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Master Gobi

I am Gobi of the Gobi Desert. I am the collective consciousness of all those who are part, whether physically or energetically of the Gobi Desert! So as one voice and one energy we are known as the Master Gobi.

This may sound unfamiliar to many of you, however, places and energy centres such as oceans and mountains do have and hold a consciousness the same way a flower, a rock, a garden or a field does.

If you listen to my voice, it may sound like a thundering sound, this is how my energy reverberates through the earth. Like a thunder! As you might have guessed, this is a more masculine nature energy. My counterpart is the etheric city of Shamballa which is more feminine in nature!

Many people think that the Gobi Desert is a desert of much sandy land and seem unfriendly for human inhabitants. However, it is not as barren as people think! The Gobi Desert is in truth very fertile land! You must be surprised (thundering laughter)!

We, the Gobi is a focal point of all that is beautiful on the earth. As I’ve said, this is fertile land with mountains, green fields, and a small area of sand with the most artistic dunes. You could say that the Planetary Logos enjoys his time here!

As you may already know, the Gobi has many hidden ancient cities, it holds much of the ancient energies, it also holds much of the blueprint patterns of earth’s creation. You can imagine what a beautiful energy vortex this is. However, before you go packing your bags to come here for a visit, I would like to add that you’re also able to access the energies from where you are!

Just sit in meditation and ask the Angels of the land to guide you to the energies of Master Gobi and I will be happy to receive you.

Till we meet again!