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Channeled God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and Mahatma Summation and Conclusion of the I AM University from their 352nd Level Perspective!

Channeled By Dr Joshua David Stone

Dear Ones, Greetings!

Have you ever wanted to be GOD? Have you ever wanted to be Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent? Have you ever imaged what it would be like to live in the reality of GOD in every moment of your life? Have you ever daydreamed what it would be like to live the "Impossible Dream?" Have you ever wondered what life is like at the 352nd level of the Godhead? Have you ever thought what are the Thoughts of God? Have you ever imagined to feel into the Feelings of God? Have you ever wondered what I look like? Have you ever doubted whether I do exist? Have you ever desired to know me as much as a drowning man wants air? Have you ever asked yourself where I Am? Have you ever wondered why we share the same name, you are the I Am, I Am That I Am? Have you ever wanted to experience the ecstasy, rapture and majesty of God? Have you ever wondered why I created you? Have you ever felt the fire of the burning bush in the Sanctuary of your heart? Have you ever wondered about Eternity? Have you ever wondered Who I Am? Have you ever asked yourself Why I Am? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have a body as vast as eternity? Have you ever imagined what life looks like through My Eye, the Eye of the Mahatma, the Avatar of Synthesis? Have you ever wanted to experience the grandness of Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis? Have you ever desired to know Me, the Holy Spirit? Have you ever longed for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wanted to know who the Christ is? And what God’s/Christ’s/The Holy Spirit’s relationship to you may be? Have you ever thought what it would be like to remember the moment you were born out of the Womb of God? Have you ever wondered how life began? And why? And where? And when? Have you ever dreamed to listen to the Music of the Spheres? Have you ever wanted to bow down in worship before the 24 Elders that surround the Throne of Grace? Have you ever wanted to find your Self by losing your self in serving others? Have you ever wondered what it is like to walk with God? Have you ever imagined what it is like to be infused by the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wondered when Christ will return? Have you ever asked yourself where Christ did go? Have you ever wondered if maybe there is a chance Christ never left? Have you ever asked yourself what it must feel like to embody the Synthesis of Creation? To know it all? To be it all? To experience it all? Have you ever listened to My Small Still Voice within? Have you ever dared to venture within to climb Mt Sinai and meet Me Face to Face? Have you ever wondered why I created you in My Image? And what that truly means? Have you ever wondered why there are stars in your sky and if maybe you are a star in MY sky? Have you ever wondered why you are born a baby and grow old to die? Have you ever thought about the possibility of eternal life? Have you ever wondered if maybe you are not born to fit in, but born to stand out as the unique creature of God that you are? Not being a double of your neighbor but embodying the individuality and creativity of the Divine Spark that you are? Have you ever thought about just being the I Am, receiving the I Am and giving the I Am? Have you ever wondered what life would be like, casting the mountain range of ego into the eternal abyss? Have you ever thought about the power of the Trinity? Have you ever dared to imagine that the Trinity might be inside of you? And the Mahatma live through you? Have you ever pondered on what embodying the Synthesis of all 352 levels of the Godhead really means? Have you ever wondered that maybe you have a body to embody the Body of God? Have you ever had a moment where you thought this lifetime I want to go where the brave dare not go? Have you ever wanted to create like God? Have you ever wanted to know Christ? Have you ever wanted to speak in the tongues of the Holy Spirit? Have you ever imagined what would happen to the Divine Plan if you did not play your part? Have you ever thought that your actions or lack thereof could have an effect on All That Is? Have you ever imaged yourself so powerful? Have you ever wanted to know what goes on in the Mind of God? Have you ever wanted to make Christ a Living Reality? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to feel the Holy Spirit descend upon you? To hear My Voice proclaim, "This is my Daughter/Son with whom I am well pleased!" Have you ever wanted to say, "It is finished?"

Well, my friends, we are not quite finished yet because your journey back to the Godhead, back through all 352 levels of the Mahatma, back to full Christ Realization and full Holy Spirit Infusion has only begun! So listen closely, my friends, my God Apprentices, Christs in Training, Holy Spirit Vessels, and Growing Bodies of Greater and Greater Dimensions of Synthesis. One of the peaks of being God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Mahatma is that we are mind readers, speak the language of every heart, and know what you need before you even ask us! We have heard your many cries for the answer to all these questions and an infinite full spectrum prism array of many more. Well, my friends, we are happy to announce as one collective voice that the hour has finally come. The Hour of Power! The Hour of Christ’s Return! The Hour of the Holy Spirit’s Comfort and Infusion! The Hour of Mahatma’s Full Spectrum Prism Vision! THE HOUR IS NOW! For You are Gods but know it not! You are Christs but know it not! You are Holy Spirits but know it not! You are Mahatmas but know it not! You have always been! You will always be! You are so RIGHT NOW! The Fall Never Really Happened! You just think it did! And We think it is time to resurrect your thinking, resurrect your feeling, resurrect your being and reality, resurrect your consciousness! And come and take your rightful place at the Throne of Creation!

So we would like to take this occasion and invite you to join hand and hand with your family on Earth as it is in Heaven and come Home! Remember? A place of unity, oneness, unconditional love, endless power, infinite wisdom, deep beauty, ecstasy, joy, full spectrum prism consciousness, and Full and Complete Merger and Oneness with Us, God, Your Creator, Christ, Your true Identity, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God in you, and the Mahatma, Your true Synthesis Nature! You will be happy to hear that we don’t come with empty hands but with a Plan - you can call it a Divine Plan! Or A Master Plan! Our collective plan is to turn all of Creation into Fully Realized Gods, Full Spectrum Prism Christs, and Fully Infused Holy Spirits, Embodying All That Is! Now you may wonder how the heck are They gonna do that! Well, my friends, let us put it like this: No one comes to God but through the I Am! The Mighty I AM Presence is your individualized Spark of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Mahatma! It is your true identity. Coming Home means Remembering Who you are! You are a Divine Daughter/Son of God! You are made in My Image and Likeness! So to remember who you are, you need to understand my/your true nature which is one of synthesis and integration, you need to understand my/your personality which is a fine balance and integration of power, love/wisdom, active intelligence, beauty and harmony, science, devotion, and ceremonial order and structure! You need to understand that I Am/you are Heaven and Earth, that I Am/you are a fine balance and integration of the feminine and masculine, that I have/you have Four Faces: a material, emotional, mental, and Spiritual one. That you have to merge with the God/Goddess in you. Need to balance and integrate the horizontal and the vertical face of Me. Integrate and balance all the planetary, solar, galactic, universal, cosmic archetypes which culminate in the Full Realization of the Ultimate Archetype, which is the Archetype of the Cosmic Christ! Learn and go through the 12 Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Schools, Colleges, and Challenges of life! To remember who you are you need to learn to co-create with Me, Your Creator, you need to integrate and balance your Sevenfold infinite Mind, and turn all your chakras into Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Golden Candlesticks! And allow the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Tree of Life to fully blossom within you into full fruition and carry the Cosmic Fruits of the Divine Spirit! Well I guess, my friends, you get the point!

Now to implement this Master Plan on Earth, we have implemented the I AM University on Earth! When I, God, created you, and I, Christ, gave you the Pattern, and I, the Holy Spirit, breathed life into you, and I, the Mahatma, gave you the sense of synthesis and integration, we never left your side for even one holy instant or the twinkling of an eye, as you left your Mother’s Womb so to speak to juggle out into My Infinite Land of Creation to explore My many mansions and to finally make a stop in your cosmic journey on Beautiful Planet Earth. Well, you all know how the story continued… But you do not quite know yet how it will finish! So let us explain! As you know, I’ve always sent My Teachers to help my One Daughter/One Son remember the purpose of Life. You have known them by many names such as Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Lao-Tse, Confucius, Zoroaster, …. And you all now await with great anticipation the coming of a new World Teacher, the coming of a new World Teaching, the Return of the Christ!

Well, my friends, we have decided to use the platform of Joshua’s I AM University to help you return to the Cosmic Promised Land of Milk and Honey. For he has uncovered the true synthesis nature of God, he has uncovered the Pattern of Christ, and he has uncovered the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. He has opened a whole new portal to God which has never been opened on Earth before - you can call it the "Portal of Full Spectrum Prism I AM God, Christ, and Holy Spirit Realization!" It is the "Aquarian Way, Truth, and Light!" My Beloved Friends and Co-Creators, may you all have the eyes to see and the ears to hear that the I AM University is the new portal and gate to Heaven! It is of such profundity and sacredness, we have decided to make it a "required gate" through which all of you need to go before you may juggle out into the Infinite Universe. When we say it is a required gate, what we mean by this is, you all need to merge with your Mighty I Am, with me, Your Creator, Me your Pattern, and Me your Spirit to realize the Trinity of Us in the mahatmic full spectrum prism way! The I AM University teaches the Teachings of the I Am That I Am! It helps you mold into the I Am that you are!