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Master Uluru

Much blessings upon you dear friends. My name is Master Uluru, also known as the Ayers Rock to the modern man.

How wonderful to be included in the Mother Earth Lodge. I like to share with you a little insight on the nature of the earth. It seems there is much mystery shrouding my name and my being. Many friends from near and far come to visit and many have attempted to climb the rock, many losing their lives. While there are many portals and places where the energy grids of the earth are very powerful, acting like chakras, energy centres for mother earth and the kingdoms, there are also certain portals of the earth that are not earthly in origin. The Uluru although is a part of mother earth has its history dating far back, where its origin is of another place and time. Through time and geographical movement it has become a part of the earth. I must say it has been wonderful being a part of the earth, recording the energies and assisting the earth and the changes. The ancient people of the land understod the purpose of Uluru and have worked closely with the land and Uluru with great mutual respect and understanding. Through time, much of this mutual understanding has been lost. However, we (the collective consciousness of Uluru and the surrounding area) stand unwavering in our sense of purpose and in our connection with the earth.

The modern man do not understand the hidden mysteries of Uluru. Preferring to satisfy the whims of the ego. The lessons presented for many years now have not been understood yet. The people of the land have shared with the modern man that the Uluru is sacred ground and that climbing this rock is sacrileges. This is being shared for many reasons, and we will share with you one important reason – the portal and the energies of this rock is far beyond what the human grid and energy system can withstand. A human system if much aligned with only the lower chakras or is not in synchronicity with its entire holistic energy system and grids will experience great discomfort while standing on this portal rock. You could say that the energies send shockwaves through the energy systems of an uninitiated human. (One who is described as uninitiated in this context and channel, is one who has no understanding of the laws of the universe, nor is operating fully from one’s full balanced energy system.) As a result, the etheric body of an uninitiated one receives an “electric shock”. You will find that many have died trying to climb this rock, and the phenomena is death through heart attacks.

I and we share this with you on the mysteries of the earth and to show you that there are greater forces in the universe than the whims of the ego mind. We say this to you not in judgment but rather as a sharing for we see that the modern man has shut his eyes to the profundity and wisdom of the earth and the ancients of the land.

The modern man must learn that the world does not evolve his ego. You who are remembering the ancient wisdom, understanding the earth, the universe, the realms and dimensions must work in greater unity first within your own energy system. It is only through understanding your own energy grids, will you see the connectedness between man and the earth.

I, Master Uluru am deeply blessed to share this moment with you through this lodge. I hope that this information will serve you well for now. I am certain we will commune again.