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The Great Secret of the Universe: What you are Seeing in Truth is What you are Giving: Developing Sacred and Multidimensional Sight!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, the concept given forth in the title of this chapter about why you are seeing in life, in truth, is what you are giving, is one of the great esoteric truths, which pass most people, lightworkers and even spiritual leaders by! This understanding is one of the great secrets of polishing, developing and refining your consciousness!

We all know our thoughts create our reality! Our thoughts create our feelings and emotions, energy, actions, physical health and what we attract, magnetize and repel in our lives! Our consciousness affects everything and I mean everything! All spiritual gifts of channeling, clairvoyance, healing, psychic powers and all the rest will become corrupted if your consciousness is not developed! As the Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, “It is the mind that leads to the Christ!” “It is your consciousness that leads to the Christ,” and which is the foundation of your spiritual path!

It goes much father than that; every thought you think is a lens you see through! The way consciousness works is that what ever you think, is the reality you live in and seems true to the person who is experiencing it, but it is not necessarily true from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit’s eyes! So thinking and feeling are much like hypnosis. Most of my work is not hypnotizing people, but dehypnotizing people, for most people on this planet are in hypnosis and I am trying to get them out of it!

The interesting thing about consciousness and the mind is that it occurs so quickly, that we think what we are seeing is the actual situation, when in truth what we are seeing is the projection or extension of our thoughts, which then create feelings and emotions!

Let me give some examples of what I am talking about! A person in the United States experiences what an eastern guru does as appalling, and thinks that is the reality of the situation, when in truth she is seeing it through the lens of someone growing up in the United States and not understanding that different cultures have different customs and that our customs seem just as barbaric to them! Yet the person makes judgments thinking that what they say is true, when it is a lens or set of thoughts and belief systems that are causing them to see what they are seeing and not the objective reality of the situation!

Another example is you see someone walking down the street whom you have never met and you see them as a stranger! Again, it is your mind that is creating this, for that person from God’s eyes is the Christ, a Holy Son or Daughter of God, but you are just not seeing it, because of your mental constructions and your consciousness development!

Another example, a person attacks or judges you and you see an ugly, mean vicious person. The person thinks this is the reality of the situation, when in truth, the only true reality is what God, Christ, the Holy Spirit see which is that the person who did this is living in fear, and attack in truth is a call for love! Another example is that you see a certain situation through your experience of being raised in an upper middle class family, with fundamentalist Christian values, being white, maybe male or female in this example. However a black man or woman raised in the ghetto with gang violence going on, prejudice, police harassment going on perceives it in another way. The truth may be somewhere in the middle! Most people see life through a very limited lens perspective and not from the full spectrum prism lens perspective that God, Christ and the Holy Spirit see life! There are infinite numbers of lenses, which is our thinking, beliefs, philosophy, psychology, programming, that color and limit what we see! We think we are seeing things clearly and objectively, yet in truth all we are really seeing is our own consciousness!

In truth most of the time we don’t have relationship with people we have relationships with our beliefs about other people!

Are you beginning to get what Spirit, the Masters and I are saying here! You see what you are giving out in your mind! Do you see everyone you meet as the Christ? Do you see every encounter with another person as a holy encounter of Christ meeting grace? Do you see the essence of the form level, or both? Some people tune in to a person’s soul or spirit, others into their mind, others into their feelings, others into their physical appearance! What determines what you see is your consciousness and your mind!

Is the glass of water half empty or half full? Do you see the donut or the hole? Are you seeing through indoctrination of religion, race, creed, color, country, class level, educational level, monetary, appearances, prejudice, judgments, superiority and inferiority complex, lack of self love, need for approval, negative ego thoughts, fragmented thinking, faulty beliefs, assumptions, conclusions, perception, interpretation, age, gender, a particular type of psychology, philosophy, emotional lenses, limited lens thinking and hence seeing, mass consciousness! I could go on for hours listing all the thoughts, lenses, beliefs that color what we see!

So here is the key point, unless you really see and recognize that the world is a projection screen and you are seeing your own movie of your thoughts being projected onto the world and people, and not, for the most part in most cases, seeing reality but rather your beliefs about reality, you will never realize Christ or God! For it is only until you learn to think with your Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess mind and emotions in an integrated and balanced way and in a full spectrum prism consciousness manner that you can begin to see people and life clearly and more objectively as God, Christ and the Holy Spirit objectively perceive life! Your thoughts and thinking do not create truth, for that comes from God, however, your thinking and hence what you are seeing and giving, creates the reality you live in!

The only way to realize God, is to see God and Christ in all things! For if you do not see Christ and God in everyone, everything and in all situations working perfectly, you will not realize God! If you are seeing clearly, and hence thinking clearly, for we do not see with our eyes as most people think, we see with our mind and with our consciousness! That is why it is the development and refinement of our consciousness that opens your third eye and not clairvoyance! Many people are clairvoyant but their third eye could not be more closed! For they are blind in their consciousness! Channeling and clairvoyance has absolutely nothing to do with the development of your consciousness! It is not channeling, clairvoyance or initiation level that leads to the Christ, it is the mind and your consciousness that leads to the Christ! Most channels in the end fall or remain stagnant, for their right brain is developed but if they are not in mastery of their mind and emotions, their subconscious mind, their inner child, their negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / lower self thinking, their gifts become corrupted because of their victim consciousness!

If you listen to nothing else in this chapter and lesson, listen to this. Channeling is one of the most corrupt processes on planet Earth if the person doing the channeling is not developed in their consciousness in all the areas listed above! The same is true of clairvoyance, being psychic and any other spiritual gift or talent you could think of! Consciousness affects all! Even if the channel is clairaudient, or soul travels to get their information, if they are not in self mastery of their mind, emotions, subconscious mind, physical body, earth life, negative ego, inner child, the channel will hear the voice of an ascended master or God in total sincerity, but it will be their subconscious mind and negative ego controlling the process! Spirit and the Masters have shown me that channeling is like God or the Ascended Masters or Angels trying to squeeze their message through a water filtration system, and the water filtration system is all the filters of the consciousness. So by the time the message is squeezed through the consciousness of the individual there is so much filtering caused by the subconscious, emotional body, inner child, negative ego, superiority and inferiority, narcissim, personal agendas, fragmentation, lack of integration, lack of mastery, victim consciousness, negative feelings and emotions, limited lenses seeing, belief systems, improper spiritual psychology and philosophy, lack of information in information banks, lower grid attunement, lack of clarity, wrong motivations, lower level of spiritual development, lack of Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess consciousness, ray structure, astrological structure, what is going on in their life at the time, fatigue, clarity or lack there of, that the message that is squeezed through sounds like the voice of God or the Ascended Masters, but nothing could be farther from the truth!

So in truth you not only see with your consciousness and mind, you also hear with your consciousness and mind! That is why the Master Jesus said his work was for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Everyone has eyes and ears but yet they are blind and deaf! That is why St Paul said, “Once I was blind and now I can see!” It is why the Master Jesus said, “Do not try to take the speck out of the eye of your brother, when you have a beam in your own eye!” Spiritual leaders and lightworkers are falling spiritually in droves! Yet 99.99 percent of them think they are at the top of their game spiritually! Never underestimate the delusionary nature of consciousness and potentiality for self deception! Look how people fall in cults, and get deceived by twilight masters! They go to a workshop and think it is the highest thing on the planet, when in truth it is an indulgence in their emotional body and personality level psychology! The only way to have God and Christ is to give God and Christ! How you perceive and see life, is a direct result of the thoughts you are giving! So if you are not seeing God and Christ in every person you meet, and you are not seeing God in every animal, plant or stone! And if you are not seeing God in all animate and inanimate form! And if you are also not able to make spiritual discernments on a form level rather than an essence level, simultaneously in a loving way then you are not seeing clearly and hence you are not giving clearly!