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Key Revolutionary and Cutting Edge Tools to Achieving Happiness and Inner Peace!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

There are a number of amazing tools I have discovered on my own not from any books or channelings. As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention!” I would like to share some of these tools with you which I have never seen written in any books, yet they are so simple but so profound.

The first one is every morning when you get up and you are thinking about things you did wrong or inappropriately on any level, sit down with your journal or at your computer and make a specific Spiritual vow never to do that again. This simple technique helps you to learn the lesson and helps to turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Secondly, any time you get depressed for example or sad, the quickest way to get out of it is to just make a list of all the reasons why you should be happy. Since your thoughts create your reality if you do this your feelings and emotions will instantly change. It works every time! This technique of writing lists I think is one of the most profound techniques on the face of the Earth! I use it for everything.

If I have a doubt about something and I can’t get rid of it in my mind, I just make a list of all the reasons why I should not doubt and that knocks it out.

If I feel like I am not making progress quick enough Spiritually I just make a list of all the progress I have made in the time frame I was thinking about. Most of the time when we feel bad it is not because it is real, it is because we are seeing ourselves or life from a faulty perspective. We have fallen into seeing life from a specific lens and not from a full spectrum prism perspective. So the creating of a list to counteract that perspective immediately attitudinally heals and knocks out that faulty perspective.

Another example of this is to create a victory log. You list all the reasons you can think of to feel good about yourself and the progress you have made in your life on all levels. I am constantly adding to my list and I even put it on tape so when I need a little pep talk I just listen to the tape. Every day I add more things to it. Because of this I have a million things to feel good about in terms of myself and my life!

One last example is to create a gratitude list. List all the things you have to be grateful about. Everything is perspective and if you make these lists you will feel fantastic about your life. It is not your life it is your attitude and perspective towards your life that is the key. This list method is the best, most efficient, and quickest way to reprogram your whole reality and feel fantastic about yourself and your life.

The last tool I would like to share with you is another one I developed to quiet my mind. It is such a fantastic tool. Most people do not know how to quiet their mind and it unceasingly keeps talking without a moment’s rest. The way this tool works is to create a little calendar for yourself for the week and month. When I get thoughts in my mind I just write down I will think about this on Tuesday, or next Sunday. People usually use calendars only for their outer life. However I have developed a system for using it for my inner life. So let’s say I am processing something that happened during the day that of course happens all the time with people and in truth every day. So what I do is make a decision whether I want to think about that now or not. Most of the time I do not want to. So what I do is I put on the calendar when I am going to think about certain things, or psychologically work on certain things or deal with certain people. So this allows me to stop thinking and processing for I know I have written it down and I am not ignoring it. If I just try to ignore it the mind would keep pestering me. However since I am acknowledging to the mind that I will deal with it, but just not right now, the mind is willing to let it go since it knows it has been written down in my inner calendar and it knows I am always in integrity around working with this calendar. I cannot tell you how this simple little method has helped me. I even put a lot of things I put on a list called tomorrow. This way I do not have to think about it today, yet I know it will be dealt with tomorrow. This allows me to completely quiet my mind when I am done working and allows me to meditate, sleep, rest or just enjoy being silent or being in a being state rather than a doing or achieving state.

Try these simple tools for they honestly are worth their weight in gold! So let it be written! So let it be done!