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Channeling of Lord Maitreya, the President of our Planet in the Inner Plane Spiritual Government, on the I AM University!

Channeled By Dr Joshua David Stone

It is my great honor and privilege to have the opportunity on this day of our Lord to speak to you in this fashion from Christ to Christ / Buddha to Buddha / Krishna to Krishna / God to God and share some words of introduction and inspiration with you. It is my great honor and privilege to officially welcome you all in my name and in the name of the entire inner plane "Office of the Christ" to the birth, anchoring, and emergence of the first real inner plane teaching and training university ever grounded and launched on your beloved planet in the history of the Earth - the I AM University! The I AM University is a collective and combined project and undertaking of our dear friend Joshua and all of us, the entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, and YOU in case you don’t know it yet. The I AM University is not only a planetary project, but part of a combined effort of all Sons and Daughters on Earth and in Heaven to accelerate and support "GOD’S ASCENSION." As you will learn within the Halls and Walls of the I AM University, GOD’S ASCENSION is the totality of the ascension of all Gods in the infinite OMniverse - all Gods realizing and chanting in one singular verse the Cosmic OM with the OMnipotent, OMniscient and OMnipresent One! As within, so without. As above, so below! The I AM University is the planetary micro-replica of the Cosmic "University of the I Am That I Am" at the Throne of Creation! This University at the Godhead level is run by the Lesser Yahweh Lord Metatron, the creator of the electron and outer light in our universe. Just as the planetary I AM University, as being anchored into cyberspace and onto planet Earth at this most auspicious moment in the timelessness of the I Am That I Am, teaches you to see and realize your inner light in the light of the outer world, the "Cosmic University of the I Am That I Am" at the Kether Sephiroth or Crown of Creation Itself serves as teaching facility and Cosmic School for all Sons and Daughters to see and realize the outer light (the outer electron) in the light that burns within. You could say that the students of the "Cosmic University of the I Am That I Am" involve and descend into the outer light to express the I AM without while the students at the I AM University on Earth and the many I AM Universities throughout all of Creation evolve and ascend into the inner light to express the I Am within. The I AM University serves as the Kether Sephiroth or Crown for Planet Earth and as such contains the synthesis, integration, and full spectrum prism of the Planetary Tree of Life. Metatron at the Throne of Creation heads the Cosmic Tree of Life or Cosmic Body of Creation. The same is true with you who are reading these lines. Your Crown which is your Spiritual Center of Union with God symbolizes the Kether Sephiroth or Crown of your personal Tree of Life as you find and will grow in realization within! The Tree of Life is within. The Tree of Life is without. The I AM University is the externalized and outward reflection of the Tree of Life that lives and grows within! And at the same time the I AM University is but a reflection of the Cosmic Tree of Life that contains and embraces all of Creation! At the I AM University you will learn to merge and become one with both simultaneously.

However, the I AM University is much more than that. It is also the anchoring, manifestation, and birth of the inner plane "Planetary Office of the Christ." This is a Spiritual planetary governmental position which it is my honor to hold. As you will learn within the Halls and Walls of the I AM University I have asked my dear friend Joshua, my most trusted initiate on Earth, after meeting his Spiritual leadership responsibilities as head of the inner and outer plane planetary I AM University and Synthesis Ashram and the necessary and appropriate training, to take over this inner plane office and post so I may move on and serve in an even greater capacity in Our Father’s many mansions. The Spiritual mission and purpose of the office of "Planetary Christ" is to produce Planetary Christs on Earth! A "Planetary Christ Production Factory" of some sort! Let me include here that the word Christ throughout the entire I AM University is used in a transreligious and cosmic understanding and sense!

As you know the I AM University has a threefold nature. It is the anchoring and externalization of the inner plane I AM University headed by Joshua, the outward expression of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram also headed by Joshua, and last but not least it is also the official launching on Earth of the inner plane "Office of Planetary Christ" which I currently head but will eventually pass the torch of Spiritual Leadership of onto Joshua. This is the trinity function of the I AM University as being anchored now into cyberspace and onto the Earth! You could say the I AM University is my office and outlet on Earth, run by my representative and eventual successor Joshua! Never in the history of the Earth has anything like this been launched! Since it is the responsibility of the Office of the Christ in conjunction with the Office of the Manu and the Office of the Mahachohan to help all souls on Earth achieve Planetary Christ Realization, a new dispensation of elevated Christ Teachings is being given to the world, and the medium which I and the Spiritual Hierarchy chose to use as planetary platform for this Spiritual mission and purpose is the I AM University.

Speaking for the entire Spiritual Government of Planet Earth, we humbly think we have served you well. It is our collective desire and the Divine Plan that we eventually move on in our Spiritual evolution and allow our students the honor and Spiritual responsibility to take over our jobs just as we of the Spiritual Hierarchy move up to take over the jobs of our teachers so they can step into even higher Spiritual leadership. At the end of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the "Age of the Christ" a planetary cycle and circle has been completed and so it is time for all of you who are reading this message to realize that you are the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy that you have been waiting for to take manifestation on Earth! You have to realize that we all are Gods in the making. We all are Christs in the making. We all are Holy Spirits in the making. We are all made in the Image and Likeness of God. God is a Trinity and so is each one of us. The purpose of life is to realize God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit at the 352nd level of initiation which is the Crown of All Initiations, the Kether of all Sephirothic Initiations, the Crown of Full God Realization! The purpose of life is to realize the Image of GOD within, the Omnipotence (GOD/BRAHMA/POWER), Omniscience (HOLY SPIRIT/SHIVA/ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE), and Omnipresence (PRESERVING VISHNU-CHRIST PRINCIPLE/LOVE/WISDOM) of God within. The purpose of life is to grow in realization to be like our Father/Mother who art in Heaven. GOD is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and so are all of us - we are just in the process of realizing this grand truth! As you will learn in the I AM University, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit form the Ultimate Cosmic Government. God as the Ultimate Cosmic Manu/Creator, Christ as the Ultimate Cosmic Christ Principle/Consciousness, and the Holy Spirit as the Ultimate Cosmic Mahachohan/Active Intelligence and Spirit. So our final destination so to speak is to arrive at that level of Realization and co-leadership with the Trinity, with the understanding, however, that we are incarnations of God and not equal with GOD, the Creator. We each are helping God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit according to and on our level of Spiritual growth to run the infinite Cosmos. At the I AM University you will learn that the first step lies in successfully running your innate government, that is the threefold flame of God/Christ/Holy Spirit in the sanctuary of your own heart and constitution. Once you become the Manu, Christ, and Mahachohan within your own being and embody God’s Power, Christ’s Love, and the Holy Spirit’s Active Intelligence within your own life and inner constitution, then the next step lies in externalizing the Trinity in greater and greater capacity until you arrive at the planetary level, then the solar level, galactic, universal, multi-universal and finally cosmic level where you will have arrived in your realization to be truly be one with your "Father/Mother" who are in "Heaven" which is a state of consciousness and not a location. What I am trying to tell you with this short Cosmic Map and Outline is that it is a natural process, my dear Brothers and Sisters on Earth, to step up and into Spiritual Leadership over Planet Earth, for it gives you the training to practice the Power of God, the Love of Christ, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit at vaster and vaster levels. To be given the opportunity to serve in such a way in greater and greater capacity allows you finally, once you arrive at the end of your journey, to be like and with your "Father/Mother" who are in Heaven. You grow by serving. Service is the Law of Life. The more you serve the more you grow! The vaster your Spiritual Leadership position, the more you learn to lead like God/Christ/Holy Spirit who are the ultimate Governors of the Infinite Cosmos. And the higher up you go the more you will learn to serve like God/Christ/Holy Spirit who are the Ultimate Cosmic Servants! They serve the Ultimate Cosmos! God is both, the Ultimate Cosmic Leader and the Ultimate Cosmic Servant! A true leader serves. A true servant leads. Leadership and service are the two sides of the same coin. You can’t separate one from the other.

Well, my friends, the purpose of this little discourse is to bring to your awareness the importance and significance of the establishment and root-growing of the I AM University on Earth! The I AM University gives you the full spectrum prism training you need to arrive at the inevitable realization that you and your Father/Mother are one! The I AM University will teach you how to co-create and co-lead with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit on the inner and outer levels. It is the Divine Plan for all Sons and Daughters of God to sooner or later eventually come Home. You can try and deny your true majesty, glory, and inheritance but why delay that which is inevitable. It is your free will and one thing to delay your own personal ascension and Self and God Realization but it is another thing to realize that your decision of giving into the negative ego, procrastination and laziness, lower self, little self, false lovers, fear and attack, selfishness, competition, judgement, powerlessness, insecurities and self doubt, victim consciousness, and the whole gamut of lower self expressions, has an impact and effect on your Brothers and Sisters in God throughout all of Creation for they can’t go Home without you going Home for we are all ONE. Going Home means being one with God in Consciousness at the 352nd level of divinity. Knowledge obliges! Ponder on this! God has only One Son/One Daughter and we all share in this Sonship/Daugthership. We are all one and inter-connected. We can’t move on if you don’t get moving! See what I mean?