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How to Use The Laws of Manifestation

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Manifestation is not magic. It is a process of working with natural principles and laws in order to translate energy from one level of reality to another." David Spangler

The laws of manifestation are one of the most essential spiritual practices a disciple on the path needs to master. In this chapter I have put together one of the most comprehensive, yet easy to understand thesis on the subject you will ever find. I have organized the information into a series of approximately 70 laws or principles to achieve mastery of this subject. The careful study, meditation, and note taking of these principles will literally be worth your weight in gold.

The first law of manifestation is that every person must learn to manifest with all three of his or her minds. We must learn to manifest with our conscious, subconscious, and superconscious and/or soul mind. Manifestation on a conscious mind level is through the use of will, or personal power. Most people manifest their businesses through sheer will power. They work 18 hour days and just power it out. The conscious level of manifestation is also connected with physical action. This means, making phone calls, physically organizing, seeing clients, running errands, administrating, and so on. This is a very valid and important way to manifest.

The second way to manifest is through the power of your subconscious mind. Now in reality everyone is using this level of manifestation, whether they realize it or not. The problem is that most people are not using it consciously. The other problem is that some people are using this level of manifestation to actually block manifestation rather than help their businesses.

The law of the subconscious mind is based, again, on that famous Hermetic law or correspondence. This law states, "As within, so without - As above, so below". That which you think and imagine in your conscious and subconscious mind will manifest its mirror likeness in your external circumstance. Your outer world is a mirror of your inner world. This is the law and it manifests for the good or for the bad because the subconscious mind has no reasoning. It does whatever it is programmed to do. It is constantly attracting and repelling to us that which we allow to be put into it. The major work of the spiritual path is to clean it out of all lower self, and negative ego and imbalanced programming that is not of the soul and Higher Self. When this is done you have "the Midas touch" where everything you do turns to gold.

This occurs because your subconscious mind is subservient to the conscious mind, which is subservient to the superconscious mind which is subservient to the superconscious or soul mind which is subservient to the Monadic mind which is subservient to God. The subconscious mind totally runs your physical body and will create health or disease depending upon how you program it, and the food you put into your physical body. The subconscious will attract to you everything you need for all minds are joined in truth. This is why the use of affirmations, visualization, and autosuggestion is such an important science.

To learn to manifest effectively, the disciple must learn to be in control of the subconscious mind. Most people let their subconscious minds run them instead of the computer programmer (conscious mind) running the subconscious mind. Ideally it s your servant. It has been called the basic self, or servomechanism in other teachings. It is your faithful servant and will supply you with whatever you need as long as you program it directly.

The third way to manifest is through the power of the superconscious mind, the Higher Self, the spirit and/or God. This is, of course, manifesting not by affirmation or visualization, but rather by prayer. Prayer is the spiritual practice of asking God for what you want and accepting it is done once you have made your request.

God, through your Higher Self and Monad or Mighty I Am Presence, hears all prayers and answers all prayers. How, when, and in what form He answers them will be dependent on how you fulfill the universal laws of manifestation as outlined in this chapter.

Why manifest just with will power and physical work when you can pray every day and acquire God’s help? Not only do you have God’s help through prayer, but also the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Elohim, the nature spirits, God working through other people, your Higher Self and/or soul, and your Monad and/or Mighty I Am Presence.

Most people do not pray enough. The ideal is to use all three levels of mind. Some people only use the conscious mind. Some people pray and don’t get off their duff, but instead expect God to do everything for them. This will not work for God helps those who help themselves. Other people are constantly doing affirmations and visualizations, however, don’t own their will power and do the physical action and work that is needed. This law deals with the importance of using all three levels of mind in perfect harmony, balance, and integration.

The second key law of this new age form of manifestation is to manifest from the consciousness that you are the soul and not the personality. If you manifest from the consciousness of personality you see yourself as separated from your brothers and sisters, and from creation itself. This is an illusion.

Your manifestation will be 1000 times more powerful if you recognize yourself as the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma, the Eternal Self, for that, in truth, is who you are. You are one with God and all of creation. So what you are trying to manifest is nothing more than a part of yourself. This cannot be emphasized or repeated enough times. The new age laws of manifestation deal with this shift in identity focus. To not use prayer and to not identify yourself as soul rather than personality, is to cut yourself off, to a very great degree, from the source of energy for the manifestation of your desires. Ask for help from the Ascended Masters, Angels, your Monad, the Elohim, The nature spirits, and/or the Ashtar Command if you would like extra help.

Do not be attached to what you are praying for or are trying to manifest, or you will repel it from yourself. Make your choice for manifesting a preference, not an attachment. With this attitude you will be happy until it arrives.

Surrender your prayer request to God and leave it in God’s hands. God is happy to help but you must surrender it. You can visualize your prayer request going up in a bubble of pink or golden light and melding with God’s light. Then it is your job to go about your business and do what you can on the conscious, personal power level, and on the physical action level.

Own that you are the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma, the Eternal Self. God created us and we are perfect, in truth. All that exists is perfection, in truth. Any time anything but perfection manifests, immediately pray and/or visualize and affirm the truth instead of the illusion of the negative ego. So this truth deals with the truth that you are the Monad, the Spirit, God, and all that exists is God’s perfection. Cancel and deny any thoughts that try to enter your mind other than this truth. If you are sick, affirm and visualize only perfection. If your bank account is low, visualize that it is full.

This law deals with the fact that God’s universe is abundant and limitless. It, however, attracts to us either poverty or abundance, depending on the attitude we hold. this brings us back to the Hermetic Law, "as within so without, as above so below". Your outer world and physical body is a mirror of the inner world of your conscious and subconscious thinking and imaging. Your thoughts and images that you hold in your mind create your reality.

The next law is that of faith. You know God exists and you know that god’s laws are perfect and work every time. So after you pray, know that your prayer has been heard and God’s law has been invoked. Nothing but perfection and perfect fulfillment of the prayer and law can happen as long as you have faith in God and God’s laws. If you give into doubt and worry, you are blocking the energy manifestation which you just set in motion.

The next law deals with consistency and alignment. The four bodies must all be in alignment for a quick manifestation of your prayer request. The mind must be attuned to God, spirit, and the soul so that this energy can flow through you. The emotions and feeling body must be attuned to the mind and then the soul. The physical body must be attuned to emotional body, which is attuned to the mind, which is attuned to the soul, which is attuned to the Monad, which is attuned to God. Another way this could be said is that the subconscious mind serves the conscious mind, which serves the superconscious mind or soul, which serves the Monad or spirit, which serves God. Each level is subservient to the one above.

After you pray, you don’t want the subconscious mind going renegade and saying, "I don’t believe this is going to work." If this starts to happen, push that out of your mind and say, "Get thee behind me, Satan", then reaffirm God’s perfection.

The next law deals with the recognition that everything in God’s universe is just energy, and all energy is just God. Even physical matter is must energy vibrating at a slow rate of vibration. So all you are really doing in working the laws of manifestation is changing or transferring energy from one form to another.

This law deals with the fact that energy follows thought. What you ask for already exists on a higher level once the prayer, affirmation and visualization has been done. You are just waiting now for it to manifest into physical reality. The attitude should be one of expectancy, like it is about to happen at any second. You are just waiting for it to move down the dimensions and ground itself into physical reality. As long as you keep your four bodies and three minds in alignment there is no reason for this not to happen.