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Dr Stone’s Autobiography

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Humble Personal Memories, Dreams, and Reflections: A Spiritual Autobiography in a Nutshell of How I Humbly Realized my 23/24 Levels of Initiation and How I Realized Becoming a Planetary Christ/Mighty I AM Presence/Integrated Ascended Master on Earth!

[This article was written in 2004.]

My Beloved Readers, I had this idea to do an autobiographical chapter on my own personal memories, dreams and reflections of how I climbed my personal Mt Everest so to speak. I ran this idea by Spirit and the Masters and they were very enthusiastic and thought it would be very helpful to lightworkers to get the viewpoint of someone who had realized this in their lifewave. I concurred with their thoughts, as to the value I thought it could be to all of you my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, who all share the same identity with me and God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, in the I Am. In truth it is a very big project to write such a chapter, for how does one sum up in a nut shell 50 years of one’s life and past lives! I very humbly and with total humility suggest that you listen very closely to my words, for I was the first person in the history of the earth to break this 22nd level of initiation barrier, and I am going to show you how you can do the same! I was also told by Spirit and the Masters that on earth as of the year 2004, there were 50 beings who had achieved the 14th to 15th initiation. However, I was humbly the only one at the 23rd level of initiation. I bring this up not to toot my own horn, but to emphasize a point that I must be doing something quite unusual to humbly stand out like this. As I share this humble information please listen very closely to my words, for I am going to attempt to share with you exactly how I did this so you can do the same! This is the very reason for my sharing this with you – to inspire you to become an Integrated Ascended Master in this life yourself!

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, this may be the single most important chapter or lesson I have ever channeled and written, for I am going to attempt to share with you every single thing I did to humbly achieve and step into the position of being the spiritual leader of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram (formerly held by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul), the next World Teacher for the next 2000 years cycle, and next in line in the future to take over the position of Office of the Christ and next president and head of the spiritual hierarchy on a planetary level for the lifewave which is currently incarnated on Earth – which is all of you! This has obviously been a very blessed and graced life and I am now going to attempt to share with you every single key thing I did to achieve and realize this. I am not writing this chapter from theoretical knowledge, I am writing it from direct humble personal experience having realized that which I speak of!

You may ask why is Joshua going to share everything (and I mean everything), with everyone so freely, holding nothing back? Well let’s make this the first golden key. Gold is the perfect color of these keys, for gold is the color of the Christ! I am sharing with you in this chapter how I moved from Adam to the Christ or from Eve to Mother Mary!

The reason I am going to share absolutely everything with you in this chapter as I said is the first key to my success! Jesus summed this up when he said, “If thine eye be single, your body will be filled with light!” When Jesus became the Christ in that lifetime he was a fourth degree initiate. At that time this was a high level of initiation. Yet, it is not until you achieve your 22nd level of initiation that you become a fully realized Planetary Christ and full and equal member of the spiritual hierarchy. The reason I am going to share everything is because I know who I Am and I know who you are! I know my and your true identity to be an incarnation of God and the I Am or the Christ. You and I and God all share the same identity! There is only one being in the infinite omniverse and that is God! God is the one being who just split Himself into infinite numbers of parts! So it is not that we are ascending as some separate being! It is God who is ascending, for we are God. The Bible says, “Ye are gods’ and know it not”!

My Beloved Readers, if I held anything back from you in my sharing, I would be holding it back from GOD, for you are God, as I am. We each share the same identity in the I Am. The I Am in you is exactly the same I Am that is in me! So God the I Am is just ascending back into Himself. It is all the play of God. God only has one Son or one Daughter and we are all part of this one Sonship or Daughtership. If you prefer, God only has one Self, and we are all part of that one Selfship! God has one Buddha and we are all part of that Buddhaship! So if I hold anything back from you in my sharing, in truth I hold back on my self. That is why the Master Jesus said, God will treat you as you treat your brothers and sisters! This is the great illusion all people and lightworkers must overcome. At a very early age I learned this lesson and so I never saw my brothers’ and sisters’ evolution as separate from my own. Their suffering was my suffering! Not that I took it on, for there is a difference between empathy and compassion. However, at a very early age I was able to figure out this whole thing of the difference between Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Mohammed / Moses / God / Goddess thinking and feeling and negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic thinking and feeling! So as the Master Jesus said in A Course in Miracles, to have all one must give all! I have given all, not only to all of you, but I have strived to give all to all sentient being including animals, plants, minerals, nature spirits, devas, Mother Earth and all incarnations of God, animate and inanimate! I followed in my life above all else, “Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto thee!” One unique thing I did was to really put all my eggs in God’s basket! Many think they do but they do not. This is because they do not “Know Themselves”. The think they know themselves, but they know themselves from a very undeveloped state of consciousness.

So to hold anything back from you my friends, is to deprive myself from receiving God myself. For to possess a thing, one must give a thing! The only way I can have God for myself, is to give God to all of you. This is the Law of Life. So in this chapter or article I am going to give you everything, for we all share the same identity in God and the I Am.

So you better now put on your spiritual seatbelts, for I am going to take you on a spiritual journey of all the key things I did to achieve Planetary Christ Realization, Mighty I Am Presence Realization and Integrated Ascended Master Realization so God may ascend! For I am not working for my own ascension, for there is no me in truth! There is only God. Yes I have an individual identity as do you, but this identity is not separate from my identity in God. My focus is to help God ascend. I do not seek to glorify self for there is no self to glorify. This is illusion! There is only God and we all share an individual identity in God. I seek to only glorify God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and God’s Masters! I seek to help planetary earth ascend, the solar system ascend, the galaxy ascend, the universe ascend, the multi-universe ascend, and finally the omniverse ascend! Does a cell in your physical body work for itself and not serve you the greater physical body? Of course not. Why should a drop of water serve itself instead of the cosmic ocean it is part of? If you want to realize Planetary Christ Realization then you must fully comprehend and understand that God equals man minus ego! That God is a being that knows good, without needing evil as a reference point.

So the key to my humble spiritual leadership and worldly success is that I strive to be of the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I Am Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness at all times in an integrated and balanced way. I also strive at all times to transcend negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic thinking and feeling.

I learned at a very early age that it is the mind that leads to the Christ. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, Christ Buddha, Christ Krishna, Christ Moses, and Christ Mohammed. I learned very early in my life that my thoughts caused my feelings and emotions and inner peace and happiness was a state of mind, an attitude, a perspective, a perception, an interpretation, a choice. So if there was one thing that helped me more than anything else it was my attitude and perspective. In my own mind I called this, keeping my head screwed on straight! Very few in life have their head screwed on straight.

The other key thing I did to achieve all the things I mentioned in the beginning of this article is that I realized my relationship to myself was more important than my relationship even to God! That if I was not right with myself I could not be right with anyone or anything in life including God.

So this brings me to the next lesson that has helped me more than anything else. That is, I made the development of my consciousness and psychology the foundation of my spiritual path. Most lightworkers make the spiritual their foundation, and hence in the end the second floor eventually collapses in upon the first floor. I was blessed to be raised in a household of two spiritually oriented psychotherapists! I am not saying they knew everything I am sharing with you now, but they did have a spiritual orientation. This became my profession as well and it provided me an incredible foundation for my spiritual path.

If you listen to nothing I say in this autobiographical story, listen to this! One’s consciousness and spiritual psychology is the key to one’s spiritual path. All spiritual gifts, channelings, clairvoyance, psychic work, healing work, scientific work, teaching work will be corrupted if one’s consciousness is not developed and refined. You must build your inner spiritual house in the right order. Start with the foundation and then build the rest. The Master Jesus spoke of this in his parables. One’s consciousness affects everything!