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The Seven Levels of Esoteric Marriage!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

In esoteric knowledge, it is understood that there are seven levels of Spiritual Marriage to become a fully enlightened being and integrated Spiritual Master. Now, it is not necessary that every person take these marriages consciously for some do it in a sense automatically in the process of achieving Self and God Realization. However, this process can be accelerated if one understands these seven levels of marriage and consciously and ceremonially marries God on all seven levels. These seven levels of marriage deal with the following seven aspects of divinity.

  1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  2. Being born again in Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God
  3. Union with Higher Self
  4. Union with Monad or Might I Am Presence
  5. Union with Holy Spirit
  6. Union with the Christ Principle
  7. Union with God

1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The first marriage with God has to do with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Here one is bathed under water as a cleansing of all of one’s sins and the past, so in a sense, getting a fresh start after the baptism and taking the first steps in one’s Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God new life!

2. Being born again in Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God

The second level of Spiritual marriage is being born again in Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God. This is sometimes esoterically called the Second Birth. The baptism was more of an unconscious second birth and cleansing. This second level is a conscious choice each initiate must make to completely die of one’s old self and to be reborn to their new self and God! They must die to the negative ego, lower self, low life, carnal self, victim consciousness, lower self desire, emotional and mental victimization, hedonism, imbalance, and be reborn to the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness in an integrated and balanced manner, in a focused and dedicated manner for the rest of their life to the best of their ability. This is the second level of marriage to God!

3. Union with Higher Self

The third level of marriage to God comes at the third initiation and is union and merger with the Higher Self, Soul, Oversoul. This is why the third initiation is sometimes called the Soul merge. The Higher Self or Soul is your teacher or superconscious mind. At the third initiation, you have achieved merger in consciousness with that teacher. This should be done consciously as well for this up to the fourth initiation is your true Spiritual teacher.

4. Union with Monad or Mighty I Am Presence

At the fourth initiation you begin to merge with your Monad or Mighty I Am Presence, which is the Spirit within you. This merger and process continues until the seventh initiation where you merge fully with your Monad and Mighty I Am Presence in consciousness in Spirit. The Monad or Might I Am Presence is a higher level of mind than the Higher Self. By the fourth initiation you have achieved a level of evolution that has earned you this higher level teacher which is the individualized Presence of God within you! This in truth is your true identity as the I Am Presence, Monad, or Spirit within you. In Eastern philosophy they call this the Atma or Eternal Self.

5. Union with Holy Spirit

The fifth level of marriage with God is a conscious marriage with the Holy Spirit. In the first stage you were baptized by the Holy Spirit in a Spiritual sense, into a new life with God. However, you had not fully married the Holy Spirit yet. This fifth level gives you the opportunity to fully marry the Holy Spirit in Divine union. The Holy Spirit is the third aspect of the Trinity of God. So this is the first cosmic marriage with God for previous to this, we were still focussing on planetary union with God. This marriage also fully accepts the Holy Spirit as your teacher and guide. This does not mean you cannot work with Ascended Masters or Angels, just that why not have the foundation of your Spiritual life come directly from God!

6. Union with the Christ Principle

The sixth level of union with God deals with the marriage to the second level of the Trinity, which is the Christ Principle or Spirit/Buddha/Melchizedek/God Principle. This marriage occurs in levels or stages for we begin this marriage with the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Principle on a planetary level, seeking planetary Realization of God and then seek higher and higher levels of Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek/God Principle. This occurs on a solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal, and cosmic level. Or to make it simpler, first on a planetary level, and then on a cosmic level. So the sixth level of marriage with God is union with this second level of the Trinity, which is reflected by the Cosmic Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Principle within.

7. Union with God

The seventh and last marriage is a marriage with the Creator and the Godhead. This was reflected in the life of Jesus when the Master said, “I and the Father are one!” Very often as one evolves Spiritually one begins working with the guides, then work with Angels, one’s Higher Self, Christed ETs, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim, Councils of Light. However, it is an interesting phenomena, how in the process many lightworkers kind of forget about God. The higher one goes in their evolution the more they work directly with God and the Trinity. This is not to say that they don’t work with the Masters for they do, however, their foundation lies in their relationship with God.

So in summation, it is worth your while to consciously also have a seventh marriage of union with God! If you have a marriage with all seven consciously this will greatly accelerate and enhance your path of Self and God Realization!