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Ashram of the Mighty I AM Presence and Monad

Greetings Our Mighty Friends! Welcome to the Cyber-Ashram of the Collective Mighty I AM Presences and Monads on Earth! This is a mighty place to be! Here you will learn about your own inherent might and true essence. You have heard it over and over that you are made in the image and likeness of God! Well your Mighty I AM Presence is your individualized spark of GOD! It is your true identity! Just as God is a Group Consciousness, so are you! Within the halls of our ashram, as anchored into cyberspace in this focalized way, you will learn about your own multi-dimensionality and that you are in truth a group consciousness made up of 144 souls, and not a singular soul as you grew up to believe. You will learn that you are much bigger and mightier beyond everything you believed possible! Expect to learn much in this Mighty I AM University Ashram for much shall be given!

We look forward to merging with you and expanding your consciousness from the inside out!

The Collective Mighty I AM Presences