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In Truth God is Not Only a Spiral but a Gigantic Cosmic Egg!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

In my humble discussion with God yesterday he told me something quite revelatory and fascinating, which is that his true nature is like a “Cosmic Egg.” Because it is His true nature, it is also our true nature! There are lots of things in our world that we know about that shed confirmation to this.

First of all, God gave birth to us out of an egg which is stored within our mother’s womb. The sperm impregnates the egg. There are physical eggs and spiritual eggs so to speak. We also have within us, a Christ Egg or seed! It does not become the Christ Child until the Holy Spirit impregnates it with the Immaculate Conception! Then when the Christ Child is born, it is our job to raise our Christ Child, up through adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, Christed Mastery and Planetary Christ Realization. It all begins with the seed or the egg! The same is true of physical birth as well.

If you look at the egg of a chicken for example it is in the shape of an oval. Why is that? It could be round, it could be all kinds of shapes, but God created it oval. Out of the egg comes life! Just like out of God, we are created and have life. We came from the Cosmic Egg of God!

If you examine the inside of a chicken egg, there is the shell, the white part, and the golden part. The material shell is the Holy Spirit. The white light or clear light of God is the white, which contains all rainbow colors within it. The golden part is the Christ, for gold is the color of the Christ! So the Cosmic Egg contains within it the Trinity of God. Do you think this is an accident? There are no accidents! The problem in life is most people think they are the shell (the physical body) instead of the Christ within at the center of the egg! Is it not amazing that an egg we have for breakfast could have been a chicken? A chicken must break out of its shell, and we as humans must break out of our shells to be free as Souls and Spirits! As within, so without! As above, so below!

So the egg is a symbol of New Life and is also a symbol of fertility. Fertility is focused on birth! God is different from us only in the sense that He created us and we did not create Him. God birthed us out of the Cosmic Egg! We must birth ourselves and be born again in Christ or our Mighty I Am Presence or as an Integrated Ascended Master from the spiritual egg or seed within us!

Even if you examine a seed that you plant in the ground, most seeds are egg shaped. Again not an accident! If you look at a galaxy through one of the major telescopes or the Hubble Telescope, they are all spirals and elliptical in nature! Planets often have an oval nature because of the polar icecaps!

If one clairvoyantly looks at the body energy fields of a person, guess what shape most of the bodies are? They are in the shape of a metaphysical egg! We are even contained within a metaphysical egg!

At a celebration called Shivaratri, I believe, Sai Baba who holds the position of Cosmic Christ for this planet did a ceremony which I actually saw on a videotape. In this ceremony Sai Baba re-enacted the story of creation. The way this was done is that out of his stomach and through his mouth a Cosmic Egg would materialize and appear! I watched this and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! In Hinduism these stones are called “lingams” I believe! Anyway one or more would just materialize in his stomach and would then rise up through his esophagus and out of his mouth! The shape of the lingams that would come out of his mouth depicting the story of creation was a perfectly shaped egg! Sai Baba said that anyone seeing or experiencing this ceremony if they lived any type of decent life would achieve liberation! That is why 25 years ago I tracked the video down and watched it!

Even our eyeballs that are in our eye sockets are in the shape of an egg. Women have eggs in their bodies. God is both the egg and the sperm, for God is androgynous and contains the masculine and feminine. Christ is more masculine, being the mind and love of God, which is why it is said by the Universal Mind, that it is the “Mind that leads to the Christ.” Some people think channeling or a lot of other things lead to the Christ! It is the mind that leads to the Christ! As the Bible says, let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus!

The Holy Spirit is the more feminine aspect of God, the inspiration, the Holy Breath, the spiritual passion, the spiritual desire, the spiritual enthusiasm, the joy, the comforter!

We all must realize the golden yolk of the egg and manifest our spiritual path in an actively intelligent way on Earth in a physical body, which is the shell of the egg! That is why, to realize God you must also realize the Christ and the Holy Spirit, for all three make up the egg. Even the number of parts of the egg adds up to three, which of course is the Trinity of God! Everything in our material world including our physical bodies is but a reflection of the spiritual path. The Trinity, the Seven, the Twelve, pervade every aspect of earth life!

Each of us must realize the Cosmic Egg of God. We are each miniature eggs in the same way God is the Cosmic Tree of Life and we are miniature Trees of Life. God is the I Am that I Am, and we are miniature I Ams. So there are 352 levels of Cosmic Egg Mastership! There is also egg realization on a personal, planetary, solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal and cosmic level!

Another interesting validation about God being a Cosmic Egg is seen if one examines the nature of one’s Merkabah. I was told by Spirit and the Masters a couple of years ago that my Merkabah was in the shape of an egg. This was before I knew anything about what I am speaking about here! Merkabahs have different shapes depending on the level of your spiritual and consciousness evolution. An egg shaped Merkabah or more rounded Merkabah is the most advanced I was told!

People of a more materially focused in nature focus on birthing material eggs, sexuality, babies and so on! One should strive to birth the spiritual eggs and seeds within if one wants to become a Planetary Christ, Mighty I Am Presence and Integrated Ascended Master or I Am Master! If we just focus on sexuality we are focused on the material eggs. When we focus on things like impregnating the Christ egg or seed with the immaculate conception of the Holy Spirit, we will give birth to the Christ Child, and things of a spiritual nature.

So every person is birthing symbolic physical eggs and spiritual eggs. We birth out of the seed potential our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual goals. When I pray to God, Christ the Holy Spirit and the Masters each year for the Wesak Celebrations in Mt Shasta for 2000 people, in my prayers I ask that Wesak reach its highest seed potential in God! By the grace of God for the last 10 years this has been accomplished! The main reason for this I believe, besides our mastery, is that God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Masters help the highest seed potential of the thought form we co-create to be made manifest on the Earth. So the ideal here is to bring heaven to earth and to have the Seeds of Heaven integrated and blend with the seeds of earth.

Have you ever thought about a seed? Let’s take the seed of an acorn tree. Within that seed is this incredible tree! Or within a pea plant seed is the pea plant! Within the seed for a rose bush are potentially all these beautiful smelling roses! The potential of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit lies within every egg and seed. The eggs we eat for breakfast could have been a real live chicken! It depends what we do with all our seeds and eggs, both on a material and spiritual level. Whether they come alive and become New Life depends on how we nurture, feed, love, cultivate and plant the seed.

The Master Jesus in his parables spoke of how seeds fell on unfertile ground. Spirit, the Masters and I are planting seeds within your consciousness, as you read and study these Correspondence Courses. Whether they grow depends on if they land in fertile ground. That fertile ground I speak of here is the fertile ground of your consciousness. The seeds must be planted in the womb of consciousness. They must be nurtured, loved, given warmth and fed by you.

What is it that blocks or prevents these seeds or eggs we are impregnating within you from growing? Things like being closed minded, reading these correspondence courses while wearing your negative ego glasses, and superiority and inferiority complexes. False pride, jealousy, competition, limited lens seeing, disintegration and fragmentation. I am not saying these qualities are manifesting in you, I am just sharing what everyone must look out for in life that prevents spiritual seeds and eggs from growing.

The seeds and eggs must be fed with prayer, meditation, asking for God and the Masters’ help, personal power, action, positive thinking, positive imaging, focus, concentration, proper attention, mastery of subconscious mind, programming of subconscious mind, balance, integration, spiritual battle plans, organization, love, a nurturing spirit, patience, faith, trust in God and God’s laws.

Physical eggs can be babies and they can also be our physical and material goals! Our spiritual eggs can be spiritual or psychological goals. Spirit and the Masters are constantly placing eggs and seed thoughts into disciples and initiates on earth. The problem is, all are chosen but few choose to listen! The negative ego victimization, emotional victimization, inner child victimization, subconscious mind victimization, faulty thinking, negative emotions, lower self desire, carnal sexuality, appetites, bad habits, addictions, five senses, imbalance, disintegration, faulty beliefs, negative thinking, wrong motivations, misperceptions, misinterpretations, projections, wrong assumptions and conclusions, psychological baggage, limited lens seeing, all block out and prevent the seeds and eggs from finding the “Womb of Consciousness” to grow in and prevent Spirit and the Masters from finding “fertile ground”! The inner and outer earthly plane I AM University specializes in the egg and seed impregnation and implanting business! The Holy Spirit is in charge of this aspect of the I AM University training.