Ashram of Christ

My Beloved Apprentice Christs, Greetings and Welcome to the official anchoring of the Ashram of Christ within the I AM University on Earth!

You have all come a long way on your journey from Adam to the Christ! Whether you know it or not, you are all on a most amazing cosmic trip throughout God’s Infinite Creation of realizing the Consciousness of God, which you call on Earth the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness! People all around the world are awaiting with great anticipation my "Second Coming" and my "Return," with their hopes as high as the sky is infinite to experience that peace that passeth understanding and that oneness with God that transcendeth all separation in your world! Well, my friends, I am happy to announce that the "Age of the Christ" has officially been launched on Earth! In my ashram, as it is anchored on Earth in this focalized manner within the I AM University cyberspace, you will learn about the real meaning of the "Return of the Christ" which is My Return, not in the form of an outward master or teacher, but within the Sanctuary of your very own Christed Heart! And you will learn that in truth I never left your side even for the Twinkling of an Eye - and that you just erroneously thought I did and now in this Holy Instant just reawaken to your true essence which is My Essence, the Essence of the Christ. And you will learn that I am a Living Reality and not a Christian concept, and here within the pages of my "Online Book of Christ" you will learn to embody the Trinity of God, Myself, and the Holy Spirit within every aspect of your consciousness, in body, emotion, mind, personality, soul, and monad! You will be given the tools and instruments necessary for you to arrive at the realization that you are the Principle of Christ in action. You will be taught to "let this mind be in you that was in Jesus Christ, Buddha Christ, Mohammed Christ, Krishna Christ, Moses Christ, and Lao Tse Christ!" Within the "Halls of Christ" of the I Am University you will receive the next elevated octave of My Teachings and Guidance for the Aquarian Age, the "Age of the Christ!" You will learn to grow from unrealized Christ, to Apprentice Christ, to full blown fully realized Planetary Christ! You will grow from Adam to the Christ, and will even be given a Cosmic Map that extends all the way Home of realizing the Fullness of Myself at the 352nd level of the Godhead, the Christhead, the Holy Spirit-Head - the Head of the Trinity! Going from Planetary Adam to Planetary Christ, Solar Adam to Solar Christ, Galactic Adam to Galactic Christ, Universal Adam to Universal Christ, and finally from Cosmic Adam to Cosmic Christ!

Now go forth, my Beloved Friends and Apprentice Christs, and explore Me and meet Me in my very first officially launched ashram on Earth so you may grow to be like Me, the Cosmic Christ in Heaven! The Christ is with you! You are the Christ! I am with you! You are in Me! I Am the Beloved Presence of Christ, Second Aspect of the Trinity