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Lord Fuji

I greet you dear friends, I am Lord Fuji. It is indeed an honour to be speaking with you. I come from a long history and I was once known differently. Much changes, movement have been happening on the planet and thus I have now come to be known as Lord Fuji in this land of the rising sun.

In times long ago, I was part of the land of Mu. Many activities happened in and around the mountain for it was a highland of transmission of Light. With the drifting of the lands, the energy grids have changed, the inhabitants of the land have changed too, however my work as a portal of light remains the same. In my current capacity of service, I have learned much from the energies of the people around me, I have learned and connected with the earth in a different way and this in combination have been ‘new’ experiences for me, considering the long history of the earth.

Many liken Mount Fuji to Mount Shasta, in many ways we are the same, for we have been much closer in distance in times long ago. If Mount Shasta is the feminine, then you could say that Mount Fuji is the masculine!

As a portal of light, I also act as an inter dimensional doorway for the beings of various dimensions, however this doorway is still at its young stage. As I have said, all these are ‘new’ experiences for me.

I welcome you to connect with me in your meditative experience, or if you like to connect heart to heart with physical contact. It would be my honor!

Greetings to the light within you.

I am Lord Fuji