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Balancing, Integrating and Using Your Three Minds and Your Four Bodies

By Dr Joshua David Stone

"Be moderate in all things." The Buddha

One of the key points to becoming a self realized or God realized being is learning to balance and integrate our three minds and four bodies. Now, in actuality, we have more than three minds and more than four bodies. We have more than three minds because at the fourth initiation the soul or higher self merges back into spirit or the Monad, and the spirit and Monad become the mind or consciousness that is our guide and teacher. This happens in stages, however, so for the purpose of this discussion I am lumping the soul and the Monad into the same category since they serve similar functions.

In respect to our discussion of the four bodies, I am doing a similar thing. I am dividing the four bodies into the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the spiritual body. In actuality the spiritual body can be divided into the Causal body, the Buddhic body, the Atmic body, the Monadic, the Logoic, the Light body and on and on into cosmic levels of consciousness.

We work with these higher spiritual bodies in stages as we go through the initiation process in a similar way as I described with the three minds, so for the purpose of this discussion I am also lumping all these higher spiritual bodies into what I am now going to call the spiritual body or spiritual vehicle.

Let’s begin this discussion of the need for balance and integration with our three minds. Each mind is a level of mentation. Each mind being a higher level mind than the previous one, as described in a previous chapter. The ideal is that the subconscious becomes subservient to the conscious mind, and the conscious mind becomes subservient to the superconscious mind or soul.

Another way to say this is that we are meant to become the master of the subconscious mind, and the soul or Higher Self is our master teacher or guide. The Kahunas of Hawaii had a very eloquent way of explaining this. They call the Higher Self or soul the Aumakua. The aumakua is defined in Hawaiian as the "utterly trustworthy parental self". So our Higher Self and soul is our utterly trustworthy parental self, just as we, as the conscious mind are meant to be the utterly trustworthy parental self for our subconscious mind and inner child. We learn how to raise ourselves properly by following the example of how our soul and Higher Self raises us.

The Bible states very clearly that we are made in God’s image. In the Bible it says that God is a Trinity, the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit. In Hinduism they call this Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. In the Huna teachings of Hawaii this is termed Ku, Kane, and Kanaloa.

Just as God is a Trinity, since we are made in God’s image, then we must be a trinity also, and we are. Our trinity is that of the superconscious, conscious, and subconscious mind. God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are different levels of Divinity, however they function as one consciousness.,

The same ideal is true for us. The ideal is that our three minds function as one mind. The problem is that for most people the three minds are very disintegrated and imbalanced. A great many people don’t even know they have a soul or Higher Mind guiding them, and most people let the subconscious, or lower level mind, run the conscious mind.

When the subconscious mind runs your life the negative ego becomes your director, and your emotional body and desires usually end up running your life. The first step of becoming balanced and integrated is to recognize that you have three minds.

The second step is to begin the process of learning to own your personal power and get in control of your subconscious mind and three lower vehicles as described in an earlier chapter. The third step is to begin attuning to and asking for help from your soul and Higher Self.

The three minds could be looked at like large metal rings. In the earlier stages of a person’s evolution the rings are very separate. As one evolves and begins to develop self mastery and attunement to the soul, the rings begin to link up together.

At the time of the third initiation or the soul merge, these rings begin to merge together and start to function as one mind. This is because self mastery has been achieved to a great extent over the three fold personality (physical, emotional, and mental vehicles), and because the personality has become merged with soul consciousness by at least 51%.

As the stabilization of this soul merge state continues the three minds function in greater and greater harmony and balance. As the person continues to evolve, the monad or spiritual mind, as opposed to soul, begins to guide. At the fourth initiation the soul merges back into the Monad or spirit, and the Monad or Father in Heaven becomes the full director from then on in the person’s evolution.

At the fifth initiation a similar integration and balancing of the three minds takes place in that the evolving person now merges completely with the Monad. At the third initiation you had soul merge, and at the fifth initiation you have Monadic merge.

The three rings in my metaphor and example have come together in an even higher union. At Ascension the Monad or Mighty I Am Presence descends completely into the evolving person on earth and into the four bodies and is transformed into light. Even the physical body merges completely with the light. One has achieved perfect integration and balance of the three minds and four bodies.

The Balancing of Your Four Bodies

To achieve the ultimate union, integration, and balance which is that of becoming an Ascended master, we must learn to balance the four bodies. Each of us has four distinct and separate bodies, each with a different and unique perspective.

Each of us has a physical body, an emotional body, a mental body, and a spiritual body. The ideal is to greatly respect and listen to all four simultaneously. What happens more often than not is that we tend to over identify with one or two to the detriment of the others. More than half the people in the world respond to life through an emotional body focus.

Some people you meet feel life as their main function. Other people you meet will think about life and are less concerned with their feelings. Others may be so involved with their spiritual body that they don’t take care of their physical body, or may not even care about thinking or even feelings.

Others you meet are so involved with their physical body and physical existence they are completely cut off from their spiritual body, and possibly even intellectual pursuits or feelings. Usually I find that people tend to focus on one or two bodies and less on the other two or three.

As you are beginning now to see, a person can be over identified or under identified with each body. When this occurs the energy flowing down from the Creator does not flow properly or efficiently. This can and will ultimately manifest as poor health, or dis-ease in one of the four bodies if continued.

The physical body usually ends up being the mirror of these psychological imbalances. This is based on the Hermetic law, "As within, so without. As above, so below." By seeing where you are having health problems in your physical body you can then correlate the mental, emotional, or spiritual causation.

Most of us don’t think about our four bodies until that time that some disturbance comes and we feel uncomfortable, and then we think about what is going on with our four body system.

Now the goal is to integrate the four bodies and to align their differing points of view, so as to use them all to be fully creative and to fulfill our potential and divine purpose for being here. We are all like cells in the body of God. When a cell in our body doesn’t work properly and is disintegrated, this is called cancer. When we, as cells in God’s body, don’t work in harmony with God’s divine plan, then in a sense, God has cancer. Part of the lesson of the four body system, is to get them all working for the same purpose, which is ideally spiritual growth, and God realization.

When the four bodies are balanced and integrated there is no restriction or limitation, and we are free flowing. When the four bodies are balanced we are fully able to realize God. Many people understand this with their mental body, but haven’t aligned the other bodies with this truth.

The same thing happens with the balancing of the three minds very often. For example, understanding that the mind doesn’t want to worry or be depressed any more, yet the subconscious mind isn’t cooperating. The mental body may understand the ideal, but implementing or experiencing it fully with all four bodies may take a little more work and practice to make the ideal a living reality.

Each of the four bodies has a unique and special gift of information and guidance that it gives us. In a similar way each of the three minds gives us unique and special information. The soul or Monad may give us intuitive perceptions, and be the voice of our conscience, which gives us our morals and ethics.

The conscious mind gives us logic, reason, and deductive reasoning. The subconscious mind gives us feelings and emotional reactions to things. The physical body gives us instinctive reactions, and sensations. The Emotional body, which is connected to the subconscious mind function, again, focuses on how we feel in any given moment or situation and maybe psychic impressions.