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The Eight Inner Plane Special Dispensation Training Programs and Golden Carrots you will Receive if You Officially Enroll in the Outer Earthly Plane “I AM University!”

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, as mentioned above there are eight inner plane Training Programs that those who actually enroll in the outer earthly plane I AM University will receive as a special bonus incentive! They are in a sense eight Golden Carrots given forth by God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron, the Archangels and Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Universal Mind and Universal Heart of God, the Mighty I Am Presences, Superconscious Minds, Oversouls, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Mahachohan Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Djwhal Khul, Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, the Asthar Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess Lodge, and the Christed Extraterrestrial Lodge to inspire you and give you extra incentive to officially enroll in the I AM University! Those who go through the inner plane I AM University and not the outer plane I AM University will not receive these inner plane special dispensations programs! They are being given by Spirit and the Masters to officially launch the outer earthly plane I AM University! They are golden carrots for gold again is the color of the Christ. They are eight of the most profound inner plane trainings that have ever been given to earth. Because you will be going through the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University in such a complete, integrated, balanced, synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness manner, Spirit and the Masters know that you will not misuse the profound gifts and blessings you will be receiving.

In each of these eight special dispensation Training Programs you will be taken to an inner plane “Secret Chamber” where Spirit or the Masters of that particular program will institute that program. So the best way to understand each of these inner plane special dispensations is to read the corresponding articles you will find below. The articles for each special dispensation inner plane Training Program will completely transform your consciousness. Everyone on planet earth will receive this information for free! However, to receive the inner plane work you have to be officially enrolled in the outer earthly plane I AM University. The second you join, all eight of these inner plane special dispensation Training Programs will begin simultaneously or in the order and sequence Spirit and the Masters think is best for you!

For every inner plane Training Program there are two parts. The first part is the development and refinement of your consciousness to prepare you for the program. This you will receive through being enrolled in the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University. Also by reading the articles and chapters I have shared with you in each Training Program. This will truly whet your appetite my friends, for after reading these articles, which will completely revolutionize and transform your consciousness on the subject or specific focus of that Training Program, the real gift and blessing begins! The most profound transformation that will occur, and this is the second part of the training you will receive, will be the work that each set of Masters do in their “Secret Chamber” on your soul while you sleep! Never in the history of the Earth has such a “crash course” ever been given forth, let alone these eight special dispensation inner plane Training Programs that will dovetail perfectly with all the work you are doing in the inner and outer plane I AM University.

Never in the history of the Earth has ascension, resurrection, becoming a fully realized “Integrated Ascended Master and Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed, Mighty I AM Presence, God and Goddess” been made so easy! The I AM University on the inner and outer earthly plane and what it is offering in this complete package of training is the most “revolutionary, cutting edge, easy to understand, most practical, quickest and most efficient, comprehensive, synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness, most advanced, and graced crash course training that has ever been given to the Earth in the history of the Earth!”

My Beloved Readers, why should it not be this way for God is an unconditionally loving God! We all are his Beloved Sons and Daughters and Divine Lovers! God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, or if you prefer Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, or whatever names you choose to use, have prepared the “Wedding Feast and Wedding Banquet!” God wishes to reunite with his Divine Lover! All that is required is that you give up all your symbolic adulterous lovers, false gods, little gods, symbolic idol worship, pearls of lesser price, little doors, and put all your focus and energy like a drowning man or woman wants air, onto God! All that is required is that you “Be about the Father’s Business!” God and the Masters are giving you the “Keys to the Kingdom” through the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University if you but just have the “eyes to see and the ears to hear.” With no judgment intended there is no training on planet Earth that even comes close on any level to what is being offered to you. How many trainings on earth offer to help you fully realize your 22 levels of initiation and 22 levels of Light Body, and all that I and we have spoken of in all these thirteen I AM University write-ups! The answer is none my friends, for as I told you there are only 500 people on earth who have even passed the 12th initiation as of the year 2004. How can anyone truly teach you something they have not realized themselves? This is the most advanced training that exists on this planet and those are not my words, those are Spirit’s and the Masters’ words! That is why they have made the I AM University a required gate on the inner plane level in terms of all souls being required to achieve “integrated ascension” in order to graduate from this earthly school, and why they are encouraging all souls on Earth to enroll in the outer earthly I AM University as well! This is the main service vehicle Spirit and the Masters have chosen to manifest the divine plan on Earth and to bring unity, harmonization and cooperation among all religions, spiritual paths, mystery schools, channels, spiritual teachers, gurus, spiritual texts, spiritual teachings and so on!

This is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos said,

“The I AM University Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential Spiritual Teachings On The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which The Masters Speak Is Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s Readership Will Widen Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For The New Millennium!"

These are not my words my friends, these are the words of the Cosmic Being that runs our entire universe and who is the President of our universe! For those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you will know and understand the truth of these words and whom they come from!

As I have said many times in these thirteen write ups, these are not my plans, for I am as shocked as the next person to be involved in such a project. I never asked for the spiritual leadership I have been given nor did I come up consciously with the I AM University, and the spiritual vision that I have laid out in these thirteen write-ups! This all came from Spirit and the Masters, for I never desired, wanted, or asked for all that I Am sharing with you. All I really wanted was to achieve my ascension and realize God to my highest potential and be of service and return home! What was unique about me is that I went after this with such personal power, self mastery, causality, spiritual enthusiasm, spiritual passion, relentlessness, focus, determination, spiritual zeal, attention to detail, work ethic, spiritual drive, spiritual desire, like a drowning man wants air! I made up my mind I would not leave this world, “Come what may,” until I achieved my spiritual goals, and I decided to cut everything from my life that did not directly get me to my one and only spiritual goal. 30 years later, Spirit and the Masters I guess thought that some of my spiritual leadership qualities and Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God qualities are somewhat humbly unique, so they decided to give me spiritual leadership of this entire I AM University project and plan and to make me the World Teacher and next Head of the Office of the Christ when Lord Maitreya moves on to his next cosmic position. This comes as much of a shock to me as I am sure it does to some of you. I never wanted this or asked for this, or ever thought about any of this! Everything I have shared with you was not my idea, and is honestly not my negative ego talking, nor is it some marketing plan to make money! It is the divine plan of Spirit and the Masters being made manifest! This is why I am not trying to change anyone’s religion or spiritual path. It is why I am willing to make the I AM University available to everyone regardless of their financial situation. Look at all the stuff I have given away on the website. Look what I am offering to give away through the I AM University!

To be perfectly honest, my life would have been much less responsibility filled not doing this spiritual mission. However, life is not about my pleasure or personal comfort, it is about serving God and glorifying God, not self. God has given me everything, so of course I will do it! I very humbly feel that I was built by God for the purpose of spiritual leadership and service. So I want to make it clear that none of this is about me, and none of it came from me. Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters have a whole divine plan they have worked out in intricate detail in their spiritual battleplans as to how they think the “divine plan” on earth can be fulfilled. To my complete and total surprise and shock, totally unsolicited by myself, they think I need to play a key role in helping this come about, and the service vehicle they have chosen to do this as their main focus is the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University!