Ashram of Lord Maitreya

Greetings, Beloved Fellow and Apprentice Christs!

It is my great honor and privilege to officially welcome you to my Ashram. As you all know, the I AM University Project also entails and incorporates the anchoring, externalization, and manifestation of the inner plane "Office of the Christ," which I am in Spiritual leadership of, onto the Earth. Even though the pages or "rooms" to follow are specifically focused on the realization of the Christ Principle within your consciousness on a planetary level, in truth, my ashram and office is contained within and expands over all the ashrams, all the temples, all the movements, all the halls, and all the walls of the I AM University! This is so because as you will learn within this space in cyberspace, I have asked my dear friend and most trusted initiate on Earth, Joshua, to take over the position of "Planetary Christ" in the "Office of the Christ," once I move on in my Cosmic Evolution! I have chosen him and the I AM University because of his great gift and focus of globally raising the consciousness of the people of the Earth into the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness, which is exactly what I have Spiritual responsibility of creating from the inner planes! You could say that Joshua is working from the outside in, and I am working from the inside out. We are one team! So you are in good hands, my friends, for at the I AM University and in my ashram as dedicated to me, you will learn what it takes to become an equal member with Us, the inner plane Spiritual Hierarchy, and what it takes to realize the Christ within so you may help externalize the Christ on a planetary level without!

Go forth, my friends, and study and grow in every corner you will find within the Halls of the I AM University!

I remain in your eternal service,

Lord Maitreya