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Introduction To The Ashram Of Serpis Bay

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Third Ray Ashram of Serapis Bey deals with the quality of Active Intelligence and the business side of things! Active Intelligence is a form of Wisdom that is different than the Wisdom of the Second Ray. It is a wisdom that is more grounded and more functional on the Earthly Plane. It is also a more active wisdom. There are actually many types of wisdom. There is spiritual wisdom, there is psychological wisdom, there is concrete knowledge and understanding, and there is practical, Earthly Wisdom! Many people on the spiritual path have spiritual wisdom but no psychological wisdom, so they are incredibly screwed up and often become fallen beings because of it, even though they may have a lot of spiritual wisdom. Others have psychological wisdom but not spiritual wisdom and attunement and get fouled up equally as bad. Others still do not have wisdom in the form of active intelligence. Active intelligence allows one to be functionally effective on the earth plane! A great many lightworkers may have spiritual wisdom, and may even have some psychological wisdom but they are often dysfunctional in terms of operating effectively in this earthly world! As Sai Baba has said, "Hands that help are holier than lips that pray!’’ To bring your Spiritual mission to the Earth and make it successful you need the Third Ray energy of Serapis Bey! Part of being successful on the Earth is developing a good business sense which many light workers do not have either! They have not mastered prosperity consciousness and haven’t learned how to run their Spiritual Center or work in an effective business manner!

Master Serapis is overlighted by the Mahachohan Saint Germain. They are responsible in this area to help revamp the businesses of the world to make them more Christed in the way they operate! If you feel you need help in this area of dealing with money, business and the laws of manifestation, I would recommend you read the books I wrote on this subject which you will find in the Ascension Book Series! I also wrote a fabulous chapter with the Masters on the 40 laws of Prosperity which you will find in Correspondence Course number one!

Call on Serapis Bey for help in this area as well! Master Serapis also has great attunement to the Egyptian mysteries from his life as Serapis Bey in Egypt!