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Lord Atlantico

I am Lord Atlantico. As my name implies I am the overlighting deva of the Atlantic Ocean. Welcome to this warm connection.

Some of you reading this have a long history with me, although we have known each other differently. I have been in a different form and you have been in another lifetime a very long time ago.

At this present moment, in earth’s history, we are entering such profound changes. You and I are moving into an era where we are beginning to see the inter-connectedness of the lands, oceans, plants, mountains, minerals, animals, humans and souls. We ask of you to carry on to focus on developing your consciousness, for like you, we at the Atlantic are also growing and developing our consciousness in the way that God have designed us to be.

The ocean is a very powerful recording device for the planet. Much of the earth’s history is within the waters, considering water makes up a large percentage of the total surface area of the planet. How does this work? Just like within your own physical being, water makes up a large percentage of your body. To put it in very simple terms, with every change within your cellular structure, water within your system records and manifest these changes on the physical level. The same principle works for the earth.

Much of what is recorded in this part of the earth, in the Atlantic Ocean is knowledge from the past. Valuable knowledge which are at this time coming onto the surface once again. There are those human minds which are especially tuned into this and are tapping into this knowledge though not understanding the source of it. Some think that it is new discovery, others feel it within their cellular structure thinking that it is through their own past lives’ memories. Understand dear friends, that one need not have had a personal experience of that knowledge/wisdom in order to have access to it, it is available to all channels once the channels are clear or tuned into that information. As explained the information is recorded in the cellular structure of the earth!

I hope that this little tidbit of information has been beneficial to you. We look forward to connecting again soon.

Yours truly,

Lord Atlantico