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The Incredible Importance of Establishing an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Relationship to God on all Level of Your Being!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, this is a most fascinating lesson and chapter to channel and write! It is on the incredible importance of establishing an integrated full spectrum prism consciousness relationship to God. To be perfectly honest I am really looking forward to channeling and writing this chapter! Certain lessons and chapters are really challenges, and are like channeling and writing books in an of themselves and this is one of those lessons.

So to begin with most people do believe in God! This would be defined as the Godhead! Now in Hinduism God is seen as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva! The Creator, the Preserver and Destroyer! In Christianity God, is seen as a triune being, of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christ being the Son or Daughter Principle that we all aspire to realize, which Jesus so perfectly realized! The Holy Spirit, being the still small voice, within, the Counselor, the Answer, the Voice of God! The Holy Spirit speaks for the Atonement or At-one-ment! The Holy Spirit is the Cosmic Teacher and is the exact opposite of everything the negative ego says! It is the voice of love where the negative ego is the voice of fear! It is the voice on oneness where the negative ego is the voice of separation!

Judaism believed in the one God, and so did the Islamic faith who called him Allah! In Judaism they called called YHWH, Jehovah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, or I Am that I Am! That is what God told Moses His name was! The American Indians called God the Infinite Spirit or Grandfather! The Zoroastrians, called God, Ahoramazda! Lao Tse referred to God as the Tao! In traditional Buddhism, they didn’t believe in a God as Creator, but people became the Buddha, much like people in Christianity become the Christ! In Buddhism they refer to the Void! So this gives us a full spectrum overview of Religion!

In other paths God is referred to by other names! In the Huna teachings God is referred to as a trinity as well as Ku, Kane and Kanaloa! The Higher Selves were referred to as the Aumakua! The Egyptians referred to God as Ra! In the path of Eckancar, the path of soul travel, God is referred to as the Sugmad! In Western Spiritual paths as the “I Am”, Heavenly Father, or Father/Mother God! In the Star Wars Movie God is referred to as the Force!

Now the interesting thing about this discussion henceforth, is that so far we have been focused on the Godhead! However, as Jesus very accurately taught, God in truth is a trinity at a Cosmic level, however, as one moves down the dimensional ladder God is broken down into seven aspects, not just three! On Earth we have another aspect of God within us which is the Mighty I Am Presence, Monad or Spirit, which is the “Individualized Presence of God” within us! At the Fourth Initiation this aspect of God becomes our Teacher! Then lower down on the dimensional scale there is a fifth aspect of God which is guiding every soul which is our “Oversoul”! Every Monad, or Mighty I Am Presence is made of up 12 Oversouls! Every Oversoul is made up of 12 soul extensions or I like the term, souls, who incarnate to evolve the Oversoul! So the Oversoul is another aspect of Divinity within us! Then below this on the dimensional ladder is our Superconscious mind or Higher Self. Most people on Earth do not realize they are made up of three minds, not two minds! Most people understand they have a conscious and subconscious mind. However, it is a Spiritual fact, that every incarnated soul has a superconscious mind within them. I also like to call this the Universal Mind! Edgar Cayce who many believe was the great channel of information this world has ever known, was a channel for this Superconscious mind! So the Superconscious mind, higher self and Universal Mind within us is the sixth aspect of Divinity within us. The Seventh aspect is the Soul itself, which is what we are! To have an integrated full spectrum prism consciousness awareness of God, one must realize, that we all are on earth incarnated souls, or incarnated sparks of God! Eternal and in nature. The purpose of life is for the Soul to Realize the Spirit, the Self, the Christ, The Buddha, and God! This is who and what we are in truth or in the Heavenly Ideal, but we all must go through the path of Ascension, initiation, light body anchoring and activation and the development of consciousness to realize this great truth!

Now to continue this discussion, not only are each of us a soul, but each of us is the Christ, the Buddha, the Eternal Self and Incarnation of God already! As the Bible says, we are made in the image of God! The Bible also says, ye are Gods, and know it not! We already are an incarnation of God, however, all have not realized it. There are only eight Masters on this earth at this time that have achieved Self and God Realization on a planetary level! I say Planetary for there are 352 levels of initiation, light body anchoring and activation and Ascension to Realize God! The most advanced being on the planet in terms of working through Earth’s evolution is at the 22nd to 23rd level of initiation and light body anchoring and activation! This is why it is essential to understand that Christ, the second aspect of God, is a Cosmic principle. When Jesus became the Christ, he did so on a planetary level, not a galactic, universal, multi-universal and Cosmic level. Those are levels he is working on realizing now! This is not said to downplay is accomplishment for he was the first to do it at that level of realization, however, this is being said to put the Spiritual path into proper perspective. Many on this path claim to have realized God. In truth this is the height of egotism. For as a said, the most advanced being on this planet now and in the history of the earth has never gone beyond the 22 to 23 level out of 352, and this includes Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna and all the rest! So no one ever has or ever will achieve God Realization on Earth. They can achieve Self Realization or become the Christ or Buddha or Eternal Self on a planetary level and beyond, but no one will ever go beyond a galactic/universal level while living on earth! So strive to become the Christ, the Buddha, the Eternal Self, the I Am, but realize the full realization of this can come in part on Earth, but to become the full Cosmic Christ, Cosmic Buddha, Cosmic Eternal Self, Cosmic I am at all 352 levels will take place on the inner plane! Masters in the past usually left the body at the 7th or 8th initiation. In this New Dispensation of Ascension Masters and initiates are breaking new ground in achieving levels such as the 22 level of initiation and light body anchoring and activation! At this time on Earth there are only three masters who have achieved they 22nd/23rd level of initiation and light body and I am humbly one of those Masters! It is the purpose of this Correspondence Course and the others I have channeled and written, along with Training Programs, Books and Meditations, with Spirit and the Masters to help you do the same! Everything I have done to achieve this, I am sharing with you in this material!

This brings us to the next level of having an integrated full spectrum prism relationship to God. The next understanding is that the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials are manifestations of Divinity as well. To learn from them is to learn from God, for they have realized God at various levels. The Elohim, are the creator Gods, and are the thought attributes of God. The Archangels and Angels are the feeling tones of God! The Ascended Masters are the Human line of evolution or realizing God! These are the three great lines of evolution which in the end become one! Extraterrestrials are connected with the Material Universe still and Spirit, the Masters and my only guidance here is only approach those races that are “Christed!” For there are many lower races of an astral and mental level that are working with Earth, that will slow down your path of Self and God Realization and not enhance it!

The next aspect of developing an integrated full spectrum prism consciousness relationship to God is to remember that all your brothers and sisters are incarnations of God, regardless of their level of evolution and should be treated as such! Every encounter with another person should be a holy enounter. Christ meeting Christ! Buddha meeting Buddha! Eternal Self meeting Eternal Self! Living Soul meeting a living Soul! Incarnated God meeting an incarnated God! We must live in two worlds, seeing the divinity in all, while also retaining our spiritual discernment on the form level simultaneously!

All animals, plants and rocks are incarnations of God and should be treated as such! They are our younger brethren, just as we are the younger brethren of the Ascended Masters and Celestial beings!

All physical substance in the Material Universe and all energy is a manifestation of God for we live and move and have our being in God! This is a crucial thing to understand to have an integrated full spectrum prism consciousness relationship to God!

All forms of extraterrestrials whether they look like us, or like lizards, cats, lions, insects, small, very lean and tall, or however, are all brothers and sisters in God! It would be the height of egotism to think that all beings in God’s infinite universe have to look physically like us!

Nature is manifestation of God! Civilization is a manifestation of God, and it is our job to transform our Earthly civilization into a fifth dimensional New Jerusalem and Planet of Light! Everything that happens to us whether it is so called good or bad, is a manifestation of God, for life is perfectly ordered and there are no accidents. Everything that happens is a spiritual test and lesson to practice Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced way! The etheric nature spirits, devas, elementals, gnomes, fairies, salamandars, undines, sylphs, are all incarnations of God and should be treated as such!