Arcturians Training Program

The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar Advanced Light Technologies from the Future Practical Application and Training Program! By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Friends, this inner plane Training Program for those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM University, deals with the Christed Extraterrestrials and more specifically the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, and Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command!

The focus of this inner plane Training Program has a multi-faceted purpose. First it is to give you a direct experience of some of their light technologies they use on their Motherships to help souls become “Integrated Ascended Masters”, “I Am Masters” and “Fully Integrated Christed Beings”.

As part of this inner plane training they will also do healing on you on all levels, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etherically and physically! Anything that needs healing and repairing will be healed! The Arcturians are the most advanced race in our galaxy so the technologies they use are out of this world! Even the inner plane Ascended Masters in our government use all their technologies! In this inner plane Training Program you will get a full spectrum prism training and experience in the use of some of their collective light technologies!

For each person that enrolls in the outer earthly I AM University, they will install a profile monitoring device, which is connected to their vast out of this world light computers. So any time a disciple, initiate or lightworker starts to falter, they will immediately receive an upgrade to help them correct the problem and remain integrated, balanced and in the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I Am Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness!

In this inner plane Training Program you will receive in-depth educational training in how Christed Extraterrestrial Civilizations work and operate. You will receive an imprint of the future blueprint for the Earth to help make it become a New Jerusalem and Christed Civilization!

Any chronic physical health problems you have will be worked on with their light Profile Computers which are able to heal and correct all physical health problems for everything shows up on the computers. All health problems can be healed if you will do your part as well and if it is in harmony with God’s Will.

The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar and their teams have offered to also train souls in how to use their light technologies as they have trained a great many of the inner plane Ascended Masters.

You will also be placed in the Arcturian Ascension Accelerator. Commander Ashtar has a special etheric crystal he will give each disciple, initiate or lightworker who joins the program to help them in their ascension and initiatory process. Ashtar said he and his team will also give you an in-depth training in the use of sound. He told me that some Christed extraterrestrial planets actually use sound to create and build things on their planet.

So in this inner plane training you will get both, an experiential receiving of all the light technologies and an in-depth Christed Extraterrestrial education as to the role Christed Extraterrestrials play as well! You will be shown all the Christed Extraterrestrial Planets in our galaxy and how they operate each in their own unique way through the Christ Pattern, even though in truth they don’t use the term Christ, for each planet has its own terms to name the Trinity, Mighty I Am Presence, Oversouls, Superconscious minds and so on.

In this inner plane training you will also be given an education and experiential blueprint for a fully realized Christed Body and Christed DNA! This is all very exciting I think you would agree!

These eight inner plane Training Programs for those that enroll in the outer earthly I AM University, in conjunction and coordination with the unbelievable curriculum of the inner and outer plane I AM University, is the most cutting edge, revolutionary, most comprehensive, easy to understand, easy to receive, most practical, most complete, most integrated, most balanced, most full spectrum prism consciousness training by light years, that has ever been offered to the earth! These are not my words, these are the words of Spirit and the Masters! Never has spiritual growth, ascension, the passing of your initiations, realization of your Light Bodies, the development and refinement of your consciousness been made so easy, and so cutting edge and revolutionary. Everything you have done your entire life has prepared you for this moment and this Holy Instant my friends! You can waste your time or go at a snail’s pace, studying disintegrated, fragmented teachings, who teach one lens of truth or a small number of lenses and have not realized the 22 levels of initiation themselves, and spend tons of money attending limited lens, disintegrated, non cutting edge workshops which will help, however, why read a thousand average books and go to a thousand average workshops when you have found, humbly stated, the most refined level of integrated Spiritual Gold on the planet in this work! Again we at the I AM University do not want you to change your spiritual path. We are not seeking converts! We in conjunction with Spirit and the Masters just want to give you this inner and outer earthly plane training to enhance the path you are on. If you find the clearest and highest teachings and Spiritual Training on the planet, why clutter your consciousness and mind with the smorgasbord and glut of good but average, limited, and not fully integrated full spectrum prism consciousness teachings?

This training through the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University will not only help you to become an “Integrated Ascended Master”, a fully realized “Mighty I Am Presence times 144,” and a fully “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christed Being,” it will also save you an astronomical amount of money! For once you go through this inner and outer earthly plane training, you won’t need the glut of all those average books and average teachings and limited lenses teachings and in many cases fragmented teachings.

If a miner is searching for gold and he finally finds the “Mother Lode” and most refined Gold deposit that exists on Earth, does he go mining elsewhere? Of course not! Spirit and the Masters are offering you here the “Mother Lode of the most refined Spiritual Gold on this planet!” This is why Spirit and the Masters have made the inner plane I AM University a “required gate” for all 6 billion souls on this planet which means that all souls on Earth need to achieve their ascension in an integrated and balanced way in order to graduate from this earthly school. The inner plane I AM University is the evolution of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram. Since its creation, all Souls had to go through the inner plane Synthesis Ashram on the inner plane in order to achieve a certain level of integration and balance in their expression of the Seven Rays. So this was not my idea, to make the I AM University a required gate! I was completely and totally shocked when they told me this. That is how highly Spirit and the Masters think of this training. When I wrote my first two correspondence courses, the day I finished I had a dream, and in the dream all the Ascended Masters came to me as a group and told me that these correspondence courses were the best spiritual teaching methodologies on the planet! I did not make up this dream! Some people can distort channelings if their consciousness is unclear, but you cannot distort a dream in the same way. After completing the first seven correspondence courses to my total surprise and shock I was named the next World Teacher for the next 2000-year cycle, a position the Master Jesus had held the last 2000 years in the Piscean Age. This was not something I ever thought about in a trillion years! And then Lord Maitreya asked me to take over his job in the Office of the Christ after going through the appropriate training!

This whole vision I have shared with you in these write ups of the I AM University on the inner and outer plane and all the rest, all came from Spirit and the Masters! I am just the messenger, I did not create the message! I did not come up with any of the spiritual leadership stuff and did not come up with the I AM University and its obvious extremely important role in the divine plan! I could have had a much easier life not beinsg responsible for all these. However, my life is not about my personal comfort, it is about serving God and just trying to do my humble puzzle piece as God wants me to do it! He asked me along with the Masters to do this whole vision for them and I am as surprised as the next guy as to how big it is and how much responsibility I am being given. However, if this is what God wants me to do, who am I to disagree? Any humble success I have had inwardly and outwardly has all come from God! So when God came to me and asked me to renegotiate my spiritual contract, and asked me to do this spiritual leadership assignment for Him and the Masters, I could not turn him down! God gave me everything, and could I give God and the Masters back any less? I humbly tell you that this is not some big ego trip I am launching here, for that is the last thing in the infinite universe I would want! I have not lived that way for 50 years and I am not about to begin now [2004]. I am following God and the Masters’ guidance and orders so to speak. Each write-up I did I asked them to read to make sure it was channeled and written in a way that was harmonious with their wishes. My biggest concern was finding that fine balance of telling the truth and being an open book, but not wanting to come across over the top, and trying to be humble in telling the story Spirit and the Masters wanted me to tell! I consider these write-ups to be some of the most important channelings and writings I have ever done. For I think you can all sense the importance of the I AM University and the very large part it now plays in the divine plan! The fact that it has been made a required gate for all 6 billion souls on the inner plane in terms of “integrated ascension” being a requirement to graduate from this earthly school still blows my mind! The fact that so many souls have already gone through the I AM University or are in the process of doing so blows my mind as well! I didn’t realize how many myself! One thing I fully know is that it is time to anchor the I AM University onto the physical Earthly plane! I can honestly tell you I have never been more excited in my entire life about anything! After 30 years of serving God and the Masters and not focusing on the fruits of my service, it seems like it has humbly been raining fruit the last year [2004]. I am deeply humbled and humility filled by this! Maybe that in truth is the secret to achieving fruit and spiritual leadership. Not caring about it or desiring it! The last 30 years I have just been grateful to serve! I humbly know a great many people have been helped by my work, however, my opportunity in truth to be able to serve blessed me more than anyone else! For in serving others it helped me integrate what I wanted to learn. It helped me to possess that which I was giving. It allowed me to maintain in myself that which I was giving. For the only way to have a thing is to give a thing. If God stopped serving the infinite omniverse would instantly stop. Yet the sun comes up every day and everything continues, for God never stops serving. Let this be a lesson for us all! I need the blessing of service as much as you need the blessing of full Planetary Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I Am Presence Realization at the 22nd level!

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