Ashram of God

My Beloved Sons and Daughters,

Greetings and Welcome to the PLACE TO BE on Earth as it is in Heaven! Welcome to the place where the lesser flame merges with the Greater Flame, where the son of man becomes one with the Son of God, where the spark becomes the Burning Bush, where the drop becomes one with the Ocean, and the cell grows conscious of its Creator’s Infinite, Evergrowing, and Everexpanding Body of Consciousness! Welcome to the place on cyberspace where you grow to be on Earth like your Father/Mother who art in Heaven, where you and your Father/Mother are one, and where you learn to be "Still and Know that You are God!" I have anchored My Heart and Ashram on Earth within the Halls and Walls of the I AM University. The I AM University is the externalized expression of the I AM Teacher within the sanctuary and infinite universe of your own heart! It is the outward replica of my Power, Love, and Wisdom innate in you and as such, is designed to help you reconnect with Me within the everlasting halls and walls of My Temple inside of you! The I AM University is the externalized Beating Heart of God within the Body of the Earth, and as such, it is the externalized mirror and replica of My Everpounding Heart as it is anchored within your Body as the Everburning Threefold Flame which no man can put out! I invite you to enter My Newly Created Heavenly Gates on Earth in every moment of your life with the knowingness that as you knock, My Door shall be opened! That as you knock, you shall realize on deeper and deeper levels that you are made in My Image, that you have come to Earth so you may learn to create on Earth like I do in Heaven, and so you may learn to expand into your own omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence as you grow in your realization that You and I are indeed One! If you always wanted to be God and learn about the Play of God, this is the PLACE TO BE on Earth as it is in Heaven! This is the PLACE TO BE on Earth to become God within your consciousness and realization! I have prepared a seat to my right especially for you. May you come and take your rightful place at the Throne of Creation and bask in the glory that is yours to realize!

I leave you with my Everlasting Love, Infinite Power, and Everexpanding Wisdom!

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai T’Sabayoth!

Ehyah Asher Ehyah!

I Am That I Am!

The Beloved Presence of GOD