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By Dr Joshua David Stone

"Extraterrestrials from the planet Ummo have bases on Earth in at least eight countries.." Antonio Ribera in his book "Ufo Contact From Planet Ummo"

In a book called "UFO Contact from Planet Ummo", by Antonio Ribera, he tells of his extraterrestrial contact with a group of beings from the planet Ummo. They arrived in 1950 and lived on earth and established their bases and acclimatized themselves. It was in 1965 they began to make contact with 20 people in Spain.

Most of these people had some openness to the possibility of extraterrestrials for they all belonged to a group called The Society of Friends of Space. The Ummites said they had other groups all over the world.

The Ummites told Antonio Ribera that their planet orbited a star that astronomers refer to as Wolf 424. This star is 14 light years from our planet. They claimed that in 1948 they picked up a strange radio signal which they were unable to decipher. They eventually traced it to our solar system. The actual transmission occurred in 1934 and took 14 years to reach their planet. Later earthly investigations confirmed these facts. The Ummites were surprised at there being intelligent life on our planet and decided to investigate our civilization. They first landed in La Javie in Les Basses Alpes, in France. The landing was unobserved and in investigative party of four men and two women (who look much like earthlings) was left on Earth.

Although similar in appearance, one marked physiological difference is that their fingers are very sensitive to light and other forms of radiation. For this reason they found it difficult to use our light switches, buttons, and electrical apparatus of all kinds. It was in 1967 that the group from Madrid began to receive an extraordinary number of phone calls and letters from the Ummites. They hired a typist to type all their letters and told this person they were Danish doctors.

When he became uncomfortable with the content of the letters they produced a tiny sphere, just an inch or so in diameter. This tiny sphere was placed in mid air and as the typist looked into it he saw a scene that had occurred the preceding day at home with his wife. There was no logical explanation how this could have been done unless they were telling the truth about themselves.

The Ummites are extremely telepathic. They, very much, believe in the existence of the soul and in a Creator God. At the age of 13.7 Ummite children leave their families for teaching centers where they are prepared for adult life.

They make practical use of at least 10 dimensions of reality and are aware of far more. They say one of the reasons they are able to travel such far distances in such a short time in their space craft is that they use folds and warps in the space continuum. They eventually opened bases on Earth in eight other countries. Researchers have received over 1,740 pages of written material from the Ummites in Spanish and French, and over 6,000 in all languages. Their ships have been photographed six different times with scores of witnesses to each sighting.

Landing tracks were found left on the ground and metal artifacts recovered. The home planet is, in actuality, similar to Earth. They have a very advanced and sophisticated technology and are able to travel faster than the speed of light in their spacecraft.