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The Huna Teachings of Hawaii!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

"The Huna teachings are the clearest form of psychology and religion on the planet." The Universal Mind as Channeled by Paul Solomon

I was first exposed to the Huna teaching by Paul Solomon who is the channel for the Universal Mind and whom people call the next Edgar Cayce. In Paul’s channelings, the Universal Mind said that the clearest form of psychology and religion on the planet was the Huna teachings of Hawaii. I immediately went out and got everything I could find on the Huna teachings. The following is the essence and core of their teachings. One other remarkable occurrence that I came upon in my research for this book was the fact that the Egyptian teachings involved with becoming initiated into the Order of Melchizadek in the Third Dynasty were almost word for word the teachings of the Huna of Hawaii.

The Psychology and Teachings of the Kahuna

The Huna teachings are an ancient secret science that has come to Western man through the work of a man by the name of Max Freedom Long. Max Freedom Long got his initial start in the teachings of Huna from a man named William Tufts Brigham. Brigham had spent 40 years living in Hawaii, trying to get at the secret of the Huna teachings. He was able to obtain much information, however, was never able to get at the core of the teachings. At the age of 82, as synchronicity would have it, he and Max Freedom Long met. Mr. Long had heard of Mr. Brigham’s interest in Huna, and had searched him out. Mr. Brigham knew after a short chat, that this was the man who would carry on his study and search for the substance of the Huna teachings that he was unable to find.

Max Freedom Long studied the work of Brigham and did carry on his work and study. He, however, came across the same stumbling block that Brigham came to. The Huna teachings were an ancient teaching that was passed on by word of mouth. Every effort that Max Freedom Long made to get at the teachings, he was shunned. The few Kahunas left in Hawaii would not speak to him. For many years he was stuck at this impasse.

In 1935 he had a breakthrough. Upon waking from a sleep, he had the insight to make a fresh translation of the recorded chants and prayers from the "root" words. The Hawaiian language is made of words built from short root words. The fresh translation from these root words was the key that unlocked the secret to how it is believed that the Kahunas did their magical feats.

Max Freedom Long spent the next 40 years studying and working with the Huna teachings, until his death in 1971. It was at this time that the apprenticeship was passed on to a man by the name of Dr. E. Otha Wingo. It is Mr. Wingo who is head of the Huna Research Associates, and who is the author of the Twelve Lesson Huna Correspondence Course. The Correspondence Course is for the practical application of the Huna teachings. I have personally found the Correspondence Course to b quite helpful.

The presentation I am about to make are hence the interpretations of Huna as understood by Max Freedom Long and Dr. E. Otha Wingo. I will refer to their interpretations in this chapter as the Huna teachings.

The core and essence of the Huna teachings is that man is made up of three selves or minds. These can be most easily called the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, and the superconscious mind. It is the conscious mind which the Kahunas called the uhane or middle self. This middle self is the part of man that is conscious of his own existence, and has the ability to reason. It has also been given free will to create in life as it pleases, along with the low self. The subconscious mind was called the unihipili or low self. It is the part of us that presents the unconscious material to the conscious mind, so it may reason for or against it. The low self is the storehouse of all memory, and the seat of the emotions. Its form of mentation is considered to be that of animal level reasoning. The term low has no reference to rank of importance, rather only to the fact that it is below the level of consciousness of the middle self. And to the fact that its bodily center is in the solar plexus rather than in the physical head region.

The third part is the High Self, called the Aumakua by the Kahunas of old Hawaii. The High Self is the "older, utterly trustworthy parental self of spirit." This Higher Self lives at a higher plane of consciousness, outside of the physical body. It will not intervene in the affairs of one’s life unless asked to do so. This is understood to be some cosmic law the High Self must adhere to.

The High Self has a higher form of mentation than the middle or low selves. It is the part of us that is supposed to give us our dreams, intuitions and premonitions through the subconscious self. Huna teaches that it is the High Self who constructs our future from the thoughts, hopes, and fears of the middle and low selves.

The High Self is supposed to be able to see into the future as far as one’s thoughts have been crystallized. As thoughts change daily in the life of the middle and low self, so does the future according to Huna teachings. Huna also teaches that communication with the High Self occurs quite naturally during sleep. It is in this contact at night time that most of the thoughts of one’s day are supposedly averaged by the High Self and used in some mysterious mechanism to materialize conditions in the future.

In the Huna teachings, all three selves have their proper part to perform in the life of each individual. Life, health, and happiness has to do with the integration, blending and harmonizing of these three selves.

The other most basic teaching of Huna is that people are made up of 10 basic elements. To understand this concept it is necessary to understand the basic triad of Mind-Force-Matter. I have already mentioned the three levels or grades of consciousness, (Subconscious, Conscious, Superconscious). It was believed then that the basic vital force or energy in a person’s body was divided into three voltages. The lowest voltage was that of the lower, or subconscious self.

This same vital force or energy, when used by the middle self or conscious mind, was thought to be raised to a higher voltage. In the same way when this vital force was raised to the level of consciousness of the High Self, it was raised again to even a higher voltage yet. In summary, the basic vital force or energy of a person would change according to which mind or self was using that energy.

The last element of this triad is that of matter. Huna teaches that each of the three selves has a shadow body or etheric body. An etheric or shadow body is a metaphysical body, that is thought to be an exact duplicate of everything that exists in the physical world. It is this energetic mold that holds any physical form together. It is believed that not only do our three selves have a shadow body, but also everything that has ever been created.

The shadow body of the low self is said to be a mold of every tissue of the physical body. The low self shadow body, hence, looks exactly like the physical body except is metaphysical in form. Huna teaches that all memory is stored in this shadow body of the low self. The shadow body of the middle self is supposedly an energy body in the physical head region. The low and middle selves, hence, interpenetrate the physical body with their shadow bodies.

The High Self has a shadow body also, however it does not interpenetrate the physical body. The High Self is supposed to be connected to the low self through an energy cord. This energy cord has been called the silver cord in other mystical teachings. I have so far mentioned 9 elements. The 10th element is the physical body, which is the vehicle or instrument in which the low self and middle self operate and live.

Huna teaches that the high Self expresses all the divine qualities …compassion, patience, love, forgiveness. It is the ideal to which we as middle selves are supposed to aspire. It is a step advanced in the mental powers and creative abilities. The Higher Self is also considered to be a combined community of spirits. They are considered to be individual in identity, and yet one with all other High Selves at the same time. The High Self is also considered to be a perfect blending of masculine and feminine. The High Self is hence an androgynous spirit or self.

The shadow bodies of each of the three selves was said to be made of an "aka" substance. This aka substance has a sticky and elastic quality to it, and can stretch without breaking. This substance is also a perfect carrier and conductor of vital force. According to Huna teachings, the lower self shadow body is capable of changing shapes temporarily or permanently to form a connecting thread between the middle and High Self. A person who has a good relationship, and strong rapport with their lower and Higher Self have developed these aka threads into aka cords. It is upon these aka threads and/or cords that vital force and thought forms can travel.

Every time we contact our lower self, Higher Self, any object, or person in the world we are sending out these aka threads. When contact is made between two persons, a long sticky thread is drawn out between them. Further contact adds other aka-threads, and these are braided together into aka-cords. This aka-cord results in a strong rapport between the two individuals.

Telepathic communication, according to Huna, has to do with the traveling of vital force, and thought forms through these aka cords. This telepathic sending of thought forms and vital force, can occur between the middle, lower, and Higher Selves, and/or between two persons who have a strong aka-cord connection.