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Methods for Re-Programming the Subconscious Mind

By Dr Joshua David Stone

"Be vigilant for God and His kingdom." Jesus Christ, As Spoken Through "The Course In Miracles

Since I have begun to give you affirmations in the previous chapters, I think it is appropriate now to explain more deeply what affirmations and visualizations are and how to use them. An affirmation is, in reality, an attitude. Every thought we think, be it positive or negative, is an affirmation. Every word we speak is an affirmation. Every action or behavior we take is an affirmation. This is true because everything stems from our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality.

Affirmations used in a psychological healing context are specifically designed statements or attitudes that are set to program a new desired feeling, behavior or habit into the subconscious mind. In an earlier chapter I gave you affirmations to develop your personal power and your protective bubble.

Whenever you practice positive thinking or optimistic thinking you are practicing affirmations. The affirmations that I will be giving you in this chapter are specifically designed statements to help you develop certain key attitudes that pertain to your self concept and self image.

The continued repeated process of pushing the negative attitudes out of your mind with your personal power, and then repeating the new positive affirmations into the subconscious mind, is the main key to reprogramming the subconscious mind.

As mentioned earlier, the pushing out of your mind of the negative thought is like a plant that is not being watered. The negative thought is not getting energy, so it withers and dies. The continual, constant and repetitive use of positive thinking and affirmations waters this new seed thought in the soil of your subconscious mind and it begins to grow. It is like a tape recorder that re records over an old tape recording.

There are many different methods of programming the subconscious mind. Following are the best methods I have found.

Methods of Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind

To reprogram your subconscious mind try different ways to see which ones are most effective for you.

1. Affirmations:

An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so! The statement said silently to yourself until the pattern becomes a reality in your life and is fully programmed into the subconscious mind.

2. Decree: A decree is a spoken affirmation.

3. Creative Visualization:

This is the process of imagining the healed or finished result already taking place. This acts as a direct suggestion to the subconscious mind just as an affirmation would. Thoughts are images we have made.

4. Journal:

Write down your affirmations in a journal! This is also a very effective way of patterning and programming the subconscious mind. The act of "physically" writing it causes the thought pattern to take a more solidified and stable form. Change the wording as better ways of writing your affirmations come to you.

5. Affirmation Cards:

Write affirmations on cards and place them all over your house or in your place of work This is a very effective method. Put these affirmation cards next to your bed, on the mirror, in the bathroom, on the refrigerator, in your car, in your wallet, or on your desk. This will act as a reminder to say them and will accelerate the process.

6. Affirmation Walking:

Go for a walk! An affirmation walk is one of my favorites. I walk for as long as I am in the mood and affirm to my subconscious mind how "I" want everything to be. The subconscious mind will manifest anything you tell it, either good or bad. The value of affirmations and positive visualizations is clearly obvious, for if we are not affirming and visualizing the positive, we are doing the opposite.

7. Rhythmic Repetition:

Say your affirmations rhythmically while you are physically exercising. This is an excellent programming technique and keeps your mind focused and disciplined while exercising.

8. Three "Voices":

Say your affirmations in first, second and third person language. Example: I, Joshua, am in perfect radiant health. You, Joshua are in perfect radiant health. He, Joshua, is in perfect radiant health. This technique is especially successful in taping your affirmations.

9. Positive Negative Clearing:

Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. Write one affirmation on one side of the page. Then wait and listen for any thoughts that come into your mind that contradict your positive affirmation. Write down the negative thoughts or the negative affirmations that come up from your subconscious mind.

The next step is to change each negative thought into another positive affirmation. record any negative thought after you have written that new positive affirmation. Change these negatives into new positive statements. Continue this process until no more negative thoughts come up.

You now have a list of the affirmations that most specifically deal with your personal lessons in this lifetime. This method is also excellent because it teaches you the process of creating your own affirmations. This is an essential ability to work on and to develop.

10. Mirror:

Look in the mirror every day for twenty one days and say your affirmations aloud. Say them with total personal power and conviction. Look yourself right in the eye! Continue affirming aloud until it totally becomes your reality and there is no subconscious resistance.

11. Endless Tape:

Record your affirmations onto an "endless" cassette tape that plays all night without stopping. Play the tape every night for twenty one nights while you sleep.

It is also possible to buy an endless cassette tape recorder that will play any standard tape all night long. This sleep tape method is one hundred percent effective! Pillow speakers are also available. Endless cassette tapes are usually available at Tower Records or Radio Shack and run from three to twelve minutes in length.

12. Hypnosis:

Find a trustworthy hypnotherapist to hypnotize you and plant positive suggestions into your subconscious mind while you are in the hyper suggestible state.

13. Reading:

Read and reread good books in the field of psychology and spirituality. This serves as a powerful programming and patterning device.

14. Pendulum:

Get a pendulum and communicate with your subconscious mind through "no" answers. This is a process that serves to get information from the subconscious mind and can be used to pattern or program the subconscious.

15. Dialogue:

Another very effective tool is to "dialogue" with the subconscious mind or with one sub personality or thought system within the subconscious mind. This can be done in a number of ways.

a) Voice Dialogue: Use chairs to represent the conscious and subconscious mind. You create a dialogue between them. The chairs represent the isolated sub personalities the person will be playing. The idea is to role play the various parts of the subconscious. The conscious mind then dialogues with these various parts. This is a very powerful tool in helping an individual to become the master of his life rather than the victim or effect.

b) Using this same process in a journal can also be exceedingly helpful. Have a dialogue on paper with any thought system within you that you are trying to block or to manifest in your consciousness. For example, have a dialogue with your Higher Self.

c) A third way to dialogue is just within your mind. When a destructive thought system or mental poison arises, talk to it and tell it you are the "captain of the ship" and you have the power in the personality, not it! Then affirm the opposite to yourself, and tell the opposite you will listen to it.

16. Acting "As if":

Act in your daily life the way you want to be, even if you don’t feel it or if your subconscious is trying to do the opposite. This method takes an act of will power. If the tension can be carried long enough, eventually it will act as a reprogramming procedure.

This is an essential method to develop, because sometimes we just don’t have the time to prepare properly for everything. Example: Spur of the moment job interview. You must act confident and qualified, even if you don’t feel that way.

17. Pictures:

Create a physical picture of desired reality. This serves as a suggestion to the subconscious just as the creative visualization process does, except this is an actual physical reproduction of the imagined finished or healed result. (Example: If you are overweight, get a picture of somebody who has a body figure you want and place that body with your face). This will serve as a suggestion to the subconscious mind which it will seek to manifest.

18. Self Hypnosis:

Auto suggestions given to the subconscious mind while in a relaxed or hyper suggestible state symbolize the meaning of a longer affirmation. The discipline of hypnosis has demonstrated the fact that when the conscious, critical mind is relaxed, the suggestions given to the individual are almost immediately accepted by the subconscious mind.