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For that Which Leads to the Christ is the Mind—The Universal Mind!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

In my humble opinion, I think this is one of the most profound quotes I have ever heard. It is a quote from a channeling of the Universal Mind by Edgar Cayce! Cayce may have been the greatest channel this world has ever known. What was unique about him was that he was a Universal Mind or Superconscious mind channel! The above-mentioned quote carries unbelievably profound wisdom in it, and it is something most people in religion and the New Age Movement do not understand! New Age people think channeling leads to the Christ, or Soul Travel, or meditation, or clairvoyance, or psychic abilities, or anchoring light or sound, and although all of these Spiritual gifts or practices are wonderful things, they are not what leads to the Christ! The purpose of life is to become a Living Christ, a Living Buddha, a Living God, a Living Eternal Self, and the main thing, the Universal Mind says that leads you there, is the Mind. Isn’t that interesting! In the New Age Movement and in the Eastern religions, most people are anti-mind! Eastern Religions often teach to get rid of the mind, which is the height of egotism and illusion. New Age People tend to be anti-mind as well and that is why the New Age Movement is a vast wasteland of fallen Spiritual leaders and lightworkers who do not even know they have fallen. This is because by being anti-mind they have unwittingly set themselves up to be run by the negative ego mind by adopting such a foolhardy philosophy. As Sai Baba has said, “It is the mind that creates bondage, and the mind that creates liberation!” It is no accident Sai Baba is a Universal Avatar for he is attuned to the Universal Mind!

The mind leads to the Christ, the Buddha, the Eternal Self and God because it is your thoughts that create your reality. It is your thoughts that create your feelings and emotions. It is your thoughts that guide your energy! It is your thoughts that create your behavior and actions. It is your thoughts that attract, magnetize and repel things in your life. It is your thoughts that determine what you see in life, not your physical eyes! The premier thing that needs to be developed to become the Christ, is the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness! As the Bible says, “Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus!” It does not matter what you call it, Buddha mind, Krishna Mind, Moses mind, Eternal Self Mind, but one must learn to think with this mind and hence transcend the negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / mind and lower self or little self mind!

There are plenty of people who channel, who are expert in astral or soul travel, who meditate twice a day religiously, who are clairvoyant, who are psychic, who work with light or with sound, who will never realize the Christ, the Buddha, God or the Eternal Self and/or have fallen because they do not understand the mind! The mind is the foundation of your entire spiritual path. If this is not mastered, all the above-mentioned gifts and spiritual practices will become corrupted. If the mind is not mastered in the way I speak of here, channelings will be corrupted, clairvoyance will be corrupted, soul travel will be corrupted, psychic abilities will be corrupted, meditations will be interfered with, light and sound work will be extremely hampered. Your mind will attract to you its likeness. If the mind is not mastered, it means the negative ego mind has caused self delusion, which leads to negative feelings and emotions, imbalance and so on. This will cause wrong information to be channeled and cause imbalanced channelings and often lower spirits who parade as masters. It will cause clairvoyance to be at a much lower level and much more limited lense for you. You don’t see through your eyes you see though your mind. The opening of your third eye is not determined by your clairvoyance but by your consciousness and mind. Your soul travel by the law of attraction will be astral or mental and not spiritual whether you like it or not. You will create karma for your self, for as the Universal Mind says, thoughts are things! If you do not master your mind, you will not master your feelings and emotions or actions! You will not be right with self and right with God, which will cause all other relationships to be off kilter as well. It will create self delusion, illusion, glamour, and maya without you ever realizing it. As I said a great many of the Eastern world seek to reject the mind and think they will achieve Self and God realization. Look how the wrong understanding of the mind has screwed up religion. Look how it has fouled up the New Age Movement! This is why the Masters and I teach “Integrated Ascension” and not “Ascension!” For most of the New Age Movement is living in “Fragmented Ascension” or “Disintegrated Ascenscion!” Their Spiritual bodies and light quotient is developed, but their consciousness is not. Hence they fall down the spiritual ladder, and don’t even realize it. Why? Because it is the Mind that leads to the Christ, the Buddha, the Eternal Self and to God! The Universal Mind knows what it is talking about!

So let it be written! So let it be done