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The Djwhal Khul Arcturian Inner Plane Core Fear Removal Radionics Machine!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Djwhal recently told me that there was a new machine he was working with on the inner plane in his office, that was a “radionics” type machine that was much more effective than even the original Core Fear Matrix Removal process! This new machine went into much great detail! I was of course very intrigued by this and asked him to put me on this machine and help me to get rid of my last remnants of core fear or negative ego progamming. I asked Djwhal first how much core fear I had left from all the cleansing and purification work I have done! He said I had about 5% left! So I asked him to set me up with this machine! I then asked how long it would take to get rid of the last remnants of this programming! He said because it was such a small amount left in me and it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack, it would probably take 8 years of being on the machine to get down to 1% which is about as long as anyone can go in this earthly world! What is interesting about this machine is that once you set up the radionics machine to do this, it works automatically by itself 24 hours and day and seven days a week! This is how real earthly radionics machines work as well! I actually have radionics machines I work with my self for various purposes of sending affirmations and sending myself homeopathics and on rare occasions numerical codes!

So I share this information with you along with my good friend Djwhal Khul, to invite sincere seekers of Self and God Realization to make a prayer request to Djwhal Khul to set you up on this Radionics Core Fear Removal Machine! Djwhal was quite excited about it, and it is a much finer and more exacting technology than the previous Core Fear Matrix Removal Program I spoke about in my book Beyond Ascension and How to Release Fear Based Thinking and Feeling: Volume One and Two! Never forget that another one of the definitions of God is, “God is a being that knows Love, without needing fear as a reference point!” So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!