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Table Of Contents On Affirmations and Visualizations

Every thought we think, positive or negative, is an affirmation. Every word we speak is an affirmation. Every action or behavior we take is an affirmation. Used in a Psychological healing context, affirmations are specifically designed to program a desired feeling, behavior, or habit into our subconscious minds. The continuous process of pushing the negative attitudes out of the mind with our personal power and then repeating the new positive affirmations into the subconscious mind is the main key to reprogramming the subconscious mind, and also maintaining self-mastery. Affirmations are a total key to developing every attitude and behavior demonstrated by one who is in Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek Consciousness. For affirmations to develop certain key attitudes that pertain to self-concept and self-image, please see Soul Psychology. Every thought and feeling you allow into your mind is not only an affirmation and visualization, but once accepted into the conscious mind, it imprints itself on the subconscious mind like a tape recorder or computer! It will then attract and magnetize that! The subconscious mind is always attracting and magnetizing. It is just a matter of what you allow it to magnetize and attract. Now the question is, Why do affirmations and visualizations not always get the results people want? First, most people don’t realize that every thought you think, feeling you feel, word you speak, and action you take is an affirmation. Hence, everyone is doing affirmations and visualizations every moment of their lives. Second, most people are not aware of all the programming that currently exists in their subconscious mind from this lifetime and all their past lives, which is functioning as an affirmation and visualization already programmed into the subconscious from the past. Third, most people do not have 100% mastery of their thoughts, emotions, negative ego mind, lower-self desire, and inner child, and are not thinking and feeling with their Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind at all times. So what happens is, Lightworkers use positive affirmations and visualizations, which is good, however, they are having to counteract an enormous amount of programming that is already functioning all the time as an affirmation and visualization. Plus, all the positive or negative daily self-talk which is the inner dialogue that goes on all day in our consciousness. So the positive affirmations and visualizations definitely help, but be sure to clean out your subconscious mind and conscious thinking, and work on gaining full mastery of your daily thinking, feeling, speaking, negative ego, inner child, lower-self desire, and so on. Above all else, deny any thought not of GOD to enter your Mind! Ponder on this! This is a golden key to life!

Table Of Contents On Appropriately Responding Rather Than Inappropriately Reacting

Whatever happens in life, you want to respond rather than react. A response is a product of the conscious mind, when you choose how to deal with the incoming energy. A reaction is a product of the subconscious mind. If someone judges or attacks you and you let the incoming energy go right into your subconscious mind, solar plexus, or emotional body, you will either be hurt, withdraw and cry, or lash back. You are letting another person be the cause of your emotions. We are hypersuggestible when we don’t make a choice about how to respond. In reality, we all are invulnerable psychologically. This is a very profound statement. To be invulnerable means that we can’t get emotionally hurt unless we choose to be! See On Feelings and Emotions. Don’t go on automatic pilot! Be conscious and respond rather than react! An integrated Ascended Master responds and stays in his self mastery!

Table Of Contents On Ascension and Integrated Ascension

Ascension begins when you take the beginning of the sixth Initiation. This is called the Ascension Initiation. It has to do with achieving approximately 83 % Light Quotient in your Spiritual Body! All Initiations are basically focused on the amount of Light Quotient you are currently holding. The first step is taking this Initiation which means you have to go through the seven sublevels of that Initiation to take you to the sixth Initiation and completion of the seventh sublevel! This would mean the completing of your Sixth Initiation and Ascension Initiation. Once you take your ninth Initiation and the seventh sublevel, which leads to the beginning of the tenth Initiation, it leads to the full completion of Planetary Ascension and the beginning of your Solar Ascension! After Solar Ascension comes Galactic Ascension, Universal Ascension, Multi-Universal Ascension, and the full realization of Cosmic Ascension! Well, all Initiations are just levels or percentages of Light Quotient in your Spiritual Body! So really Initiations are speaking of the evolution of your Light in your Spiritual Body, but that is all! Which brings us to the subject of Integrated Ascension. Integrated Ascension refers to the understanding that it is not enough to just achieve your seven or nine Levels of Initiation and build your Light Body or Light Quotient, you also must integrate your Initiations into your Mental Body, Emotional Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body, and into your Earthly Life! Ascension and your seven Levels of Initiation or beyond have nothing to do with Psychological development or Physical/Earthly development! A fully Realized Ascended Master on a Planetary Level is the Master of the Spiritual Level, the Psychological Level, and the Physical/Earthly Level, and is balanced and integrated in the three! To understand what it means to integrate your Initiations into your Four-Body System, please see On Integrating One’s Twelve Levels of Initiations Into One’s Four-Body System. So you also must integrate your Initiations and become an Integrated Ascended Master. And no one will be allowed to move into their Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, or Cosmic Ascension process unless they do this! There is a ring pass not at the seventh Initiation for those who do not address this issue. Also, even if you do pass the seventh level of Initiation, if you don’t do your Integrated Ascension Work you will have to reincarnate back to the Astral or Mental Plane to complete this work even if you have achieved liberation from the Physical/Earthly Plane. The seventh Initiation is the “Liberation from the Wheel of Rebirth”. Once we complete our seven levels of Initiation and our nine levels of Initiation and integrate them into our Four-Body-System, we are allowed to begin taking our Cosmic Ascension Initiations! To fully realize God we must take 352 levels of Initiation. It is impossible to take all of these Initiations in a Physical Body! The First Cosmic Initiation is the Tenth, which is an Earthly Solar Initiation! Then the Eleventh, which is an Earthly Galactic Initiation! Then the Twelfth, which is an Earthly Universal Initiation! These Initiations keep continuing until 352 are achieved! These Cosmic Initiations are much larger in scope than the Planetary Initiations! Well, what about Physical Ascension? Physical Ascension is the process of turning the Physical Body completely into light and returning it to the Spiritual World! However, this is not required to become a fully Realized Ascended Master. It is just an option, and most choose not to do this! It is an option, however, that is not even realistic to consider until you fully complete your Twelfth Initiation! In terms of Physical Ascension, you can Physically ascend and leave for good when your Spiritual Mission on Earth is complete, or you can Physically ascend and remain on Earth to continue your Spiritual Service Work! This allows you to travel back and forth from the Spiritual and Earthly World and in a sense live in two places consciously simultaneously! Now, there is also what might be called Multi-Dimensional Ascension. There are many lenses to Multi-Dimensional Ascension. The first is that it is not just you who are ascending, it is your twelve Oversouls, your Mighty I Am Presence, and your 143 other Souls, or Soul Extensions, who are ascending with you as well! Also ascending is your entire monadic family! So, from this lens, groups of ,onads are ascending together at higher and higher levels. At the Solar Level is one grouping of monads, at the Galactic Level a much larger grouping of monads, at the Universal Level an even larger group, at the Multi-Universal Level a larger grouping yet, and at the Cosmic Level or the 352nd level of the Godhead, all monads are grouped together! Add to this the fact, that the Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms are in an Ascension Process as well! The Earth Herself is in an Ascension Process! So is the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe, the Multi-Universe, and the Omniverse or Cosmos, that is God on all levels and all Dimensions of Reality! If you look at Multi-Dimensional Ascension from God’s Perspective, there is no such thing as Personal Ascension! There is only GOD Ascending! All of Creation is Part of GOD! This is the Supreme Multi-Dimensional Perspective! We are all Ascending for GOD! We are God! Well, this is the good news! The other news is that the most common form of Ascension is what might be termed Disintegrated or Fragmented Ascension! The first part to start is that a great many Lightworkers are much more developed in their Spiritual Bodies than their Psychological Self. Often this manifests with people not knowing how to properly own their personal power, love themselves, keep up their bubble of protection, control their mind, emotions, energies, and master their Physical Body! They are often victims instead of causes of their reality, are run by the subconscious mind and by the inner child. And one of the biggest problems is that they do not understand the difference between Spiritual/Buddha/Christ Consciousness and negative ego/fear-based/separative consciousness. They do not fully understand and do not fully apply the Spiritual understanding that our thoughts create our reality, our feelings, emotions, behavior, and largely, what we attract and magnetize into our lives! The negative ego is creating havoc in a great many Lightworkers. When one is not fully right with self, this begins to contaminate all channeling, psychic work, healing, and Spiritual teaching. The work begins to be contaminated with wrong motivations, personal agendas, negative feelings and emotions, power, fame, greed, selfishness, false pride, lust, lower-self desire. This is rampant in the New Age Movement and religion! And this is why the concept and ideal of “Integrated Ascension” is so important! There are three Levels that each person must master to become truly a full-fledged Ascended Master the Physical/Earthly Level, the Psychological Level, and the Spiritual Level! Each Level is unique and has its own set of laws and Spiritual practices that must be adhered to! The key is to master all three levels and then keep them integrated and balanced at all times! See On Integrated Spiritual Growth on all Three Levels: Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly. Ascension really is the process of anchoring your Higher Self and Mighty I Am Presence into your Physical Body in an integrated and balanced way and hence achieving your levels of initiation. It is also a process of achieving a 99% Light Quotient level on a Planetary scale. It is also Self-Mastery on a Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly level in service of God and Unconditional Love. It is the balancing and integration of your Seven Rays, Seven Chakras, Twelve Archetypes, Twelve Astrological Signs, and Twelve Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. It is the fulfillment of your Spiritual mission, contract, puzzle piece, personal blueprint, and Divine Plan on Earth. It is the full embodiment and demonstration of God and Unconditional Love on Earth and a life dedicated completely to service of one’s brothers and sisters!