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The Angelic Hierarchy!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Djwhal Khul, in his teachings, has outlined seven great kingdoms that are evolving on planet earth.

  1. Mineral Kingdom
  2. Plant
  3. Animal
  4. Kingdom of Humanity
  5. Kingdom of Souls
  6. Kingdom of Planetary Lives
  7. Kingdom of Solar Lives

Each of these kingdoms is, in a sense, an incarnation of God. There is only one being in the infinite universe and that is God. We are all an expression of this One being, and this includes the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. In this book, so far I have been focusing on the kingdoms of humanity, souls, planetary and solar lives. In this chapter I would like to focus on the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, along with two other kingdoms of a totally different order than human beings. These two kingdoms are that of the Angels, and the Elohim. The Angels and the Elohim are a totally different species of beings than human-kind. I will begin this chapter by attempting to explain these two distinct kingdoms of beings.

The Elohim The Elohim are the creator Gods. These are the Beings that God created to help Him create the infinite universe. In some teachings, the Elohim are referenced as the thought attributes of God, where the Angels are referenced as the feelings of God.

The term Elohim means "All that God is," and is plural which means many Gods. This is an interesting fact because this term is used in the Old Testament over 2,500 times as the name of God. So God did not create the universe Himself, He had helpers, which are the Elohim.

The term Elohim is also one of the power names of God in the Kaballah, which is the book of Jewish mysticism. In the Kaballah, it is referenced as the "Divine Mother". The term Yod Hey Vod Hay or Jehovah is referenced as the Divine Father. The term Elohim is one of the most powerful mantras a person can say. Paul Solomon, in his channelings of the Universal Mind, was told in these channelings to have his students use this mantrum in their meditations above all other mantras. This is quite an interesting piece of information, given that Paul Solomon’s training before beginning his source channelings, was as a Southern Baptist minister.

The Greek word for the Elohim is Exousiai. Rudolph Steiner, the great German mystic, called the Elohim the Spirits of Form. In the Bible it describes the Elohim as saying "We and Our Image," that humans are created.

The book, "The Keys of Enoch" refers to the Elohim as those beings that created the world by the will of YHWH, YHWH being the Jewish name for the Godhead. The Elohim and Angels might be thought of as the left and right hand of God. They are direct extensions of the Creator. Each Elohim has a male and female aspect. and there are seven Great Elohim, just as there are seven great rays emanating from the Creator.

The names of the Seven Mighty Elohim are:

  1. Hercules and Amazonia
  2. Apollo and Lumina
  3. Heros and Amora
  4. Purity and Astrea
  5. Cyclopia and Virginia
  6. Peace and Aloha
  7. Arcturus and Victoria

The Angels

There is a lot more information available about the angels than the Elohim because the angels work very closely with the kingdoms of earth. The study of angels is a vast subject and I will attempt to give you the basics and a skeletal sketch of their function on this planet and also throughout the Cosmos. The first important thing to understand about angels is that they do not have free will as we have. A lot of people don’t realize this. Angels are direct manifestations of the Creator and have no will separate from their source. As I mentioned already, they are like God’s right arm. When we pray to God, God does not come Himself, he sends His angels.

There is an entire Hierarchy of Angelic beings just as there are in the human, planetary, and solar kingdoms of human beings. Angels are governed by Archangels. The Archangels are the directors and the angelic hosts do the work. They do have specific likes and dislikes and individual characteristics. They have been created to perform certain tasks and they do a wonderful job in performing these tasks.

The Archangels and the Seven Great Rays The following is a chart of the seven great rays and the Archangels who govern and serve on these rays. Also listed are the attributes and qualities of Archangels and Chohans who serve on these rays.

The Seven Spheres

RayMasterArchangelQualitiesNatural Service
FirstEl MoryaMichaelProtection, Power, InitiativeRulers, Executives
SecondKuthumiJophielIllumination, Wisdom, PerceptionTeachers, Students
ThirdSerapis BeyCharmuelLove, Tolerance, GratitudeArbiters, Peacemakers
FourthPaul the VenetianGabrielPurity, Resurrection, Artistic DevelopmentArtists, Musicians
FifthHilarionRaphaelConcentration, Truth, Scientific DevelopmentDoctors, Inventors
SixthJesusUrielDevotional Worship, Ministration,PeacePriests, Ministers, Healers
Seventh St. GermainZadkielOrdered Service, Culture, Refinement,Diplomacy, InvocationDiplomats, gentlemen (or women), Mystics

The Orientals refer to Angels as Devas. The Angelic evolution is a parallel to that of human beings. The angels who cooperate with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet are more focused on the "form" aspect of our planet. The Hierarchy is more focused on the consciousness that lives within the form.

Because angels do not have free will, they are not yet "self-consciousness" as we are. They evolve through feeling, and not the power of conscious thought. Angels seek to feel where human beings seek to know.

It is important to understand that there are angels working on all the different dimensions of reality. Those angels of the higher planes consciously cooperate with the Hierarchy and are considered totally equal to all ranks and grades within the Hierarchy.

When people think of angels, they are usually thinking of the Archangels that sit at the throne of God and perform services for God at human’s request. This is not a true picture of the whole process. There is a Hierarchy of Angelic Beings moving down all the dimensions all the way down into matter itself. It is angels or devas that are the mother of all form.

There are untold numbers of fairies, gnomes, elves, elementals, nymphs, dryads, fauns, nature spirits, salamanders, sylphs, undines, brownies, satyrs to name just a few. Every plant, nature area, forest, meadow, has a hierarchy of devas that are responsible for it. All dense physical form, be it an animal, plant, mineral, or precious stone, are being created by these infinitesimal elemental beings under the direction of devas who are in charge of their particular manifestation. Later in this chapter I will go into much greater detail in explaining the kingdom of the nature spirits and elemental kingdoms, but for right now I would first like to give you an overview of the working of the angels of all the planes and dimensions of reality.

Angels are genderless, or maybe a better term is androgenous. They have both male and female characteristics. The word angel itself is derived from the Greek word, angelos, which means messenger. They are the heavenly messengers of the universe.

We are in a third great wave of angel contact on this planet. The first wave was in biblical times. The second wave came at medieval times and in this third wave they are reaching out to everyone.

Angels have appeared throughout history to individuals at critical times in history. Many people do not know this, but Mohammed, who was the prophet for the Islamic religion, was a channel for the Archangel Gabriel. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was told by Archangel Gabriel that she was going to have the Christ child. Gabriel came to the prophet Daniel to help him interpret his dreams. Jacob wrestled with the angel.

There are many good books about angels, and channeled by angels in more recent times. The two books I would recommend most are, "Ask Your Angels", by Alma Daniel, and the "Star Seed Transmissions" by Ken Carey. This last book is a channeling of the Archangel Raphael. It is one of the most profound channelings I have ever read. It is possible to get the book on audio cassette tape with Ken Carey reading the book which is even more profound than reading it yourself. The book, "Ask Your Angels", is the best overview of the Angelic kingdom I have found.

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