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22 Key Attitudes to Achieving Happiness and Inner Peace!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The first key attitude to happiness and inner peace is owning your personal power and self mastery over self and in relationship to other people and outside situations. Most people give their personal power away to emotions, negative ego, their mind, subconscious, lower self desire, inner child, appetites, five senses, sexuality, physical body, fatigue, other people, outside situations, to Masters, Angels, Celestial Beings and even to God. God does not want your personal power, He wants you to be a Master, that is why you have incarnated. So the Spiritual path begins with owning your personal power and owning your self mastery on all levels and never giving it away to anything or anyone ever again!

The second key attitude to happiness and inner peace is recognizing there are only two types of people, Masters and victims. You will either cause your reality or the content of consciousness, other people, and outside situations will cause your reality. You are here to be a cause of everything. That is what a Self Realized and God Realized Being does!

The third key attitude to happiness and inner peace is realizing that the most important relationship in your life is your relationship to yourself. Once you are right with self then the second most important relationship is to be right with God. You cannot be right with other people unless you are first right with self and God!

The fourth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is keeping a bubble of protection around you at all times so other people’s negativity or outside negativity slides off your bubble like water off a duck’s back. You could also visualize this as negativity bouncing off you like a rubber pillow. This bubble of protection and owning of your invulnerability, allows you to respond instead of react to all situations. It helps you have detachment and protection, which everyone needs because there is so much negativity and negative people in the world!

The fifth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to learn to love yourself and properly parent your inner child with firmness and love. Also to allow yourself to receive God and the Masters’ love. By learning to do this then you want love, approval, acceptance, and worth from others but you do not need it. You have a preference for it but not an attachment. For you are completely loved within yourself before you ever meet another person. The combination of owning your power and your self love allows you to be whole within self and hence not seeking your wholeness in another person!

The sixth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to see yourself and every person as an incarnation of God/Christ/Buddha/and the Eternal Self. Does not the Bible say, “Ye are Gods and know it not”? We are made in the image of God. There are only two choices. You believe you are a physical body and personality or you believe you are an incarnation of God or a Soul inhabiting a physical body to learn lessons and to become an Integrated Spiritual Master.

The seventh key attitude to happiness and inner peace stems from the last one. If one sees self and others as an incarnation of God/Christ/Buddha/and the Eternal Self then life is nothing more than God meeting God for the purpose of realizing GOD! So the seventh key attitude is, owning the fact that everyone is one with God. The only thing preventing this is the negative ego mind, which in truth is a figment of our collective imagination, for separation does not exist. This is one of the great lessons we are here to learn and demonstrate!

The eighth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to think with your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Mind and not your negative ego/lower self/fear based/separative mind. There are only two ways of thinking in the world and only two philosophies. Either you think with your God Mind or your ego mind. Said another way, you think from fear or from love. What you see in life is determined by how you think. One of the great purposes of life is to think and see only from your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Mind and hence you will only have positive, Spiritual feelings and emotions. For all feelings and emotions come from the way you think and not from people or outside situations.

The ninth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to have preferences and not attachments. A preference is an attitude where you put out what you want, however, if you do not get it you are still happy! Did not Lord Buddha say in his Four Noble Truths, “Attachment is the cause of all suffering. Suffering comes from wrong points of view”? So if you let go of all attachments it is impossible to be unhappy!

The tenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to always remain attuned to God and have faith in God. Where you put your attention is what manifests in life. If your attention is always on God then Godly things are all that will manifest. Djwhal Khul in the Alice Bailey books called this learning to “keep your mind steady in the light!” This key attitude also has to do with keeping your faith, trust, and patience in God and God’s Laws!

The eleventh key attitude to happiness and inner peace is the crucial attitude of looking at everything in life as a Spiritual test, lesson, challenge, opportunity, stepping stone for soul growth, and blessing! Everything happens for a reason and there are no accidents. Everything that happens to us is created by the great law of cause and effect. The proper attitude towards everything that happens to you is, “Not my will but thine, oh Lord, thank you for the lesson!” Every situation of life is there to test you to see if you can remain in your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness in an integrated and balanced way! So whatever happens in life, bless it and thank God for it!

The twelfth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to forgive self and others for all mistakes. As A Course in Miracles states, “Forgiveness is the key to happiness!” God treats you in the way you treat self and others. So you are not forgiving them, for them, you are doing it for yourself. For you cannot have inner peace and happiness without doing this for yourself and others. Mistakes are positive not negative. The idea is to learn from them and as the Master Jesus said, “You are forgiven, however, sin no more!”

The thirteenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to be a love finder rather than a fault finder. It’s like the glass of water, is it half empty or half full? When the negative ego runs a person they are very judgmental and critical and do not give compliments. The Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Mind looks for the positive, not the negative and still makes Spiritual discernments, but does so from a consciousness of unconditional love and forgiveness. Instead of focusing on criticism it focuses on looking for things to compliment! As the saying goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!”

The fourteenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is always striving for balance, moderation, and to remain in the TAO. There is a yin/yang balance to everything in life. Living in the TAO means learning to integrate, blend, and merge that yin and yang. It is like surfing a wave. If you go too fast when surfing you get dumped by the wave. If you go too slow you miss the wave. So it is with life! Lord Buddha lived a life of gluttony and asceticism and finally achieved enlightenment when he followed the Middle Path or the Path of Moderation in all things. Life is a constant process of making adjustments to get back in the TAO!

The fifteenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is a very interesting one called transcending negative ego duality. Most people on Earth do not understand this and it is really so simple. Krishna taught this to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita. He said, “Remain evenminded if you have profit or loss, pleasure or pain, sickness or health, victory or defeat, praise or criticism, remain the same!” An enlightened being and Integrated Spiritual Master lives in a state of happiness, inner peace, unconditional love, forgiveness, non-judgment, evenmindedness, causality, preference, harmlessness, defenselessness, at all times and never changes to the best of their ability!

The sixteenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to always be a Spiritual warrior in life. It takes great courage to live in this world and to become a Master. There are only eight Integrated Spiritual Masters on the planet so it is not the easiest thing to do. It is like climbing a mountain. Up five steps, down three, up four, down two, up three, down one. That is how most people learn. So one must have perseverance and Spiritual tenacity in life. The most important thing is to never give up and just keep making progress.

The seventeenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to be in integrity in everything you do. This means being consistent on all levels. If you say you are going to do something, then do it. Your Spirit, mind, feelings, emotions, energy, physical body and Earthly world should all be consistent and doing the same thing. Most people in this world are lacking in integrity because they are not integrated and they are too fragmented because they have not learned how to master their energy on all levels in service of God and unconditional love!

The eighteenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to be humble and have humility in all that you do. For as the Bible says, “After pride cometh the fall!”

The nineteenth key attitude to happiness and inner peace is to be compassionate towards your fellow men and all sentient beings. For since we all are God, we share the same identity, so other people’s suffering in truth is our own suffering, for there is only one being in the infinite universe and that is God! The negative ego thinking it is a physical body sees itself as separate, so it could care less about other people’s suffering. The Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness dedicates one’s life to service to help relieve the suffering of others. As the Master Jesus said, “The greatest among you is the servant of all!” So have compassion but not empathy. To be empathic means you take on their suffering, and hence you suffer yourself. God does not want this. He wants you to remain happy and have inner peace and help bring others up, not have you lose your happiness and helping others!