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Lord Everest

I am Lord Everest. It is wonderful to be included in this Lodge, I feel on top of the world! (laughter). It is my honour that Dr Stone has been using the Everest as an analogy to represent striving for the best, for climbing spiritual mountains. It is indeed a high honour!

The Everest for many people represents man’s conquest for the toughest challenge on the planet. Even beings from other planets and galaxies are beginning to use the Everest as an analogy for the achievement of the insurmountable, with the influence of Dr Stone! They say, to conquer the “Everest of the Earth” is to conquer one’s perceived insurmountable challenges! Do not rest till you have reached for the highest.

The human’s thirst for adventure, climbing a mountain for the sake of conquering all fears is well known throughout the galaxy. Even though those who dare venture forth in this manner, is but a few. Isn’t courage the theme of the day? My main message to you this day dear friends is simply a sharing of the understanding of what is perceived as harsh, insurmountable and what is perceived as just is. For climbers who sought to climb the Everest in a physical manner, conditions such as terrain, weather and seasons are well thought through and observed by climbers. These conditions may be dangerous to man, however, if you observe a snow storm, strong winds and terrain, you will notice that they are simply being what they are. They have no judgment for man, simply being what they are, and exercising their power of being. Yes, all these make up the conditions that are deemed preferable or not for a climb.

Likewise, in your personal climb up your spiritual Mount Everest, conditions in your life are simply being what they are, and they have no judgment for how you treat them. However, how you perceive them changes day by day. If you perceive them as being bad for your spiritual climb, you will hold judgment of self and the mountain. So be like a physical mountain climber, holding no judgment for the weather conditions or terrain, simply accepting the conditions for what they are but choosing to work with the conditions with a level of stamina, drive and simply for the love of it!

So continue to climb your mountain and remember, the Everest is not insurmountable! I hope these tips on mountain climbing will serve you well.

Yours truly,

Lord Everest