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On Balance and Integration

Integration and Balance. These words hold much power, but no power is achieved unless you strive to attain these goals through daily use in your lives. We must learn to live in balance and integrate God’s wisdom into our consciousness! It must become part of our beings without conscious forethought. It must become an automatic unconscious action. How does one achieve Integration and Balance? How do you stay in balance when everything around you seems to be out of balance? This is the time when you focus on your Divinity! This is the time when you focus and tune into God. This is the time when you need to remember your God-given Divinity and know in your being that God will take care of everything within His divine plan. Now, this is all well and good but how can I really learn to do this? Where to start? You start with yourself. “Your Thoughts Are Things And As You Think, So You Are!” You must realize and understand that your thoughts are the first items to be addressed. Changing your thoughts should be the first priority in your life to change your realities! For it is your thoughts that create your reality! You must learn to handle what you can and do it always remaining in the Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. This is how you achieve balance in your life. It is in this way you shall integrate love and light into your Four-Body System and all of your Light Bodies. You must attain balance in all areas of your earthly life. You must become a Master in all areas of your lives and live in the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness! You must learn to balance and integrate the Mental/Physical/Earthly/Psychological aspects of your lives! You must be devoted and dedicated, owning your personal power 100%, using your free will choices to constantly keep your thoughts in balance and integrate these principles into your daily lives and into your total beings! Always, no matter what happens in your lives, focusing on your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness! Always adjusting your thoughts the instant something happens and focusing only on this Consciousness! This simple process will help you to live a life in balance and integration.

On Balancing and Integrating Each New Light Body

It is not enough to only work on one aspect of Ascension and building Light Quotient. You must learn to build each Light Body and level of Ascension in a balanced and integrated manner. What does that mean? With each level of Light Body come very specific life lessons associated with it. You must learn these lessons and live these lessons before you will be allowed to move up the Spiritual ladder. It is not merely enough to request from the Masters your acceleration of Light Quotient and expect to receive it unconditionally. Although the Ascended Masters are ready and willing to dispense this to you at your request, they are more interested at this time in developing your Integrated Light Body as opposed to just your Light Body. Integrated Light Body means you are balanced in all areas of Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. You are balanced in the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical/Earthly aspects of life on Earth. So, as you strive to achieve a new level of Light Body you must realize that you must clearly be focused on achieving integration and balance in this new Light Body. You must learn to focus on integrating the new Light Body into your being, and balance the new Light Body with your existing structure. What does this truly mean to you? As your Spiritual lessons come with each new Light Body, you must learn to live these lessons with sincerity and devotion. “Devotion is not a uniform to be worn on certain days and then to be put aside.” (Sai Baba) You must integrate these lessons into your being and they must become a part of your consciousness. It is not enough to be Spiritual if you do not have control of your emotions, your negative ego/fear-based thinking or you have abusive behaviors within your Physical/Earthly existence. How does one achieve this balance? Through the right use of your “will” and the right use of your “power.” You have total control over your “will power.” You are the Masters of these gifts. These are the God-given gifts of free will. It is through your free will that you make the choices to learn your lessons and live your lessons with devotion and sincerity. There are no shortcuts to this process. You certainly will fool no one but yourself if you think there are shortcuts on this path of Ascension and building Integrated Light Bodies. You must take it one step at a time and build your Light Bodies in a fully integrated and balanced fashion. Ponder on this!

On Balancing and Integrating Heaven and Earth

God Realization cannot be achieved if the Heaven and Earth sides of self are not balanced. Some Lightworkers get way too heavenly and celestially focused and ungrounded. Other people on Earth get way too materialistic and third dimensionally focused. If a person is too Earthly and too grounded they will have blind spots to proper development of their Spiritual life. If a person is too heavenly they will have blind spots as to how to function effectively on the Earthly plane. Spiritual people and Lightworkers must come to love and appreciate the Material Universe and the Earth and see it as one of GOD’s Heavens. They must recognize it as one of the “Four Faces of GOD”! The Four Faces of GOD are the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Material Faces. Lightworkers often forget about the Material Face of GOD and think it is less than or not equal to the other faces. Listen carefully! You will not achieve true full God Realization if you do not integrate the Material and Earthly Face of GOD. Remember God’s words when He was talking with Moses, “Put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground.” The Earth is Holy Ground! Your Spiritual mission is to create Heaven on Earth. Your Spiritual mission is to become the Mighty I Am Presence on the Earth. Your Spiritual mission is to manifest your Spiritual mission and Spiritual puzzle piece on the Earth. GOD is as much in the Physical as He is in the Spiritual. You will literally miss out a quarter of GOD if you do not fully understand and demonstrate this. For always remember, the purpose of life is to demonstrate God and Integrated Ascension on the Physical/Earthly Plane, not just in your Mind, or your Feelings, or on the Spiritual plane! You are meant to demonstrate GOD in all your Bodies, the ones in Heaven and on Earth. Namaste!