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Serapis Bey’s Ascension Flame, the Ascension Flames of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and How to Use Them!

By Dr. Joshua David Stone

In my discussion yesterday with Master Serapis, I asked him about his Ascension Flame in the Ascension Temple of Luxor, and about the whole understanding of Ascension Flames and how they differ from the rays. I found out some very interesting information, which I want to share with all of you my Beloved Readers!

What Master Serapis said was that there is indeed an Ascension Flame, Resurrection Flame, and in truth there are millions and millions of “flames” that can be called up. These are the Ascension Flames of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit!

What I was told was that there were three main Ascension Flames, which are the “Three Fold Flame” which exists in the altar of each person’s heart. These of course are the Three Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. Power is the God Flame, Love is the Christ Flame, and Wisdom is the Holy Spirit Flame.

From these Three Major Flames stems an infinite number of minor flames. The flames are different from rays. The flames are qualities of Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/God Consciousness and/or Heavenly Virtues or energies that can be called upon. Every spiritual quality or virtue has a flame. So if you call on the Ascension Flame, from Serapis Bey’s Ashramic Temple that overlights Luxor, Egypt, he will send you the ascension energies that correspond to that flame.

If you call upon the Resurrection Flame the Angels of Resurrection or the Resurrection Council will send you those corresponding spiritual energies. You could call the Flame of God purity, love, forgiveness, peace, mastery, detachment and on and on. The list is endless!

I personally found this very interesting. So, if you are trying to develop a certain quality within you that is weak, call on the Flame of that quality and the council or Angels that are in charge of that flame will send it to you.

You can cultivate qualities within yourself in a psychological sense or you can call them forth in a spiritual sense. Both are recommended.