stopping all drugs, alcohol, artificial stimulants, getting physical exercise every day, trying to get sunshine, fresh air, deep breathing every day. So we have physical toxins, emotional toxins, and mental toxins, and energetic toxins in our etheric body. All these bodies must be cleansed.

In essence our goal to achieve physical immortality is to only have God thoughts, God emotions, God energy body, and God physical body. God is perfect and we are perfect. The microcosm is like the macrocosm. When all the bodies become purified and get into alignment with the soul and spirit, perfect, radiant health occurs.

As one moves spiritually through the seven levels of initiation, more and more light and energy are found running through the four body system. At the third initiation, which is called soul merge, it causes a great increase in energy and physical health.

Ascension is where the I AM Presence or monad descends and turns all four bodies into light. The physical body is just densified spirit, and the spirit is just refined matter. We are here on earth to spiritualize matter. This begins with spiritualizing our physical bodies and raising it back to light.

Constantly hold in your mind that you are God, and can’t get sick, and you can’t age, and you can’t physically die. Hold the thought and feeling that you are in perfect health, you are getting younger every day, and you will live eternally. When any negative thought, any feeling, emotion or energy, tries to tell you anything to the contrary, get rid of it. and immediately do a positive affirmation, or positive visualization seeing yourself as the ascended master or eternal spiritual being you truly are.

Call to your mighty I AM Presence to get rid of that negative egotistical belief and feeling and to consume it in the violet flame. Constantly call to your soul and monad and ask it to integrate and merge with you on earth. We are here to create heaven on earth. We are here to be God on earth on all levels. What I am sharing with you here is within every person’s reach. Jesus said, however, "Be it done to you as you believe."