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We Each are Caterpillars That are in the Process of Turning Into Butterflies!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, we see in nature the exact same process we as humans are going through on Earth on a number of different levels. The caterpillar turning into the butterfly is first, obviously a description of the ascension process. We each live in a cocoon that is our physical body. A great many on Earth think they are the cocoon. Of course in truth we are the soul, who has just incarnated into the physical body or cocoon. When we ascend we either turn the cocoon into light or we just leave the cocoon and become a butterfly! Just as there is a type of incubation process in the caterpillar before it can become a butterfly, we all must go through an incubation process as well called the spiritual path. Before we can be completely spiritually free and become a Christed, Mighty I Am Presence butterfly, we must master the spiritual, consciousness and physical/earthly planes of reality.

Strive in life to become the beautiful butterfly and be spiritually free, which is symbolic of the butterfly’s ability to fly! You notice how there are infinite numbers of of butterflies of all different kinds of shape, sizes and so on! The same is true of people! Some ascend more on a first ray, some second, some third, some fourth, some fifth, some sixth, some seventh, and some become integrated, synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness butterflies, which are rainbow in color!

Just as, if the cocoon itself is physically damaged the butterfly will not be able to grow properly, the same is true of people so take good care of your cocoon. Eat to live instead of live to eat. Give it physical exercise, proper nutrition, rest, enough sleep and so on.

Now there are other levels of understanding this metaphor. One can become a butterfly not just by ascending, but also by being free in one’s consciousness! As Sai Baba said, “The mind creates bondage and the mind creates liberation.” We become a butterfly when we learn to think with our Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess mind rather than our negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / lower self mind. Fear is the mind slayer. It is what weakens the mind. As Roosevelt said, “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.“ One becomes free like a butterfly when they are balanced and integrated and hence live in the Tao. One becomes a butterfly when one learns to be free in the consciousness from all negative ego feelings and emotions. One becomes free in life when one transcends negative ego duality and remains evenminded regardless of what the physical body is doing. One becomes free in life when one owns their power and does not give it to other people or to the content of consciousness or the physical body. One becomes free in life when one can transcend negative ego duality in general and remain evenminded in all ways and all things. One becomes free in life when one sees life from a full spectrum prism consciousness understanding rather than a limited lens understanding. One becomes free like a butterfly when one sees life through a synthesis perspective rather than a singular path or perspective. One becomes free in life when they learn to cause their own reality by how they think, becoming a master instead of a victim. One becomes free like a butterfly when one is right with self and right with God and hence develops right relationships. One becomes free in life when one lives in this world but not of this world. One becomes free in life when one lets go of all attachment attitudes and changes them to preferences.

So one can be a butterfly instead of a cocoon on a spiritual level or consciousness level. One can also be a butterfly on a physical earthly level. When you take good care of your physical body and keep it in balance and healthy on all levels, one is free from physical discomfort. When one physically ascends the cocoon is another form of freedom. When one creates freedom for others on the earthly plane, one possesses that which they give, so they achieve a type of freedom and butterfly consciousness while still living on the Earth.

We each become a butterfly when we can fly in our life. There is a common expression that is used on Earth, about how a person is flying or soaring like an eagle. We have all had dreams at night while we sleep like this as well. When we are flying spiritually we are like the butterfly!

There are many levels of butterflies. There is the personal butterfly realization on many levels. The planetary butterfly realization. The solar butterfly realization. The galactic butterfly realization. The universal butterfly realization. The multi-universal butterfly realization. The cosmic butterfly realization. In truth there are 352 levels of butterfly realization.

Each of our service work is to help other people become butterflies on all these levels as well. For you cannot become a butterfly yourself unless you help others to achieve multi-faceted butterfly consciousness and spiritual, physical/earthly development.

Another level of personal butterfly development is to realize that every thought one thinks, is either a butterfly or cocoon! The ideal is to make all your thoughts butterfly thoughts. The same is true of feelings and emotions. One should strive to have only butterfly feelings and emotions such as love, happiness, joy, bliss, rapture, spiritual ecstasy, inner peace, equilibrium, non-judgmentalness, compassion, spiritual enthusiasm, spiritual passion, spiritual desire, devotion, forgiveness and so on. Negative feelings and emotions are of the over-identification with cocoon consciousness.

Every soul, in truth, is also like a small chick that is breaking out of the egg! The egg is material consciousness and unconsciousness. We are all trying to break out of all limitation, negative ego, imbalance, lack of integration, limited lenses seeing. The chick could be seen as the Christ Child, or Buddha Child, or I Am Child that must grow into a fully matured chicken or Christ.

Even our ideas, dreams, and inspirations are butterflies or living dead cocoons. Dream the impossible dream! Don’t stay stuck in cocoon consciousness. We each are in the process of moving from Adam to the Christ, from Eve to the Sister Mary, from the Little Buddha to Buddhahood, from baby Krishna to fully realized Krishna. The butterfly is similar to a bird in that it can fly and has wings of ascension and resurrection. Birds fly which means they live in the sky and can explore the heavenly realms! We must each learn to have wings like the butterfly and like the Holy Spirit as symbolized by the dove.

The transformation from the cocoon to a butterfly is truly the spiritual alchemy of God! It is symbolic of turning lead into gold, or turning base consciousness or lower self consciousness into spiritual gold, higher self consciousness or the gold of the Christ!

Butterflies are also very beautiful. Everyone loves to see butterflies fly around the garden! We must learn to be butterflies on Earth and embody and demonstrate our beauty and Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, and Integrated Ascended Master transformation on Earth.

Beloved Metatron, at the end of my discussion with Spirit and the Masters, offered to send down to anyone who calls upon him a secret mystical Butterfly Matrix Code, made up of fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries, which will help the soul who receives this become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis on Earth and in heaven.

So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!