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The Grays!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

In a recent chapter I spoke about the Grays and the secret deal they made with the United States government to abduct human beings for alien technology. In this chapter I would like to give you a little more in-depth understanding of the gray’s culture, where they come from, and why they are doing what they are doing.

In reality, the Grays are commonly broken into three different types;

The Orion Gray type 1

The Orion Gray type 2

Gray species 3

Besides these three categorization of different Gray species, there are also 22 subspecies. Some of these Grays come from the star systems, Rigel, Ursa Major, Draconis, Zeta Reticuli. It is essential that the Grays be understood, for they are one of the main negative extraterrestrial groups that are trying to take over this planet for their own selfish purposes.

There are apparently two kinds of Grays stemming from Orion. What might be referred to as the larger Grays and the smaller Grays. The smaller Grays have actually been cloned by the larger Grays and that is why they all look the same. The abductions are for their genetic experiments which include cloning, DNA enrichment, and cross-breeding with human beings.

The Grays have a genetic weakness in their digestive systems which is one of their main motivations and reasons for all this genetic work. The Grays are based on a type of group consciousness, rather than an individual consciousness. Their religion is science, not true spirituality. Their social structure is based more on obedience and duty.

They are attempting to take over this planet not through military force, but rather through covert mind control. Since our government sold us out to these negative aliens, even they realize the fix we are in. If we try to attack these aliens in a military sense it would be suicide. They are far more technologically advanced than us. One of the main ways to protect yourself is to stay attuned spiritually, and stay in your power. The Grays look at fear and victim consciousness as permission to intrude.

The tall Grays seem less prone to the frailties than the smaller Grays are. Their basic program is service to self. They are using this planet as a supply depot, for biological materials (people and cattle mutilations.) They are very telepathic in nature. Our world is not the only world they have tried to conquer. The Grays from Zeta Reticuli have the ability to magnify their mental field in order to maintain control over humans. These different species of Grays are members of a network which is a type of loose alliance to which all have common purposes and aims.

The Grays from Rigel were the ones that made the secret deal with the US Government. They are small with yellow/greenish skin. When they are lacking a specific glandular substance in their bodies from the digestive problems, they appear to look greyish. They are from a solar system that revolves around Rigel, which is a double bluish/white star about 800 light years from Earth. The digestive problems were caused by exposure to radioactivity during a nuclear war many thousands of years ago. They derive nourishment from the glandular secretions and enzymes they extract from animal mutilations.

The Rigelians are almost entirely devoid of emotions. They are not capable of direct interbreeding with us, but rather do it in laboratories. They have the ability to disintegrate matter into energy. This is how they pass through walls and roofs, and transport abductees from their homes.

Part of their mind control on us deals with a type of telepathic hypnosis they are able to induce. One facet of this is their ability to make people forget consciously they have been abducted for the moment. They also use this ability to try and control our leaders. This is also done through the placing of implants, both mechanical and metaphysical in nature.

The Grays have bases all over this planet, especially in the United States as I mention in the previous chapter, and also on the dark side of the moon. They have also made clones of human beings as well. These clones are cloned into android type bodies. The degree to which the Grays have interpenetrated our society is massive.

They are impregnating human females on a massive scale, and later extracting the fetuses. Most of their biological materials comes from the cattle mutilation. However it s a known fact that at times they have done human mutilations. These materials have been found on their crashed UFO crafts. There are some books on the market saying that they are our friends, and that we agreed to these abductions. I am here to tell you not to believe it for a second. These beings are very disturbed beings and are here to take over this planet for their own selfish purposes. They look at us in a similar way that the unconscious mass of our society looks at animals.

The Zeta Reticulans appear to be divided into two different groups. There is one group that appears to be a little more tolerant towards human beings. The other group is interested in colonization and conquest of planet Earth.

The tall Grays have one base near the Aleutian Islands. The taller Grays seem to have influence over the Reticulans and the Beeletrax species of Grays. These Grays have no stomach and digest their food by absorption through the skin or under their tongue. They have been cloning themselves instead of the practice of reproduction we use on Earth. Each time they reclone, however, the genetic copy becomes weaker, which is part of their problem.

Their attitude towards humans is tolerance towards inferiors. They are technologically superior, however, spiritually and socially backwards.