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Madam Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

"As soon as anyone pledges himself as a "probationer" certain occult effects ensue. Of these, the first is throwing outward of everything latent in the nature of the man: his faults, habits, qualities, or subdued desires, whether good or bad."

Madam Blavatsky

Madam Blavatsky was one of the most extraordinary women of the 19th century. She was the first person to bring forth the awareness and teachings of The Great White Brotherhood. She is one of the finest channels of spiritual information that has ever existed on this planet.

Her two set volumes, "Isis Unveiled" and "The Secret Doctrine" are classics in the same way that the Alice Bailey books are classics. It was Madam Blavatsky who established the first dispensation of Spiritual Hierarchy’s teachings. Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul, in the Alice Bailey books in the 20th century were the second dispensation. Towards the end of this century and the beginning of the next, there will be a third dispensation of teachings again led by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. It was Madam Blavatsky who began the whole process under enormous obstacles in the world in which she lived at that period of history.

Her main teacher was El Morya, however, she was also a channel for the Master Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, Saint Germain and many other members of the occult Hierarchy. The Masters had said that they had waited a long time to find someone of her caliber. She not only was an extraordinary channel, she also had psychic powers that few people on planet Earth had ever known.

Even as a young child she was clairvoyant. She spent a great deal of time playing with invisible playmates. She was born in 1931 in Russia. She also often walked in her sleep. Her family, from early on, knew that this was no average child, for she lived in two worlds simultaneously.

She was educated in modern languages, music and painting. She married at the age of 17, however, within three months they separated. This lead Madam Blavatsky to travel to Constantinople, Egypt, and finally London where she physically met her Master whom she had seen in her visions since childhood. This, of course, was the Ascended Master El Morya, who at that time, was living in Tibet with the Master Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul. El Morya had come to London as a part of a delegation from Nepal. Although they met in the physical at this time, her true esoteric training did not occur for fifteen years. Madam Blavatsky tried to travel to Tibet to find El Morya after this time but was unsuccessful since the timing was not ripe yet, so she went back to Russia and her family.

As she matured, her psychic abilities became more and more pronounced. Everywhere she went she seemed to be followed by a hoard of spirit guides that would use her vital force or the vital forces of the group with which she was involved, to create all kinds of amazing psychic phenomena.

Wherever she went there would be all kinds of raps, whisperings, mysterious sounds, and the moving of furniture and pictures. As she matured into her later twenties, this phenomena became more and more pronounced. In these earlier times much of the phenomena was beyond her control. She seemed to be some kind of walking psychic vortex.

Wherever she went people would constantly ask her to demonstrate her amazing psychic powers. On one occasion she asked one of the young men present in the room to test the weight of a certain small chess table. After checking it, she stared at it intently and asked him to pick it up again. He and another burly man tried to pick it up and it was glued to the floor like it had a ten thousand pound weight on it. Madam Blavatsky never left her seat.

On another occasion, a certain Colonel went into another room and wrote the name of his favorite war horse he had used in his first military campaign. He put the paper back in his pocket and went back into the main room. During the type of seance, there would be raps on the table that would spell out words. The raps accurately told him the name on his paper.

On another occasion Madam Blavatsky developed a large open wound in her heart area, and was experiencing intense pain and convulsions at times. A doctor was called while Madam Blavatsky was laying unconscious on the bed. As the doctor was treating her, a "hand" materialized right in front of him and began moving energy from her neck to her waist. The room began to be filled with noises and sounds from the ceiling, floor, window and every piece of furniture. The doctor was scared to death and ran out of the house.

Madam Blavatsky’s methods of communication with her unseen friends began to evolve then into automatic writing. Her hand would begin moving without her volition. Her reputation began to precede her wherever she went.

When she first had met El Morya, while sitting on a bench in Hyde Park, London, He told her that some day she would be in Tibet, training for the special work she was destined to do. True to His word, El Morya came to Constantinople and brought Madam Blavatsky back to his home in Tibet near Trashi Lhunpo. She actually lived for two years, in the home of Master Kuthumi Lal Singh. With the help of her guru she gained entrance to the lamaistic convents where no European male or female had ever set foot.

The Master Kuthumi had actually been educated at some European universities and spoke English. Madam Blavatsky’s English was rather poor. Every day for two months, Master Kuthumi would put his hand on Madam Blavatsky’s third eye and have her pull out of His mind and brain all the knowledge He had of the English language. She would feel a cold shiver pass through her. Her English greatly improved.

The Master Kuthumi had a group of students that would come every day whom he would train and work with. The boys that came were all in their teens. One of the boys was fifteen and was His most outstanding student. His name was Djwhal Khul. They had been together in a past life when Kuthumi was Pythagoras and Djwhal Khul was his senior disciple, Kleineas.

During this period in Madam Blavatsky’s life, her family had no idea where she was. They had not heard one word from her for five years. They thought she actually might be dead. On November 7th, 1870, a man of Asiatic appearance came to Madam Blavatsky’s sister’s home with a letter. It was not postmarked and just had the name of the city on the envelope. As she took the letter the Asiatic man disappeared right before her eyes. The letter read: "The noble relations of Madam H. Blavatsky have no cause whatsoever for grief. Their daughter and niece has not left this world at all. She is living, and desires to make known to those whom se loves, that she is well and quite happy in a distant and unknown retreat which she has selected for herself. She had been very ill, but is so no longer; for under the protection of the Lord Sangyas (Lord Buddha) she has found devoted friends who guard her physically and spiritually. The ladies of her house should therefore remain tranquil. Before 18 new moons shall have risen, she will return to her family."

It was written by the Master Kuthumi. Master El Morya lead Madam Blavatsky out of Tibet back to Europe. On her travels home she also met the Master Hilarion. Her esoteric training was now complete and she was ready to begin her mission. She arrived home before 18 new moons, as Kuthumi had prophesied, and her family was very happy to see her.

It was long afterwards that she received a letter from her Mastery, El Morya, who ordered her to travel to America. It was there she would meet Henry S. Olcott and found the Theosophical Society in 1875. On her way to America she met a woman with two kids who had received money from her husband to travel and meet him in America. While in Hamburg, she bought the tickets but was swindled and lost all her money. Madam Blavatsky boiled with anger at hearing this story and stormed off to the shipping office.

The shipping office refused to do anything. She proceeded to give away her first class ticket and trade it in for a third class ticket so her three new found friends could travel with her. She had to travel in filth, bad smells and rats in the overcrowded steerage quarters, however it was well worth it, for she had warm companionship. When they arrived in New York the woman’s husband was there to meet her. When Madam Blavatsky needed money she would ask her Masters for help and money would magically materialize in one of the drawers of her cabinet. The only problem was that this money, because of occult law, could only be used for her mission and not for her own personal needs.

On one occasion she received in this manner a very large sum of money totally 23,000 French francs. El Morya told her to await His orders. She was finally told to take the money and give it to a man at a certain address in Buffalo, New York. Upon doing as she was ordered, she found the address and man, who was about to commit suicide because of some severe financial crisis. He had intended to kill himself within an hour of her arrival.

Soon after this she was telepathically ordered to go to Vermont to a certain house where a seance was being held where she would meet a man that had been selected by the Masters to be her future partner. His name was Colonel Olcott. Colonel Olcott had a deep and profound interest in psychic and spiritual matters. It wasn’t hard for Madam Blavatsky to win him over with her amazing occult and psychic abilities. Colonel Olcott soon began to receive letters from certain adepts (fifth degree initiates) of the Egyptian Lodge of the Great White Brotherhood. Letters would appear to him magically, materializing right out of the ethers.