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Table Of Contents On Channeling

A great many people in this world think that if it is channeled, it is true. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only is most channeling coming from the Mental or Astral Plane, but even when it is coming from the Ascended Masters and/or Spiritual Planes, because of the nature of channeling, it is filled with the belief systems, personality, philosophies, and personal agendas of the person who is doing the channeling. The development of one’s consciousness enormously affects the channeling process, even within the finest channels on this planet. For a channel for GOD and/or the Ascended Masters is only as good as the development of one’s consciousness in a holistic perspective. If a person’s consciousness is not developed and balanced, the channelings and all psychic readings for that matter that come through that person will reflect that imbalance and ultimately be in danger of negative ego corruption, personal agendas, and contamination by the belief system of the person who gives the channeling or psychic reading! This is not a judgement upon channelers, it is just the nature of the process of channeling itself. To give an example here, a person who is developed in the First Ray of Power will bring through powerful, commanding, and charismatic channelings. If developed in the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom, the channeling will be filled with love and Spiritual wisdom. If developed in the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, the channelings will reflect keen intellectual knowledge and very practical information, whereas a person developed in the Fourth Ray of Harmony and Beauty will bring through very poetic and beautiful words. If, however, the channeler is not developed in the First Ray, the information will lack a certain power, and if undeveloped in the Second Ray, lack certain Unconditional Love and/or specific Spiritual Wisdom. A person developed in the Fifth Ray will bring forth incredible New Age science information, a person developed in the Sixth Ray will bring forth very devotional channelings, and if developed in the Seventh Ray, the channelings will come through in a very Divine order, with a certain pomp and circumstance. Now, let’s have a look at the channeling process from the lens of the Chakra system. We all know that we create our own reality by how we think. This manifests within the Chakras as the Chakras being too open, too closed, or balanced. The overstimulation or understimulation of the Chakras is connected to our seven major glands. Improper thinking causes the Chakras to be overactive or underactive, which causes the glands to be overactive or underactive. Well, let’s have a look at the channeling process now. If developed in the First Chakra, the person will be very grounded and their channelings will be very attuned to Mother Earth; if there is only little energy in the First Chakra, the channeling will be very heavenly or mentally oriented. If overactive in the Second Chakra, channelings will be very emotional in nature and usually very creative and poetic; if undeveloped in this Chakra, the channelings will be dry and intellectual. If a person is overactive in the Third Chakra, the channeling will be powerful and commanding, and timid, shy, and soft if underactive. Fourth Chakra: channelings will either be extremely loving and flowery, or very scientific and dry. Fifth Chakra: channelings are either highly communicative or focused on silent meditation. Sixth Chakra: highly mental and filled with visions and psychic experiences, or just very technical information. And if the Crown Chakra is overactive, then there will be a lot of information and light, but it will be very ungrounded and not integrated. It will be Spiritually uplifting but the person receiving the channeling will not know how to integrate it. If undeveloped in this Chakra, channeling will be more earthly in nature. Every thought you think is reflected in the Chakras. Every negative ego thought you allow in your mind will reflect itself in the Chakras as being overactive or underactive. It is only when you practice and realize the goal of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ and Buddha that your Chakras can truly be balanced. Perfectly balanced Chakras are a byproduct of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha. The ideal channel of information for the Aquarian Age is to become as integrated and balanced as possible within self, so the Love, Wisdom, Power that comes through your channel is integrated and balanced in nature. This means carrying a balance of the Seven Rays. This means carrying a balance of the Three-Fold Flame of GOD of Love, Wisdom, and Power. This means reflecting a balance of the Seven Chakras, as well as the Twelve Major Archetypes, and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. It is perfectly in Divine Order for everyone to reflect a certain Ray or theme of GOD for that is how GOD created us. So, the key understanding here is not that everyone should be exactly the same, or do channelings exactly the same way. The ideal is that every person strive to become an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha in their practice of the Presence of GOD on Earth, and in doing so, even though your channelings may have a tinge or theme of your own monadic and Soul Ray, your channelings will also be reflective of being an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha! One last thought on the issue of channeling: an enormous number of people and Lightworkers give their power to external channelings! Lightworkers are being asked by the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy to be much more discerning regardless of who the external channeled entity claims to be. Remember, in truth, there is no such thing as channeling. There are only people at different levels of Psychological and Spiritual development bringing through guidance that is being reinterpreted by all their filters, lenses, belief systems, subconscious programming, and level of Psychological vision. Take all external channeling with a grain of salt, and trust your own inner guidance above all else for the above mentioned reasons, and never give your power or your Spiritual discrimination and sword of discernment away ever again!

Table Of Contents On Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness is not just for Christians. Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, God Consciousness, and the Consciousness of all religions are all the same thing. Just different words for one and the same thing. Swami Sivananda said, “Know well that the heart of the Vedas, the heart of the Bible, the Holy Koran, the Sacred Gathas, and all the world’s scriptures are, in truth, one, and they sing in unison the sweet message of love and concord, goodness and kindness, service, and worship.” In A Course In Miracles, the introduction says, “This is a course in miracles. It is a required course.” What this means is not that everyone has to study the books, but rather that everyone has to learn the basic message contained therein which is to learn to undo the negative ego’s thinking and to replace it with Christ Consciousness. There are only two ways of thinking or philosophies of life! Negative ego thinking and thinking with your Christ mind! You cannot go through your Spiritual Initiations and realize GOD without transcending the selfish, materialistic, fear-based mind of your ego. The core of A Course in Miracles instructs us that GOD created us, and our true identity is the Christ. Said another way, we are all Sons and Daughters of GOD, made in GOD’s image. In the Old Testament the Jewish prophets said, “Ye are Gods and children of the Most High.” David, in the Psalms, said, “Be still and know, I am God.” Your true identity as the Christ cannot be changed. That is how GOD created you. You can think you are something other than this, but that does not change reality. You are the Christ, whether you like it or not. You have no choice in this because you didn’t create yourself, GOD created you! The Spiritual Path is really not about trying to get anyplace. It is just about reawakening to who you are. It is about demonstrating and being who you are! You are the Christ! So it’s about demonstrating your true identity which is the Christ, the Buddha, the Eternal Self. So, being of the Christ Consciousness is as simple as BEING a living Christ in your everyday life! Demonstrating Christ Consciousness in the marketplace and transcending negative ego, fear-based, separative thinking and feeling! What is the negative ego? If there had to be one word that describes negative ego more than any other, it is fear. And if there is one word that describes the Christ Consciousness more than any other, it is love. There are in truth only two emotions in life: love and fear. All other positive and negative emotions have these at their core. To understand fear is to see that it is projected attack. When we attack others we live in fear of Karma operating in our own mind. This is why A Course in Miracles says to give up all our attack thoughts. Probably the greatest test of the Spiritual Path is to learn to release all core fear and to replace it with core love. When we have released all fear, we have released and transcended negative ego consciousness, and hence can live in Christ Consciousness. One of the great dispensations of the Twentieth Century given to us by the Ascended Masters has been the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. With the Ascended Masters’ help, this advanced technology can remove all the core fear programs from this life and all your past lives in a very short time. A Course in Miracles says there are no neutral thoughts. All thoughts are either fear-based or based on love. This is why it is of the utmost importance not to allow any thoughts that are not of GOD to enter your mind, and to affirm and visualize only thoughts of GOD and the Christ Consciousness. Be a living Christ! Transcend negative ego consciousness and live in Christ Consciousness. “Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus!” Then said Jesus unto his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)