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The Return of the Divine Mother and the Goddess Energies to Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, I consider the following chapter to be one of the most important chapters in this entire book! I have really been looking forward to writing this chapter since it is so incredibly important at this time! I have much I want to say and as the ancient Chinese proverb says, “The thousand mile journey begins with the first step”! It is and will be a most enjoyable thousand-mile journey indeed! On this note, I will humbly begin!

There was a time on Earth during the time of the ancient civilization of Lemuria (which predated Atlantis) when the God/Goddess energies were in perfect balance! In the Bible, this could be referred to as the time of the Garden of Eden, or first Golden Age on this planet! However, when there was the first eating of the fruit from the “Tree of Good and Evil,” this Biblical story speaks to that time when man, for the first time on Earth misused his free choice and thought out of harmony with GOD! This, of course, was the beginning of negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling! This was the first time mankind thought out of harmony with GOD and out of harmony with the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha consciousness!

It was this choice of fear, separation, selfishness, lower-self desire, conditional love, judgement, anger, grudges, guilt, hurt, depression, sadness that also began the process of rejection and abuse of the Divine Mother and Goddess energies on Earth!

This misuse of free choice also began a process of mass consciousness on the Earth to identify with masculine energies over feminine energies! The mind over the heart! Thinking over intuition! Thinking over feeling! Thinking over psychic perceptions! Thinking and science over Spirituality! Thinking, selfish-ness and technology over anything in regard to Mother Earth and Nature!

My Beloved Readers, this caused an overidentification with the Patriarchy over the Matriarchy! Left brain became more important than right brain! Men began to control society and women were not seen as equals! This overidentification with masculine energy caused there to be too much aggressiveness, willfulness, loss of sensitivity, psychological and physical violence, inability to nurture, pridefulness, loss of compassion, jealousy, competition, loss of unconditional love, and a focus on war as a means to get what one wanted!

There became a focus on science and technology over Spirituality and Mother Earth. Nothing was real except if you could experience it with your five physical senses! Logic was favored over intuition, channeling, or psychic perception! There was the rejection and disowning of the 22 Supersenses of GOD that go beyond the five physical senses!

Women were forced to become more subservient and lesser class citizens. Just think about it, my Beloved Readers, people have been on the Earth for 18.5 million years and just 20 years ago we were voting in the United States for an equal rights amendment for women! What have we been doing for 18.5 million years?

Descartes, the famous philosopher, said, “I think, therefore I am”! I ask you, my Beloved Readers, how come he didn’t say, “I feel, therefore I am,” or “I intuit, therefore I am”! Women were burned at the stake in the Middle Ages for just being mystics and channels! Women in the Orient are still brought up to be subservient!

In our modern day society, women are often portrayed as sex objects! They do not get the same pay as men! There has never been a woman President of the United States, and very few women leaders in this world! There are still very few women members of the Senate and House of Representatives as compared to men!

It was only 150 years ago that women were even allowed to vote! Only men could vote up until that time! Again, I ask, what has been going on for 18.5 million years? The cutting off of the Feminine also cut off Spirituality to a great degree. It caused a total disconnection from Mother Earth and the living Being that she is. There was the total disconnection from the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, and Mineral Kingdom. Animals were seen as objects or just pets, not as younger brothers and sisters. They were and still are greatly abused by our society! They are used in the most abhorrent scientific experiments with no regard for the God Beings that they are! They trap and kill animals for furs in the most inhumane ways you don’t even want to know about! I heard a report recently from China where they put bears in small little boxes for their entire life, unable to move so they can extract bile from their gall bladder for the bear’s entire life! This is one of the most abhorrent things I have ever heard of! We all know about the experiments scientists do on animals.

We have the same disregard for plants! Plants are incarnations of GOD as well. They have consciousness and feelings! Maybe not in the same way we do, but they still have a form of consciousness! Yet we rip things out of the ground and just use this Kingdom for our purposes with total disregard! We have all heard about the book The Secret Life of Plants! Plants are living Beings and must be worked with, not just used. We also tear down the rain forests and foul up the oxygen level on the planet all in the name of greed and technology!

My Beloved Readers, it was this same greed and technology which destroyed Atlantis! This disownment of the Goddess and focus on the mind, science and technology, caused the civilization which followed Lemuria on the other side of the globe to eventually be destroyed in a series of massive catastrophic Earth changes which were basically caused by mankind’s abuse of the Divine Mother, Mother Earth and their own Goddess energies!

Even the word mankind! How come we don’t call mankind “womankind”? Even our Spiritual books are all written in patriarchal language! Part of this is the problem of our language, however part of this is because it became the accepted norm of our society, so of course the inner plane Ascended Masters just had to follow the norms of our society to get their point across. Have you noticed how a great many of even our favorite Spiritual books have been written in patriarchal language? This is not a judgment upon these books, as much as a product of our society!

My Beloved Readers, the supreme example of this is that even GOD was seen as being masculine! When we referred to GOD, we were taught to call “Him” the Heavenly “Father.” The feminine aspect was seen as Mother Earth! The Divine Mother was completely rejected from Spirituality!

The Heavenly Father and the Earth Mother form the two sides of GOD’s nature! Kind of like sitting on GOD’s left and right side! The whole study of the Divine Mother is left out of most Spiritual training and schools of thought for it is not understood!

How come GOD was not portrayed as a woman in all the ancient artwork and in our books? Of course we are not looking to do a pendulum swing and overidentify with the Matriarchy, for that would be just as bad as overidentifying with the Patriarchy. It is balance we seek!

Here is another very interesting one, my Beloved Readers! Have you ever wondered why there is a negative stigma about a woman being a “feminist,” however there is not a similar stigma of a man being a “masculinist”?

Women who don’t have a husband are “old maids”! Men who don’t have wives are eligible bachelors and “studs”! In Hollywood, men get more of the key roles! Our heroes are portrayed as these violent, egotistical protagonists on the side of good, having sex with beautiful woman after beautiful woman! There is the incredible focus on a woman’s physical looks and not as much as on her Christed nature!

Even the Masters who formed our religions have all been men! This is not the Masters fault for they are not patriarchal, they just had to incarnate in male bodies otherwise they would not have been listened to by the unconscious mass consciousness! Even the Spiritual Hierarchy that governs our planet seems to be mostly men. This is not really true; this is just what mass consciousness through the lens of Patriarchy has allowed us to see! The Divine Mother and the Lady Masters basically had to back away!

My Beloved Readers, in a great many of our modern day religions women are not allowed to be priests or priestesses! In ancient times the priestesses were revered. With the eating of the fruit from the “Tree of Good and Evil,” over time the priestesses had to go into hiding! This not allowing women to be priests occurs in Fundamentalist Christianity, Catholicism, and the Mormon faith! In the Jewish religion there is the Kabbalah of Jewish mysticism. Women, up until recently, were not allowed to even study the Kabbalah, only men were!

Then we see in our society all the spousal abuse, usually its’ women! We also see this towards children as well! We also see how women have to put up with all the sexual comments and if they report it they lose their jobs because of a men’s club who are in control! There are very few women corporate leaders or who really have the power in our world.

Have you ever asked yourself what our world would be like if women were in charge from the beginning? Would there be as much war? Would there be as much violence? Would Mother Earth be as abused? Would technology be put before Spirituality? Would the mind be made as more important than the heart? I think we all know the answer to these questions!

Getting back now to the Mineral Kingdom! Mankind has had no regard for the Mineral Kingdom. Minerals, gemstones, crystals, and even rocks have a form of consciousness as well! All mankind has done is strip the Earth for greed and its energy concerns. Showing no appreciation or love for this kingdom! We strip mine and rape the Earth and leave it polluted, basically for money! We dump toxic waste into the Earth. We don’t remediate our trash sites properly. We dump nuclear waste into the Earth! We pollute our oceans and rivers, air, and earth! We put gigantic gaping holes in the ozone layer. We create the “greenhouse effect”! We kill off animals to the point where they are extinct! We have as a species, greatly abused the Earth Mother. We have not cleaned up our “campsites” after we have left, so to speak. We have not given back to Mother Earth. We have not planted trees! We have gotten so disconnected from Goddess energies that we have lost all contact with Pan, the Nature Spirits, Plant Devas, Gnomes, Elves, Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines, Nature Elementals and all the Etheric Beings that overlight and live inside the flowers, plants, vegetables, shrubs and trees! It is these beings that create nature, and most of mankind has no idea they even exist. Instead of working in cooperation with these beings and nature, the rejection of the Goddess has caused us to use pesticides, chemicals, and treat nature as some kind of mechanical mechanism instead of the Divine process of GOD it is! We as a species, as part of this rejection of the Goddess, have driven the Nature Spirits, Devas, Elves, and Elemental beings from our farms and nature spots! Yet they have forgiven and waited patiently, as has the Divine Mother and Goddess energies, for the time of their return to Earth, to be honored and sanctified in their rightful place! My Beloved Readers, this time has come!