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Passing the 22 Initiations!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

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22 Initiations

Channelings, Writings, and Vision by Dr Joshua David Stone!

Artist: Luiz Carlos Ramalho Vieira

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Mastery of physical body, appetites, gluttony, overindulgence; physical fitness, diet, nutrition, personal hygiene; mastering bad habits, addictions, five senses and sleeping habits.

Mastery of the physical earthly plane, the earth, earth energies, survival, money and prosperity consciousness, the laws of physical manifestation, universal laws of the material plane of God; realizing material face of God!

Grounding one’s energies, embodying the Mighty I Am Presence, the Christ, and Integrated Ascended Master consciousness, in one’s physical body and on the earth.

Cleaning and purification of the physical body and taking responsibility for cleansing and purifying the earth; transcendence of survival level of life; overcoming fatigue and the indolence of the physical body; transcendence of pleasure and pain, sickness and health and finding the proper balance of taking care of the physical body, but not coddling it and being a hypochondriac.

Leaving an earthly legacy of life; integrating nature, mother earth and the nature spirits and devas properly; first taking responsibility for our own physical body and then taking responsibility for the earth’s body; first taking responsibility for revamping our own personal earthly lives and then taking responsibility for revamping earth’s civilization to help it become an I Am civilization, a Christed civilization and Ascended Masters civilization.

Incorporating the Third Ray influence of active intelligence which allows us to be active not just spiritually, mentally and emotionally, but also on a physical earthly level in service; Third Ray is connected to the passing of the first initiation!

Live in the marketplace, and be involved with earth life, but don’t lose yourself in it; transcendence of materialism; live in this world, but not of this world; physically serve others on earth.


Mastery over one’s sexuality and the use of this energy in a balanced and moderate way; mastering creativity channeling creativity from higher source, but also channeling creativity from within you. For God has given each of us a spark of his own mind! God helps those who help themselves.

Mastery of the subconscious mind, but also the utilization of many of the subconscious mind talents and gifts; developing your psychic abilities by learning to master and control them instead of letting them master you.

Developing self healing abilities on all levels for self, and later for others and the planet.

Integrating and mastering relationships of all kinds, not just romantic and sexual ones; also begins to touch into the need to master one’s feelings and desires and deny the lower self ones and up level them or spiritualize them!

Harmonize self and be harmonious in all your relationships; allow your artistic side to blossom; develop an aesthetic side and an appreciation for beauty!

Mastery of the astral, emotional and desire dimension of reality.


Mastery of one’s mind and emotions; learning to own one’s personal power; mastery of mental dimension of reality.

Third initiation is connected to the First Ray mastery of personal power and becoming a master of your self and life and not being a victim; being a cause of your reality and not an effect.

Developing a “Mastermind;” becoming a spiritual warrior in life and learning to develop self discipline; never giving up and being able to control one’s focus, attention and concentration.

Also begins with the stages of moving into spiritual leadership of self which will eventually lead to leadership of your 12 souls from your Oversoul, the 144 souls of your Mighty I Am Presence and Monad, outer family leadership, community, city, state and eventually planetary spiritual leadership.

Ability to organize one’s consciousness and organize one’s life; being a cause of one’s feelings and emotions and not letting one’s feelings, emotions and desires victimize self; taking responsibility for self on all levels, which leads to eventually taking responsibility for the entire planet and all sentient beings.

Proper balancing of the mind and emotions; achieving yin/yang, feminine/masculine, God/Goddess, balance; learning to live in the Tao; using the mind in service of the soul and Superconscious mind; furthers the process of mastering the mind and/or subconscious mind and making it one’s servant.

Learning to be right with self, which is the most important relationship of your life; mastering one’s four-body system, and making all aspects of self servant instead of master; consciousness becomes subservient and obedient to higher spiritual aspects of consciousness like soul and Oversoul, and Superconscious mind.

Learning the difference between knowledge and wisdom for knowledge without wisdom results in separation; application, demonstration of that which you know so more will be given.

Sticking to one’s spiritual ideals; building of one’s information banks on a spiritual/mental/emotional/material/earthly level!

More rapid build up of the causal body, virtue and good karma; building of a flawless character and the 33 Heavenly Virtues, the Fruits of the Spirit; the 12 Fruits on the Tree of Life, that is beginning to be fed by the Water of Life and the River of Life.


Renunciation and the letting go of all attachments and changing them to preferences, hence learning to be happy at all times regardless of what is going on outside of self or with other people; learning to be unconditionally loving, and not conditionally loving.

First learning to love self and the inner child. Then beginning to raise this Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/I Am/God Child into adolescent, teenage years, young adulthood, and full Mighty I Am Presence and Christed maturity.

After learning to love oneself, one then learns in this initiation to love God, and then love other people, then love all sentient beings, love one’s physical body, love earth life, love all matter as an incarnation of the I Am as well, love nature, love mother earth, love nature spirits and elementals, love extraterrestrials, love your planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multi-universe and God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, inner plane Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim, Christed Extraterrestrials, the hierarchy and company of heaven! Loving everything because everything animate or inanimate is an aspect of God. So unconditional love is a big part of mastering this initiation.

Connected to the Second Ray influence, so it also has to do with developing personal and impersonal love relationships with everyone; deals with developing psychological and spiritual wisdom, which is different from the Third Ray wisdom of active intelligence.

Mastery of the Buddhic plane or soul plane.


Beginning level attunement to the Monad, however, the main meaning of this initiation is learning to surrender to God’s Will rather than one’s negative ego will! It is learning the difference between Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/I Am/God thinking and feeling and negative ego/fear based/separative thinking and feeling! For one cannot surrender truly to God’s Will if this is not understood.

Learning to put God first in your life. This means putting the creator before his creation. This means letting go of the fixation on all the false gods, symbolic idol worship, symbolic alternative lovers, or adulterous lovers, little gods, little doors, and pearls of lesser price.

Learning to communicate properly with self, God, the Masters, with all relationships of all kinds, with the animal, plant and mineral kingdom. Learning to communicate multi-dimensionally as well.

A more mental initiation, which also deals with new age science. It deals with developing a scientific mind for yourself and developing scientific systems or ways of doing things to make your life easier! It also involves being open to using scientific breakthroughs in all fields to help enhance your spiritual mission, like for example the use of computers, fax machines, modern medicine, alternative holistic health scientific breakthroughs and so on!

In truth the real full anchoring of the Monad and Mighty I Am Presence doesn’t begin to really come until the 7th, 12th and culminates at the 22nd level of initiation which is full Planetary Monadic realization!

Mastery of the Atma, since the fifth dimension is the Atmic plane, and this deals with mastery of the spiritual will, higher mind, and spiritual intuition!