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Introduction To The Ashram Of Sananda/Jesus

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Sixth Ray Ashram of Sananda/Jesus deals with the psychological qualities of devotion and idealism. It is important to understand that rays two, four and six are more emotional rays and rays one, three, five and seven are more mental rays. Souls often incarnate in one of these rays but not always. This means two, four, six ray types need to learn to be more mental, and rays types one, three, five and seven need to learn to be more emotional. Sometimes Sixth Ray types in their lower aspect become too fanatical, or too perfectionistic and idealistic in a negative ego sense of the term. They also tend to put people up on pedestals or put themselves on a pedestal of self aggrandizement! Since this was one of the predominate rays of the last 2000 year cycle there has been a good degree of imbalance of this ray on Earth. In a positive sense, devotion to God and the Masters and to your Brothers and Sisters in Christ is a wonderful thing. So is being idealistic as long as it is in a Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess sense and not a negative ego perfectionistic sense or fanatical sense as I have already stated!

The professional focus of the Sixth Ray is the purifying and cleansing of all religions from the contagion and contamination of negative ego misinterpretation. It is also the unifying of all religions. This is the great work of the Master Jesus/Sananda and his ray department.

Some of the past lives of Master Jesus/Sananda are of course the famous one as Jesus and others such as, Amilius, Adam, Melchizedek (not Universal Logos Melchizedek, but the Prophet who was Abraham’s Teacher who started the Jewish Religion), Enoch, Zend, Ur, Asapha, Jeshua, Joseph and Joshua.

You can see how the I AM University is very focused on the cleansing and purifying of the contamination of religions by the negative ego, for in the next couple of years there will be correspondence courses on how to realize the Christ through all the major religions, channeled directly from the Ascended Masters who started these religions.

The I AM University is very involved with raising consciousness around the First Ray focus of politics and government. It obviously is deeply interested in spiritual education on all levels, to say the least. It is deeply involved with business and finances. I have channeled and written books on this subject to help lightworkers develop prosperity consciousness, greater money supply and the ability to manifest what they want. The I AM University is involved with the arts, and this is most pronounced with the annual Wesak Celebrations and the New Age Music and Artwork that is displayed. It is also a keen focus in the I AM University itself and on the website and in everything we do here.

The I AM University is also deeply involved with the Fifth Ray of Science. We strive to bring the scientific focus to everything we do, whether it is the most scientific way to put on Wesak, or the most scientifically creative way to create our website, information packets, and disseminate our information to the world. The I AM University is also deeply involved with the revamping of civilization! In future correspondence courses and on the website, Spirit, the Masters and I are already planning to give out the Divine Blueprint in all Seven Ray Departments of how to Christ a Christed Civilization, the New Jerusalem and Seventh Golden Age on Earth. We are going to reveal the actual blueprint in each Ray department of how to do this, and where we need people to step into spiritual assignments and spiritual leadership posts in Heaven and on Earth!

So My Beloved Readers, become a master of the Ray of your Monad and Soul, but also become a master of all Seven Ray departments in quality and profession! Integrate them all into your being. The I AM University will help you to do this through the correspondence courses, training programs, books, ascension activation meditation tapes, Wesak celebrations, sessions, websites, workbooks and other I AM University services! The Ascended Masters have told me that the I AM University is the fastest path on Earth to become an “Integrated Ascended Master” and “fully realized Planetary Christ” and achieve your 22 levels of initiation and light body. Through the I AM University curriculum you will also anchor your 22 Rays, 22 Chakras, and the first 22 dimensions of reality to become a fully realized Planetary Christ. To become a Cosmic Christ we must achieve 352 levels of initiation, light body, chakras, rays and dimensions of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Mahatma! The I AM University’s goal and promise for those who apply themselves and put God first, and “Be about the Father’s business,” is to help you to achieve this goal first and when this is complete and you are one of the 12 Integrated Ascended Masters on Earth, for those advanced initiates and masters we will help you to realize your Cosmic Christ Realization as well! I am humbly on the path to achieving now my 33 levels of initiation and light body, and as I go through this path I will share it all with you. So you might ask yourself why is Joshua giving us everything so freely and holding nothing back along with Spirit and the Masters? Would you like to know the answer to this question? The reason why Spirit, the Masters and I are giving you everything, including the Keys to the Kingdom, is for a number of reasons. First, to possess a thing one must give a thing. So if I want this for myself I must give it, to have it. As Jesus said in A Course in Miracles, to have all you must give all. If I were to hold back anything from you my Beloved Brothers and Sisters I would be in truth holding back on myself. For as the Master Jesus said, “God will treat you as you treat others.” Each person, in truth, is an incarnation of God, so if I hold back, I am in truth holding back on God and myself which in truth are all one. To hold back on a brother or sister is in truth to steal from oneself. This is why the Master Jesus said, “The greatest among you is the servant of all.“ The only way to find self is to lose self in service. Service, my friends, is the law of life. I need the blessing of giving, as do the Masters, as much as you need to hear the message. This is why service is such a win/win situation. The only way to climb up Jacob’s ladder or the Heavenly Ladder is by helping others up the ladder. The only way to achieve prosperity in your own life, is to help others be prosperous. In truth there is only one being in this infinite omniverse and that is God, and we all share the same identity in God. To hold back anything from you, is to hold back on God and myself which are all one! My Beloved Readers, the I AM University is humbly giving you everything. If money is an issue we will give you partial scholarship for correspondence courses, training programs, ascension activation meditation tapes, Wesak celebrations and so on! As the Master Jesus said, one cannot serve two Masters, God and Mammon! “As for the I AM University and our house, we serve the Lord!” I have spent 30 years with Spirit and the Masters putting the I AM University together! This is why my friend Melchizedek, the Universal Logos has said that for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear: “The I AM University Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential Spiritual Teachings On The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which The Masters Speak Is Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s And The Masters Readership Will Widen Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For The New Millennium!” Please tell all your students, family and friends about this! Spirit and the Masters have decided that the I AM University, which is a co-creation of Spirit and all the Masters, myself, and all of you through your participation, help, and service has the best potential and most accelerated potential for accelerating the creation of “Integrated Ascended Masters,” “I AM Masters” and a Christed unified cooperative civilization on the Earth! We collectively ask you to get involved and help us expand this work in anyway you can! Amen!