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What is the "Office of the Christ" and How to Integrate it Into Your Being!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, this is a lesson and chapter that is of course dear to my personal heart, for Lord Maitreya has humbly chosen me to take over this spiritual leadership inner plane governmental position for the next lifewave, when Lord Maitreya moves on to his next cosmic position. So I am very excited to channel and write about this for you all!

To begin the “Office of the Christ” on a planetary level is an inner plane spiritual governmental position that Lord Maitreya has held for over 2000 years! He took over this position even prior to the Master Jesus’ sojourn on Earth! It was Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ, who overlighted Jesus, along with the Christ - the second aspect of the Trinity. A great many of the famous quotes of Jesus were actually channelings Jesus was doing of Lord Maitreya and the Christ, which is why they are so profound! Lord Maitreya, as the current Planetary Christ, is the President of the Planet and is the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. On the planetary level, he also holds an overlighting synthesis spiritual leadership of the Seven Chohans and Seven Ray departments. He and the Manu Allah Gobi, and the Mahachohan Saint Germain, along with Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos, are given a certain structure or grid of the Divine Plan from Helios and Vesta our Solar Logos, and it is their job fill in the squares so to speak with all their spiritual battleplans along with the Seven Chohans and the leader of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram. The inner plane Synthesis Ashram, which I currently hold spiritual leadership of, which was passed on to me by the inner plane Ascended Master Djwhal Khul who has left for his next cosmic position at the Great White Lodge on Sirius, but still works with the Earth as well! The inner plane Synthesis Ashram is a miniaturized Office of the Christ which is part of my attunement to Lord Maitreya and the Office of the Christ!

It is the purpose of the Office of the Christ to create integrated Planetary Christs and/or 12th to 22nd degree initiates and Masters. This is done through spiritual education through a Seven Ray synthesis approach! Lord Maitreya, the Manu Allah Gobi, and Saint Germain the Mahachohan form a Trinity, just as God, Christ and the Holy Spirit is a Trinity!

The first lesson to learn in mastering and integrating the Office of the Christ is to personally become an integrated Christ yourself. This means to minimally achieve your 12 levels of initiation and to do it in an integrated and balanced way. This is the purpose of the inner and outer plane I Am University, to help you to achieve this in the quickest, easiest, most efficient, most integrated and balanced possible way. Once you stabilize this on a personal level, then the next lesson is to help the 12 souls from your Oversoul, and your 144 souls from your Monad or Mighty I Am Presence to achieve this as well! For your true identity is the Mighty I Am Presence not the 1/144 soul you have thought you were! God is a group consciousness being and you are a group consciousness being, who integrates all these aspects of self into your being through a singular focus.

Then the next lesson is to help your outer personal family achieve Integrated Christ realization, Mighty I Am Presence realization, Integrated Ascended Master realization and hence, integrated “I Am” realization! For you cannot realize the Christ, without realizing your Mighty I Am Presence first! When I use the term Christ in this chapter I am not using it in a Christian sense, I am using the term in a universalistic sense! Just as all religions and spiritual paths lead to God, all religions and spiritual paths lead to Christ and the Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva! Vishnu being the equivalent of the Christ in Hinduism! Krishna, a past life of Lord Maitreya, was also the premiere Christ of the eastern world. Interesting that it is he who became the Planetary Christ within the Office of the Christ for this planet.

So after you help your outer personal family to achieve the personal Christ realization, then help your community, city, state, country and the entire planet! At the 22nd level of initiation one officially becomes a Planetary Christ! There is only one on the planet at this time who has evolved through this earthly school to this level! There are around 50 at the 14th or 15th level as of the year 2004! There are approximately 500 who have achieved at least the 12th level, but not all of those are integrated, and as matter of fact, only ten of them are! Of course there are levels of integration as well! There is only one at the 95 to 96 percent level and the rest are just below the 50 percent level of integration of the other ten who are integrated. So being an Integrated Ascended Master is a rather relative term.

Obviously once one achieves Planetary Christ realization at the 22nd level, then the next step is to become a Solar Christ, Galactic Christ, Universal Christ, Multi-Universal Christ, and then finally a Cosmic Christ like Archangel Metatron! So the first step is to achieve this personally and the next step is to achieve this on a planetary level! Again, Spirit and the Masters are looking for 12 integrated fully realized Planetary Christs who have integrated the new higher octave Aquarian Age Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path to be the 12 Pillars in the Temple of God for this Planet! To be the 12 fully realized Apostles of Christ the Second aspect of the Trinity and the Apostles of the Office of the Christ! Also the 12 Apostles of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit! Also the 12 Apostles of the Office of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Planetary Logos! Also the 12 Apostles of the Council of 12 or the planetary hierarchy that has spiritual leadership of our inner plane spiritual government! Any volunteers? We have one on the planet right now, we are looking for 11 more! The fastest way to qualify for these positions or to be one of the 144 fully integrated 12th to 22nd degree initiates or one of the 144,000 that was spoken of in the Revelation of John, is to enroll in the inner and outer plane I Am University! For this is the crash course on planet Earth in how to become a fully realized Integrated Planetary Christ. These are not just words, advertising or hype, for the teachings of the I Am University are the exact word for word things I did to humbly achieve this myself. I wrote everything down and documented the whole process from one to twenty-two so I would not forget anything! So this curriculum is not just channeled and not just theoretical, but is born of full and complete realization of that which I teach and that which Spirit and the Masters teach through me! The combination of going through the inner and outer plane I Am University is the fast track, and rocketship to God, Christ and Holy Spirit realization!

Because of the unique situation of my being in current spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram, and the fact that I am now fully anchoring the inner and outer plane I Am University on Earth, and the unique fact that I have humbly been chosen by Lord Maitreya to be the next Planetary Christ in the Office of the Christ, the “Office of the Christ” is now for the first time being anchored onto the Earth, under the auspices of the inner and outer plane I Am University. Anyone who would like to open a branch of the I Am University on Earth who has attunement to my work and has integrated the work is welcome to do so, and in so doing they will also be anchoring the Office of the Christ as a sub-branch of the Mother Branch of the I Am University in Vienna! All who would like to apply for these spiritual leadership positions please contact me. I am also anchoring, as part of the integrated synthesis nature of the I Am University offices of God and the Holy Spirit, under the umbrella name I Am University. So certain branches may be stronger in first ray, some in second ray, some in third, however, all will be integrated and synthesized to a great degree. Do not underestimate the profundity of that which I speak here for this is the only real inner plane ashram of the spiritual hierarchy that has been anchored onto the Earth, because of the unique fact that I am already in spiritual leadership of the inner plane I Am University, Synthesis Ashram and future leadership of the Office of the Christ when Lord Maitreya moves on to his next cosmic position! So those who are branch leaders of the I Am University and Office of the Christ are like branches of the Tree of Life, Apostles or Pillars in the Temple of God, of the Mother Branch of the I Am University and Office of the Christ on Earth! These spiritual leadership positions are available to all who study and integrate this work! There is more information on this in the service section of the I Am University website. There will also be branches of the I Am University that may emphasize being Offices of the Planetary Logos as well, in an integrated and balanced way. They will all be called branches of the I Am University, however, first, second and third ray monads and souls may emphasize a little more of one office than another in what they teach and share with the world even though at the core they are coming from integration and synthesis. I hope this is clear!

So the main work of the Planetary Christ is to help others become a Planetary Christ! As the Master Jesus said to the scribe or channel of the book A Course in Miracles, “This is my true Church, helping your Brothers and Sisters!” All Masters of all religions and spiritual paths help their students to become the Christ, for Christ is not in truth a Christian term, it is a living presence which you can call by any name you want. Every planet in our galaxy and universe calls it by a different name! I am choosing to call the second aspect of the Trinity, the Christ, but if you prefer Vishnu or any other name to depict the perfected blueprint and pattern and living being, that is fine.